Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 139 Mutant Powers

I made my way through the crowd of newly chosen mutants as Charles Xavier gave his speech. It had been a month since I began human testing for the MAGS drug to make people mutants. I had perfected the drug and used it, but even after perfecting it, there were still problems. Becoming a mutant should lock you out of learning to use chi or magic.


If someone I had sex with used it they’d lose all their strength and even could die if they were unlucky. With mana control and force control, I was able to pull it off and learned enough that in the future I might be able to activate everyone's mutant gene. The big thing was… Why bother? If you look at it as how strong they are compared to heroes and villains, most would place in the top 1%.


Think about it. How many heroes and villains are super strong, durable, fast, smart have greater senses, access to chi, access to mana to use spells, and access to a suit of armor on the same level or even better than Iron Man’s? Even my fuck buddies would probably be close to if not in the top 1% as well. I think five of my villain fuck buddies were put behind bars but that didn’t stop me from having conjugal visits to make them stronger. 


It was overkill right now, perhaps if an actual threat shows up, like if Darkseid is revived somehow then yes, I’ll go all out in strengthening them. For now, they can just keep getting stronger by having sex with me. While I had mostly perfected the mutant drug, there was still a chance that it would backfire and cause death. The tenth iteration of the drug dramatically decreased that number.


I listened to his speech as most people were enraptured by it. Was he using his mental powers to keep their attention? I didn’t think so. If he was he was intentionally avoiding me specifically. I think it was just his natural charisma. The new wave of students numbered the hundreds as I scanned the crowd looking for mutants and metahumans I know.


“Sometimes being gifted with powers doesn’t feel like a gift. When being different than everyone else around you makes you feel isolated even in your own home. Here at Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters. You can be yourself for the first time in your life. We’ll be your second home where you can feel comfortable with your gifts. I would just like to say welcome incoming students and welcome home.”


God that man can talk. Really sucks that we fought in the previous life but it probably had to deal with him being invasive about my mental defenses. For a guy who says he doesn’t read everyone's minds he sure likes to do that. That’s like his favorite thing to do actually. His second would probably be altering people's memories followed by mentally manipulating people and ripping off the parents who were paying seven thousand dollars a month to send their children here.


I guess paying for jet fuel and X-men costumes does add up quickly. Plenty of mutants but it was only about one in ten that I recognized from the comics. Speaking of which… What the fuck was baby Scott Summers doing here? I walked up to him and asked. “Are you Scott Summers?” The fourteen-year-old, pimple-faced boy answered with a cracking voice. “Y-yes.” Before he cleared his throat and spoke two decibels lower like someone intentionally making his voice low. “I mean yes. That’s my name.”


My brain kind of shut off because this isn’t Scott Summers from the comics. Scott was the leader right underneath Charles… Canonical Scott was the one who made the X-Men comics though… HOLY SHIT! Of course, the guy who writes them would take some liberties with them and make himself a more important character. Through sheer force of will I didn’t burst out laughing at him as I offered him a handshake. “Hello. I’m Danny Storm. Nice to meet you. I’ve actually heard a lot about you. Those glasses can shoot laser beams right?” 


He clears his throat again and talks normally this time. “They will after they’re fully charged. The professor made them for me to increase my combat power!” He sounded so happy but that didn’t sound right either… Did he lie about his powers in the comics too? He spoke again excited for being here. “Y-yea. He said that I’ll be able to fire a laser beam once per day if I keep them on to absorb my powers.”


…So he’s significantly weaker than he was in the comics and to be honest. To start with, he was fairly weak in the comics. He fidgeted before asking. “So… What’s your power?” I could only smile at him as I asked. “Give me a high five.” As he did so I said. “Look over at that tree and take off your glasses.” He does and a laser beam rips from his eyes and torches the tree.


The beam was so strong his head practically snapped up making him look into the sky as his laser shoots into the air. He shakily pulls the screen over his face again to absorb his powers as I slap my power off of him. The crowd of people went silent as I waved at Charles. “Hi, Professor. Sorry about that I was just showing off my mutant power to Scott here. I can boost other heroes' powers for about a minute when I touch them. I was thinking of Boost or High Five for my hero name… Anyways… Carry on.”


Everyone still looked at us as Charles began to stay on point. “Right… Anyway, you’ll all have the first week off for testing to see which classes you’ll be in for schooling. As special as you all are you still need to know the basics in math, science, and history. We’ll have plenty of extracurricular activities for you to join as well as many clubs. I’ll leave your RA’s to get you all settled in and once again. Welcome to Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters.”


We walked in. I had lowered my height so I didn’t stick out so much. I was planning on sticking to the very basic amount of powers as I learned how to control my mutant power. It was the only power to show up at a rank below one. I knew it would be really, really strong once it was fully powered. As powerful as boosting other mutants' powers was, no mutant had that power specifically.


Yes, Apocalypse could boost his four horsemen and Nathan Grey or Hope Summers could increase other mutants as well but it was because they were extremely strong, almost reality-altering levels of power, and didn’t exist in this world. There was no time travel, so no Cable, no… Wait Scott made all that shit up, didn’t he!? He probably had a crush on Jean and made up their future children, that’s why stories that involved them made no sense.


He also started with a clone, I wondered if Madalyn Prior was real or if he made her up so it wasn’t so creepy. Still, it was odd to see him so much weaker and smaller than his comic version. I could only smirk when I saw who our RA was. Jean Gray led the group of boys toward our rooms as she explained things to us. Her eyes kept drifting towards me and the faint hint of blush on her cheeks let’s me know she must not have a boyfriend.


I chuckled as I thought, this would be an interesting few months.


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