Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 135 Miles dropped the ball

Miles Morales's Point of View


We made our way towards the explosion we were ordered to take. When I seen our enemy I cursed at our bad luck because we got the easiest one. Gwen had the civilians run away while I kept Carrion distracted. It wasn’t hard, he was practically a normal human. Throwing quips around while he kept rushing towards me trying to touch me. I could only laugh, I hadn’t fought the guy before so I didn’t know what his powers were but if he was trying to get into melee range I thought it must have been super strength or something.


Gwen managed to get the civilians away and she wanted to finish it quickly by teaming up. I was being cocky and turned away from him for a second to look at Gwen before my spider-sense went crazy. He had been sandbagging the entire time and the moment I dropped my guard he started flying towards me. Moments away from being touched Gwen knocked me out of the way.


When he touched her face she cried out in intense pain. Melting through her mask I could already see the blackened decaying skin from his touch. I just saw red after that. When I came to Carrion was already dead and my fists were covered in dead skin and blood. Gwen was looking at me with fear in her eyes…




As he spoke I grabbed his hands to heal. It was a short fight but Carrion was always a D-list villain. I’m surprised he didn’t trip and fall on a knife, his plot armor must be in the negatives. How the fuck did he manage to hurt either of them is the real question. That being said, after I healed him I asked. “So where’s Gwen at, I’ll get her healed up and ready for combat again.”


He just sighed before saying. “I don’t know. She… She ran away. When I saw her face… I just, I felt so bad for her.” I couldn’t help but start to chuckle evilly in my head as I realized why I was so focused on getting to the bottom of what happened. The first reason was, that I liked comics, and hearing even a secondhand version of something that probably happened in a comic in the real world was pretty cool.


The second was obviously for her. This pretty much cinched it. My plot armor is a new sixth sense driving me towards women I want to sleep with. I wanted Gwen so circumstances played out to get her to break up with her boyfriend at the time… I don’t think that’s the exact case though. If Miles hadn’t snapped he most likely wouldn’t have scared her away.


I think it might have had to do with Gwen also being disfigured. She might have thought he couldn’t look at her because of the decayed skin on her face. I pinged for her with magic and found her training in an old abandoned warehouse overlooking the water. I made loud noises as I entered to not scare her like I did with Silk. She managed to get her mask up but my enhanced senses heard the wince that even just running fabric over her decayed skin caused.


I entered and she was on guard right away. I just smiled and waved at her before saying. “Hello, I’m here to fix your face.” She didn’t drop her guard at all as she asked. “Who are you?”... Well I guess not everyone will know who I am. “Did Peter really not mention me at all? Healed his Aunt May from dying with a snapped neck. Started fucking her and she got super powerful from it. That ring a bell?”


Her brain froze at my candidness. Letting her know about the harem was the first step, especially if I wanted to make her a girlfriend instead of a fuck buddy. It might seem counterproductive to admit I’m sleeping with someone else but slowly her prejudice would be eroded and she’d fall to me. I said. “I’m from the one hundred, I know you’re Gwen Stacy, I know more about you than probably anyone else in the world. Now, take that mask off let me look at your jacked-up face and fix it before you develop a complex.”


Once again I was being blunt to throw her off balance. If a girl is as pretty as Gwen she’d have been called beautiful a thousand times by now. How many people would say she had a jacked-up face without lying? How many people could cure that problem she had? There was one more thing I needed to do before I completely cured her. She stood in silence as I approached.


“Miles said you ran away. What was that about?” If she was guarded before she grew pissed at me bringing up her boyfriend. Bringing a wedge between the two of them was necessary if I wanted them to stay apart. If I just walked up, healed her, and left then they might get back together. “Gwen. Take your mask off so I can heal you.” Now, I didn’t need to see her face and could heal her through her arm or any exposed skin. She didn’t know that though.


She removed her mask and it did look bad. Who cares though? She’ll look bad for a few minutes until I completely cure her. I grab her by the chin and turn her scarred face towards me. She winced in pain again as I stared at the skin. It wasn’t two face levels of bad but the blackened dead skin probably left a ton of nerves exposed making her feel constant pain. 


Necrotic flesh with her upper left lip coming up to form a partial smile. The ring finger went between her nose and face with the middle finger going across her eye and the final finger reaching her forehead. She looked like someone branded her with their hand. I spoke very clinically like a doctor would. “It will be easier to deaden the nerves and cut off the dead areas.”


I stopped her from feeling pain as I pulled out a scalpel designed to cut enhanced people. She stopped me. “That won’t. Normal knives won’t hurt me.” I just start cutting making her need to close her eye from the leaking blood from her forehead. “Special knife. Can cut up to high superhuman endurance.” It didn’t take very long as I perfectly cut her face into an even worse shape as I asked.


“So. How’s your dad? I heard he wants to run for mayor now, going to have an uphill battle against Wilson Fisk and Norman Osborn. Both are criminals going to cheat to beat him, it’s likely to get him killed if he keeps pursuing it.” 


She just kept looking into my eyes as I cut her lip wider. She tried talking with the sudden leaking mouth. “Yeath. Well, not mucth I can do.” After fully removing everything she spit out some blood and waited for me to heal her mouth before asking. “So… Why weren’t you scared of my appearance?” I could only laugh which made her mad. I took out my old ID and handed it to her.


The shocked expression she made from the picture of my old self made me laugh twice as hard. “I had a gigantic facial scar the first month of living in this universe. Even though I cured myself I could still see the looks the doctors and nurses gave me. It was like I still had the wound visible, they couldn’t get passed it mentally. I think that some people will always view you at your lowest no matter how much you change.” 


It was another subtle dig that might lead to another fight between her and Miles. I couldn’t rush their breakup and I wasn’t going to force it but if it was so rocky that a few sentences could break them up they really shouldn’t have been together. I just hoped it would be enough. If they stayed together after this then I’ll let them be but if she breaks up with him… Then she’s up for grabs.


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