Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 121 A lawyer and a CEO

Mary Jane whispered at me in pho outrage. “You can’t just fuck a girl up a breast size and vanish. I would have wanted more.” I had my hand on her shoulder so I could tell now for sure she was a sociopath. She didn’t really care for other people and could put on an act to get what she wanted. That’s what her temper tantrum was, an act.


I just kept smiling at her as I looked at the two ladies I was taking home with me. “Sorry ladies, some people just don’t know when a one-night stand is just that.” Her career skyrocketed as she went from a D-list celebrity to a C-list overnight. Even now she was working towards becoming a B-list one. The D-list would be local commercials, the C-list would be national commercials(think Flo from Progressive or Jake from State Farm) and the B-list would be character actors in films. A list was leading roles and even now she wasn’t at that level.


She could appear as a sidekick in a movie or waitress in the background. She wouldn’t be the love interest in a romantic comedy. That took knowing the right people, she could possibly sleep her way into a role but her acting skills weren’t up to snuff either. She’d be competing with other attractive people also sleeping with the directors for roles.


I looked to my left and beside me was She-Hulk. She was a 6”7’(my ass she’s at least 7”) green-skinned lawyer I was talking about maybe becoming a retainer for my companies. It was strictly business but if things led to something else then I wouldn’t have minded. To my right was another woman I picked up from the party. 


She was a businesswoman of a failing business. I thought that I might be able to get her business for a bit cheaper if I put the moves on her… She was old though, even older than I’d be comfortable with so I’d have to de-age her twenty or thirty years to start the negotiations. Miranda Pullman was in her sixties and the CEO of Phizzy Cola Industries and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. I was looking at branching out into food production and also transportation and I needed something to spend my money on so the IRS wouldn’t ass fuck me come tax season.


Purchasing a failing company for a hundred million and converting it into a successful one that began to purchase land for tax purposes was what I was shooting for. This would have been a test for Jennifer Walters to make sure the legal arrangement went through before I put her on retainer… If a threesome was to come from it then who was I to disagree?


Mary Jane just stood there waiting for me to respond. “You had two boyfriends when I met you. I’m sorry but I’m a very selfish person. If I get you I want you to myself. If we were going to be anything more than a one-night stand I wouldn’t want you seeing anyone else… And I knew you would. The first time you could get a role if you slept with someone you would. I know it’s wrong to have a ton of girlfriends and fuck buddies but once again I’m selfish and don’t care if it’s one-sided.”


All three girls looked at me stunned that I just came right out and said it. I knew that every woman I slept with would have a better life than if they didn’t sleep with me. I fixed them and made them stronger and more beautiful. If they wanted something more emotional I would be there for them and I was for many of the women. I was even paying for many of them now that I was making so much money. Having one of my children was writing yourself a blank check because I’d do anything to keep my children happy.


I started again. “I… My power is I can fuck power into anyone I sleep with. The way it works is it prepares your body for cultivating and by doing so you become your ideal form. I don’t want to say that sex with me is completely transactional but there is a reason some of them are sticking around. If you want to make it a transaction then pay me for the sex.”


She looked at me like I said the most nonsensical thing any person has ever said to her before. I looked at her before stating. “I don’t know if you noticed but I came here with many, MANY beautiful women and I’m leaving with two different ones.” I put my hand on Ms. Pullman and de-age her ten years. Her beauty rapidly comes back as she looks more like Veronica Cale before she de-aged herself.


It was just to prove I could and I had done it without consent. If she really asked me to I’d re-age her but the sudden shock as aches and pains she had were suddenly gone let me know she probably wouldn’t. Besides the headache I was trying to hide because changing someone without permission was more difficult I felt no changes in the giant well of biomatter I had.


Mary Jane finally got it. With a slight nod as if she agreed with me she said. “...How much?” I couldn’t help but chuckle as I hadn’t planned for this at all. I think about it a little more before I say. “Five thousand.” She finally understood why I asked for that amount before bartering. “Four thousand.” I just laugh before saying. “Fine, it’s not about the money.”


It really wasn’t. I was a billionaire but if she was going to sleep with me and possibly sleep with other men to further her career I wanted it to be an exchange instead of just me getting fucked while I fuck her. Even still she kind of killed the mood. “Later, actually give me your number. I’m going to be buying Ms. Pullman’s business if everything goes well.” 


I got Mary Jane’s number before sending her a text. ‘When?’ She was still in the lobby of the Stark building and I led the two away. A short portal to my building and we made an agreement for me to purchase her business. Having de-aged her again talks led from one thing to the next and I was having sex with Jennifer and Miranda.


It goes without saying that She-Hulk was a size queen. It would have been an uphill battle to make her cum if I couldn’t add a few inches to the length and another inch to the width. Burying a footlong in her as I fucked the two slowly and passionately surprised by how hard Miranda tried to keep up with the two of us. Even to the point of taking my dick when it was still sized for She-Hulk.


To be fair a few inches were still outside but it was the effort that mattered. She was the scrappy underdog in the bedroom and every time I thought she was out she’d take a quick five or ten-minute break before rejoining us. The sex was great and I could relax some because it wasn’t like I needed to satisfy a group of women, just the two.


I was in a spot in my life where if I didn’t grow my businesses I still might become the richest person in the world. I still had plans but they didn’t seem that important at the moment. I de-aged her again bringing her back down to her early thirties or later twenties. She was barren so I fixed that and her heart murmur. I noticed Jennifer had the kink of romance. 


She just liked the idea of big gestures and wanted someone to love her and do normal boyfriend-and-girlfriend things with her. She didn’t go on many dates. It was one or two then she’d have sex with them and they’d flake on her. I had no plans of doing that and we laid in bed talking while Ms. Pullman snored beside us.

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