Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 12 BnE

*Black Widow’s point of view*


Tingly. That is what my chi feels like. A tingly sensation that gave me goosebumps when I worked with it. When I wrapped the five strands together I felt a sudden jolt in my body. It felt like a part of me I forgot about suddenly let itself be known again. Like drinking water when dehydrated my body felt quenched.


Like that I made my way back to the unmarked pickup vehicle. As I got in Nick handed me several vials and I started coughing before regurgitating the semen I had swallowed. More than half would be unusable but any extra to try and figure out how his powers worked was necessary.


While it would normally be an incredibly gross process that would make me gag at the foul taste this time it was fairly pleasant. Most likely from his body control he could even control the taste of his semen making it slightly sweet. Nick had turned away as I spit up into the vials and put them back into the container before turning back and asking.


“We had ears on you when he told you how to use that chi stuff. What exactly does that do for you? Can you feel any difference?”


I told him how I felt completing the braids and connecting them and he looked down like he did when he was deep in thought. He was most likely trying to think of ways to use this to SHIELD’s advantage and the only way I saw us being able to take advantage of it was to have our agents get fucked by him.




After she left and headed towards the unmarked SHIELD vehicle I waited another hour until it was completely dark before I left. It didn’t take me more than a block to lose my SHIELD tail and I headed to where I hid my duffle bag full of supplies. Getting there and putting on my outfit I headed towards the mansion.


Hitting the side of the fence not exposed to the road I threw a thick blanket over the barbed wire and scaled the fence, clearing it easily. I was on a timer at that point since someone could notice the blanket. Almost sprinting at a speed I could remain mostly silent until I reached the edge of the mansion.


I walked along the edge of the house until I reached a camera and used the broom pole to push it up an inch so I could go underneath it without being seen. If someone was paying absolute attention to the cameras they might notice something but even appearing for a few seconds might go unnoticed.


I round the corner and see flashlights from one of the patrols walking around the house. I push up another camera before reaching the entrance to the basement. If I was going to hide money I’d do so in a vault in the basement. If I was wrong that would make stealing far easier later because I’d rule out the worst possible outcome.


I quickly picked the walmart store lock before hiding behind the foot tall lip the basement door made with the ground. As expected the two guards who passed by didn’t notice me. The biggest problem with having constant guards is that it becomes boring and routine. They might have checked beside the basement door on their first few patrols but never checked there again.


I doubted the basement door was also connected to the home security system if they had one. It was a very old looking door with an outside lock that used the doors own weight to keep it closed. I pulled off the chains and headed inside. Half expecting there to be guards I’m greeted with a very quiet room.


The basement was fairly far down making me have to climb down a half flight of steps to reach the bottom putting it at a twelve square foot room. Opening the door which was conveniently unlocked I entered a very large room covering most of the floor of the house with pillars holding everything up spaced evenly through the entire room.


Ducking behind a pillar I looked around a little better. The room had been converted into a lab with patients held down at the farthest end from myself. The staircase was visible to the immediate left of the group and two separate rooms flanked the sides of the basement. Opening either door would expose me to anyone looking around the basement.


I head towards the left door first while keeping an eye towards the patients tied down. Seriously why have doors just unlocked if you’re trying to not have your loot plundered. Slowly opening the door I’m greeted to the sight of a bedroom. With the only visible light coming from the basement I slowly close the door.


Having traveled to the door I know that absolutely no one else is in the basement and the only people who could notice me are the people attached to the hospital beds. Noticing each were held down with handcuffs and even one in full body restraints I ignored them. I moved to the other door while still trying to remain as silent as possible. Opening it I can’t help but smile.


This has to be a trap. A vault door was open on the other side with visible stacks of cash on a table. I slowly, ever so slowly enter the room leaving the door cracked in case it locked from this side when closed. HOLY FUCK how is this real?

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