Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 27 Puking is so heroic

I sprinted out of the building. When we talked about who to hire I had him put feelers out for several women I had an interest in and one had just shown up. She was seen near the collapsed building. So was the man she was with. Where would she go? It’s been a day they could be anywhere and.


There it is. The last known location was the Lex Luthor luxury hotel. I’m sweating as I reach the door and don’t notice anything. Fuck, I can’t let them leave but I need to find her. Where would the cameras be? I look around and head into a maintenance area. Kicking the door in I scared the shit out of a security guard who was eating his food.


I lie and say I’m from the FBI. After getting him to go through the previous hours of footage I see them. Heading to the top floor presidential suite I scan the key card then slowly and quietly as possible open the door. I hear the sounds of sex coming from one of the rooms. I’m furious as I open the door and rush at him. I see red as I stab the Purple man in the throat with my knife over and over again.


My rage abates as I look at the bloody mess of a person left on the bed. Tears flowed from my eyes as I looked at the woman drenched in blood underneath him. She isn’t Jessica Jones. Jessica was standing naked watching from the side of the bed. Jessica snapped out of her mind control as he died and looked on in horror at the scene in front of her. I step off the bed before vomiting. I wipe the blood off my hand and hold it out for Jessica to shake. “My name is Danny Storm. It’s nice to meet you Jessica.”


This was the second time she fell under the control of the Purple man in this timeline. The first time she was freed after losing contact with him when he sent her to die fighting the Justice League. Ahh I had cards made for this and I think the sooner I leave the better. “Here’s my card. Sorry about this mess I just thought… Well that doesn’t matter, can you take care of the girl? I think she’s having a mental break.”


I hand her one of my cards before leaving and calling in a SHIELD cleanup crew for him. Now the bad part… I hate mind control, absolutely hate it and I had planned to purposely avoid siphoning any person who had mind control powers. Well, I just lost control of myself and stabbed a mind controller to death while touching him. I knew I could influence people now and it was only a matter of time before I started using it.


At least that would be the normal case. I plan to never even start using this power. I get another call and see it’s Fury. After picking up I’m immediately yelled at. “What the fuck! The first thing you do when you get that information is run off and kill someone. What the hell is wrong with you?”


“He was a mind controlling rapist.” For a brief moment we sat still. I completely stopped walking as I was so overwhelmed by how disgusting Killgrave was. “Alright then. Come by tomorrow.” I was just too frustrated and done with the situation. “Boil down what you want me to do to three sentences man I’m too fucking busy to bother with this shit anymore.”


“Fine Mr. Storm we need you to vet two other magical based supers for the avengers initiative. Their names are daredevil and white tiger.” I responded. “Daredevil is a blind lawyer named Matthew Murdok who wouldn’t want anything to do with SHIELD and Ava Ayala has joined SHIELD in the past so just send a guy over to talk to her, probably super easy to get her to join.”


I was frustrated by how much time I was wasting with SHIELD. As much as I’d love to not deal with them I still need the money. They’re also working ironically as a shield protecting me from being picked up by other organizations. I’m fairly surprised I haven’t been attacked by HYDRA yet but they’re mostly cowards as well. I don’t have any family they could hold hostage so they’d have to attack me and I’d wipe the floor with any four of their best agents.


With Alexander Pierce still as one of the heads of SHIELD and HYDRA and not being attacked they probably think I don’t know that much about them. I really, really don’t give a shit about all those secret organizations. There’s probably more than one watching me right now and I instinctively raise my middle finger up as I leave the building to throw them off.




“Do you think he knows about us?” The skittish man in a black suit hastily put away the scope pointed at the entrance of the building they just entered. “He probably just expects to already be under surveillance. Calm down and call it in.” The much calmer man behind him watched as he was being tested if he was suited for the black suits.


“This is agent twenty seven. Eyes on the target, he knows he’s under surveillance. Requesting for what to do next.” The man who watched pulled out his gun and waited for him to finish talking. As he turned around and notice the gun pointed at him. “W-what I do wrong?”


The man clicked back the trigger before saying. “You didn’t code your language. Anyone listening would know what you were talking about.” The man pleaded. “Wait! I donated a million to join the li-.” BAM! The disintegrator gun went off, evaporating any existence of the person. The next day it would come out that a stock broker had gone missing with over twenty million of investors money.

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