Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 14 Jackpot!

As the person exited the shadows I could make out his bedraggled look and see he was a homeless man. Still wearing the ski mask and dressed in black the homeless man approached me asking. “Spare some change?”


Holy fuck calm down heart. I took out a fifty from my pocket of the money I still had remaining and said. “If anyone comes through here looking for me don’t rat me out unless they pay you more than this alright?” Without getting an answer from him I took off down the alleyway before making my way back home.




The homeless man went back to the cardboard bed he made for himself and went back to sleep. About ten minutes later some mafia goons entered the alleyway. The homeless man got up and started making his way towards them. One of the men had his gun out and ready before he saw what the man looked like and the slight hint of fear was covered by disgust. One of them ran through the alley to the other side while both looked around for any signs that the thief had passed through.


The homeless man asked. “Spare some change?” The disgusted mafioso covered his mouth with his hand to not smell the man and kicked him square in the chest. He disdainfully said. “You better tell me if you saw a guy pass through here or I’ll blow your brains out.” The man then gestured with his gun for him to speak.


The homeless man ignored him and crawled back towards his cardboard bed before the man spoke aloud to the other two with him. “God the homeless are so disgusting.” He was half tempted to go and kick the man while he was down but decided against it, running through the alley to look for the man.


The homeless man turned towards the wall of the alley before pulling an inconspicuous watch to his face and speaking. “A rat has entered the birdhouse. Possibility that egg was stolen. Asking how to proceed.”




I dug out the bullet in my ass but I couldn’t reach the one in my back without help. It was a painful night with little sleep as I counted the money removing the trackers and searching for dye packs that were inside to ruin the money if it was stolen. There were no dye packs when I realized that a criminal organization obviously wouldn't use them. Thankfully I took my time and none went off while I was running, or when I stepped on it clearing the fence.


187,500 dollars were there. Altogether a small fortune was collected in a single day. With this, I didn’t have to worry about the immediate future. Really that amount was probably what they got in a single week. If they were making about ten thousand per car five cars a day, not even a week's worth was stolen.


I stood up and slowly put on an extra shirt in case blood leaked from the wound. I could heal it but without complete control, I might seal the bullet inside instead of pushing it out. At the same time my regeneration is going to make any attempts to remove the bullet would need a knife to widen the entrance point.


I left my house and waited for the person. After the breakfast rush, she showed up for lunch time. I didn’t go to her right away because she just started work. I would need to wait until the end of her workday to ask for help. Over that time, I saw her boyfriend show up and kiss her. 


They spoke animatedly with smiles on their faces for a few minutes before he left. Two hours later the other man I didn’t recognize had shown up. He once again snuck a kiss on the back of her neck before holding her hand and messing wi-. God damnit! She’s already Jackpot in this universe. I audibly groan and I’m glad I watched from the outside of the coffee shop. That would make the skinny hippy guy Paul. I’m half tempted to go over and kill both of them so no one has to read another Jackpot comic book.


I waited for him to leave and then another two hours before I went into the coffee shop. I ordered some food to be delivered as I sat down. As I waited I acted casual and pretended to read the newspaper I had brought along even though I had already read it waiting for her. She brought my food over and I grabbed her hand before giving her the biggest smile I could.


“Thank you so much, miss. Are you by chance a movie star?” She couldn’t help but smile as she said. “Ah, you might have seen me in a local commercial for used cars. Sal’s auto store, maybe from that?”


She asked and I almost had to hold back a laugh as I continued. “Well maybe. It’s just you’re so beautiful it’s hard to see you doing anything else but being a famous actress.”


We made small talk for another minute before another order came through and she had to leave. I finished my meal and waited for her before getting up. “Miss any chance you're getting off soon? I could use some help with something and I’ll pay you five hundred dollars to help me.”

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