Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 16 Mary Jane 02

She made her way towards the bed and lit some candles. By the time I was done with her those candles would be close to stumps. She sits on a corner of the bed and waits for me to make the first move. I take the hint and close the distance sliding a leg between hers and passionately kiss her for minutes. 


Practically sucking the air out of her I undo the negligee top and begin to massage her breasts. I begin to rub circles around her nipples with my thumbs before breaking off her kiss and placing one of her breasts in my mouth. I’m half tempted to leave a hickey but decide against it. I just wanted to fuck her not ruin any chances she has with either man she’s dating.


I pull her in closer and start kissing her even more passionately as I let her feel my hardness on her leg. Finally pushing her over I continue to kiss her while I slowly edge her underwear off. I glance down and see the well trimmed red bush rub against my leg and the wetness lets me know I’m done with foreplay.


I pull her so she’s in a more comfortable spot on the bed and begin slowly. We had all night to get this right and I didn’t need to be impatient. Slow shallow thrusts leave her gasping into my mouth just inches away from her own. I gave her tentative almost loving kisses as I slowly picked up speed. I brought her to orgasm first, then again, then again before I came myself.


She heaves in deep breaths trying to recover from our love making before I continue. I speed the pace up once again, not going all out but a moderate pace I thrust into her. At about the third orgasm again I can’t hold myself back anymore and start fucking as deep as I can go. Like our parts were made for each other they fit almost perfectly and that leads me to fuck harder and faster.


When she hit her tenth orgasm she had to take a break. On wobbly legs she made her way to the bathroom while I checked out her fridge. I grab out her orange juice and pour us two cups before making my way back to the bed. 


Even if she cleans the sheets, that stain sank deep into the bed. It would take days to fully dry and would leave a permanent smell if she didn’t deep clean it. Mary Jane was a gusher leaving a puddle almost the length of the bed where our sex met and would leak. She almost kicks the door open when she comes out before saying.


“Did my tits grow bigger?”


I couldn’t help but laugh when she said that. So now we get to what peak human means. Peak human means different things for different people. If a person wanted to be a peak human at weight lifting then they’d look tremendously different than someone who wanted to be peak human at running. So how did the body know what to change? 


It really didn’t so it relied on what that person thought a peak human was. Mary Jane is an actress striving to be one of the most beautiful women on the planet and the amount of men who turned her down from rolls while looking at her b-cups was enough to give her a complex about them.


She often stared at herself naked and played with them wishing they were bigger. She stared at them enough to notice even a small change but them going up half a size was more than a small change. I didn’t give her any indication that I knew why her breasts were suddenly at B+ if that was a thing.


Even her tiny nipples she disliked were a little more prominent on her body. I could only smile and hold the two glasses of orange juice up for her to know I got her a drink already. She downs the whole thing while I sip at mine and takes mine from me to finish it which kind of irritated me a bit.


During the war there was a food shortage and if you didn’t watch your plate you might end up getting food stolen. Every single chow time led to a fist fight as someone would steal a roll or brownie from another's plate. It made me somewhat territorial about my food and drink. I couldn’t help but think of a way she could make up for stealing my drink.


I pin her down and start kissing her roughly. Just like the nurse her body and mine became more and more compatible the more we had sex. I couldn’t wait to test this out fully on someone I planned to sleep with regularly as I sloppily kissed and licked her. I lined myself up and plunged into her depths fully. Even now the memories from my first life going too fast and hurting a lover made me hold back unconsciously.


At least for the first thrust to know for sure that she’s fully ready. For a few thrusts I go slow like we did when we started. Then I sped up to a moderate pace. As she came to her first orgasm I sped up fully fucking away as hard and fast as I thought she could handle. Plowing into her at that speed made ripples go through her whole body.


Her tits bounced with every thrust and the soft moans she had near the start had turned towards primal screams as she could only breath heavily and wait for me to finish. I stopped keeping count of the orgasms and only stopped when she went unresponsive. I was taken aback by it to be honest. 


I didn’t know that you could fuck someone unconscious. I thought that was a porn and movies type thing were they’re fucked so hard once they pass out. I guess it is possible and I’d have never known this if I didn’t have all this money to blow. God damnit I had a good quip to say after I left her a mess and I wont get to say it now. Fuck it, I’ll say it out loud to myself. 


“Face it Mary Jane. You just hit the jackpot.”


…God that was cringy, I’m glad she’s unconscious. I really wanted to have more sex but I guess we’ll finish here. Once again I feel sorry for those who will come after me but fucking Mary Jane was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I put out the candles before I tried putting her somewhere on her bed that wasn’t soaked. After that I left making sure to lock up.

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