Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 35 Making shit

Having another system to teleport around to so I can teleport to any continent was a life saver. It saved me thousands of dollars on air travel and getting California, Texas, Washington and Florida gave me the ability to get anywhere in America fairly quickly. I also get Nebraska just to round out my American travel locations.


My plans for the future were looking better as I took a detour back home and headed to Arkham Asylum first. I’ll go through the normal routes to have Poison Ivy freed but if I can’t do it legally, well… There’s always the break her out method and maybe kill some of the more evil members I can steal powers from.


I ate a burrito from a stall as I looked over the city from a rooftop. It wasn’t perfectly New York. It was a combination of things I could recognize from my trip there, of marvels New York and Gotham. The biggest change would be the titans tower in the place of the statue of liberty. Getting the last teleport location by flying over and teleporting away before anyone else can show up I port home.


Tomorrow I planned on asking her out on another date so tonight I just worked on other magical items. Honestly it was mostly experimenting, there weren’t many known ways to make powerful magical items. Most happened through a fluke or experiment gone wrong. I made a decent version of the staff of the living tribunal. Well, my version was the baton of the living tribunal.


The main problem was it was a dangerous weapon and didn’t really function that well as a whip. It burned whatever it touched and cut as well. It scored a deep gash in the dirt out near my workshop and I had to quickly fill in the whole as the grass around the strike lit aflame. Finding cloth with enough life and wind energy to make a cloak of levitation was going to be a bitch and a half.


“Oh my god! I’m a fucking idiot!” It didn’t have to be cloth, that’s thinking in the old way. It could be a plastic lining that does the magical component with a cool outer layer of cloth so it didn’t look like a magical raincoat. Doing it that way I could just mix in magical ingredients during the bonding process of the plastic to get the desired effect.


There were a few ways to get a similar effect to the cloak's defensiveness to the wielder. For one I could do what the original creator did and bind a soul into the creation. That was a pretty big no go though as I don’t think the good guys would be fine using/wearing the soul of a young child.


The next would be to put a location pinging enchant on it and hope a particular fae wanting to travel the world would grab onto the clothing. More than likely it would be neutral or evil though so I’d have to scrap two out of every three cloaks I make. 


The next option would be to have the person bind it as their familiar. You normally do this with magical creatures but it could be done with magical items. Over the course of their time together the cloak would grow a pseudo sentience very similar and would try to protect their owner.


The final option would be to obtain mystical materials from the fae dimension to make the item. A crown of harpy feathers for the flight and a komainu scale for the protection aspect. If I was lucky griffon or phoenix feathers would serve both purposes but they were far more rare. The harpy feathers might also make the person wearing the cloak more horny than usual as well. Ah, I could get a pegasus feather from the valkyries on Asgard. I wasn’t sure which would be easier, going to a fae dimension or to Asgard.


I think for my cloak I’ll bind it as a familiar and for everyone else’s I’ll try to make it with enchantment magic for flight then have a clan of brownies live inside for the protection. That way they’ll also clean whatever room the cloaks are left in as well. I google locations that sell cloaks and of course there’s a store within ten blocks of me that sells them.


I don’t have nearly enough air infused gems to make the levitation spell. I head to Britain and disguise myself with magic. After entering the store I talk him into showing me all the emeralds he has at which point I put them into a sack and make a portal out of there stealing like thirty thousand dollars worth of emeralds. I repeat this for the other gems I’m going to use.


I find plastic bottles of a similar color to the gems and begin to crush the gems down. Melting the plastic down and mixing in the gemstone dust isn’t very effective but it’s what I got to do before I have an infuser to do this much better. After melting and mixing in the dust three separate times because the magic was too unevenly distributed I get my first plastic layer to put under the cloak.


The end product is a normal cloak with a defensive layer first. This was not strong enough to stop bullets but would provide the same protection as a set of leather armor. Next would be the double layer of insulating magic so I wouldn’t get too hot or cold while wearing it. The next layer was self cleaning, as I didn’t plan on having brownies live in my cloak it would get dirty without this layer. Finally I finished with the flight magic.


The rest of the day was spent tearing it apart and redoing the enchants then figuring out why I couldn’t bind it as a familiar. Apparently plastic isn’t a good binding agent for familiar contracts so I had to flood the cloth part of the cape with my mana and wait before applying it with a familiar contract. Teaching it to defend me was going to be another part of the process and its pseudo sentience could be programmed with simple phrases.


I got the cloak to fly to me whenever I slapped my knees or I said. “Whelp I suppose.” 


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 60+ 

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Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 15

Choice maker gets access to voting 

Which stories get bonus chapters

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