Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 37 Playing god

We ran towards the alerted area she received. At least two supers were fighting and I’m glad I didn’t change our clothes into the fancy restaurant ones yet. After running four blocks we see it. All the Spider family are fighting against some of their enemies and even more. Kingpin, Joker, Batman and Blockbuster are all also fighting. They made Blockbuster the twin brother of Kingpin in the comics. 


The green goblin flew above as he had a hostage tied under his goblin glider. As Spiderman swung after him in our direction he cut the rope. The hostage dropped in front of us. I ran towards her and Spider man whipped out stopping her from splatting on the floor. A crack loud enough for us to hear it a block away came from the hostage. No, Gwen was Ghost spider in this universe. Who just had their neck snapped?


“Aunt May!” Spiderman called out. No. I refuse this shit. Why? Why kill off Aunt May just to give Spiderman even more grief. I didn’t like when they did it in the movies and didn’t like when it happened right in front of me. I didn’t have the time to cast a levitate spell before she hit the ground. No! Think! A neck snap isn’t immediate death. I push back Peter Parker and put a hand on Aunt May to diagnose her. Dead, brain dead in minutes. It would take twenty pounds to maybe be able to save her. The chances of me passing out from the strain was much more likely and I only had ten pounds of biomass to use. I screamed out loud. “I REFUSE!”


I pulled at the knife on my belt and sawed at my own arm. Thumping to the ground I absorbed it into my biomass storage and began to heal her. Even in the first five pounds I feel my mental strength wane. No! I REFUSE! I feel her bones shift back into position and with a crack I almost fall unconscious. NO! If I fall asleep now she’s still dead! I force her heart to start pumping again. Heavy. My eyelids are so, so heavy.


I’m about to pass out before I remember what I was doing. NO! I need to restart her brain. With a jolt her lungs start breathing again and she shudders awake. I hold her down and tell her. “Don’t move. Your neck was broke and it still needs to be set so it’ll heal properly.” I looked at her face. She was old but she looked more like the Aunt May from the movies than the comics.


She was still a beautiful woman, maybe with crows feet and slowly graying hair but she still had another few decades to live. As I stared at her face blood dripped onto it. Ah fuck I think I gave myself a hemorrhage pushing my power. A few more drops of blood struck her face as I managed to roll to the side.


Peter stood by us with his eyes wide. I just made a miracle happen. I just brought someone back from death. I was crying again. It must be this young body that keeps making me cry. He didn’t speak, he didn’t move. I had to remember what was happening. I shut off my arm which was pouring blood like a faucet with biomatter control. The mix of blood loss and mental strain made me woozy. I called out to Peter. “Go. Your people need you, Pete-Spiderman. I’ll watch her.”


I pulled out my pistol as I remained sitting. It shook violently in my hands. I didn’t know where Stephanie went and I doubted anyone would head in this direction. “Hey. Are you okay?” A voice came from behind me as I hadn’t been looking in that direction. It caught me off guard. I swayed before saying. “Yea I’m great. Ahh but she isn’t. Her neck is broken and needs an ambulance.”


“Hey look at me. I’m an EMT. We'll have her ready and going soon but you look out of it too. You sure you don’t need to go with us.” I look at her now and, yes she is an EMT. The ambulance doors were being opened by another EMT who was a large man who quickly pulled out a gurney and neck brace already knowing exactly what was wrong with her. Did I not notice him when I spoke with her?


“Yea. I think I need to go to the hospital too.” Somehow they didn’t notice the gun or knife I had and as I stood up I almost collapsed again. “Hey. Easy now stay down until we get your friend then we’ll come get you. Are you fully coherent? What’s today's date?” 


No… Something seemed wrong with this. It was too soon and convenient. “What kind of dumb question is that?” I stalled for time trying to levitate the girl EMT and I can’t, she doesn’t exist. I try to levitate areas around me until an area ten feet away from me pings. I turned and fired, the gun was ripped from my hand as the invisible man slowly became visible.


He asked. “W-why?” That really confused me. “Why what? Why did I assume you weren’t real? Why did I know where you were? Why did I shoot in your direction? Why am I rambling as I’m crawling towards you? Well those all have a good reason.” I didn’t answer him as I pulled off his helmet and stabbed him in the throat.


Information flooded into me about special effects and hypnotism. Also a little information on chemistry and robotics entered my mind as well. That meant this man was definitely the real Mysterio. Once again the feeling of a sliver of something else entered me. 


The hallucinogenic gas he pumped into the air to make me more susceptible to his 3D illusions. I needed to look over his items and see if I can use any of them later. I opened a portal and pushed his body through dropping him off in the park near the burnt tree. 


My mental faculties came back at the end of that encounter or I’d have been in big trouble as he snuck up on me. Honestly if he had a gun I’d have been done for. Eh, some people just get way too into their own gimmicks.

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