Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 43 Inventions and Cass

It looked like a dehumidifier and the moment it worked I could feel the mana being pulled towards it the moment it was activated. Shit… Holy shit that’s huge.


It was possible to add magical collection to items but it was at about a thousandth the rate of the chi collector I made. The chi collector was so powerful I think a mundane human could feel it working… If that worked then, what about the reverse? After more tinkering I get it to disperse the collected chi into the environment. 


This would allow you to heavily concentrate chi into a single location. It would let even inexperienced people gather chi into their body. They wouldn’t need perfect bodies or years of experience and could clumsily work through figuring it out. I make another five, making it a half dozen. The big problem with these is they could take all the mana/chi out of an area if not used carefully.


Doing so would be a mistake and could lead to several huge problems if the area stayed manaless for too long. Minimizing the number of these would be necessary in the future. Nat came by at some point while I was working and we walked into a side room I hadn’t noticed which was a bedroom… I think they got me figured out by now.


After having sex with her I give her a quick rundown on the equipment I made so far except for the mana collectors. I’ll keep those to myself for now as they’re too dangerous. The specialized gear would be harder to pull off but she really, really likes the glamour mask. She used it to change her clothes appearance while still wearing her suit. I guess I’ll have to take out two for the other girls then since it seems like a good gift.


After I woke up with Cassandra next to me she asked if we could go on a date like Stephanie. I agreed and we spent the day together going to different date locations. We watched a movie early before heading out to have a picnic for lunch then headed to an amusement park. I got Disney world as a portal location. It didn’t exist any more from the world I came from and the only videos on it were people breaking in after it was closed down.


The food here was so expensive but so good, it reminded me of my childhood as I got a bunch of the specialty foods. Chocolate covered bananas, cotton candy, funnel cakes, snow cones, sundae, pie, ending with a box of fudge. She REALLY likes sweets. She dragged me off into the bathroom for fun and we had to portal out as she had been moaning loud enough to get the fuzz called on us.


We went for a walk where she held my hands and leaned into me. As I thought it would end normally a fucking mugger popped out of no where. As he pulled out his knife and started talking I cut him off. “No, nuh uh. Dude I’m warning you right now to leave. You threaten me with that knife and I’m gonna fuck you up.” The mugger’s brain short circuited for a few seconds before he goes back to his spiel.


I pull the knife out of his hands with telekinesis before giving him a final warning. “I’m on a date right now! That’s the only reason you can still walk. Leave now or I will flatten you.” Once again his brain short circuits from his knife suddenly flying out. He grabs for a gun and I fling his own knife back at him while levitating the gun over. The knife embedded itself into his hand and he ran off after that.


“God, can you believe some people?” I had to start calming myself down as I didn’t want my bad mood to ruin our date. I started chuckling. “Can you believe that guy's luck? Out of everyone to hold up and he picks us.” I laugh loudly which makes her giggle while covering up her mouth as she did so.


The night ended with us coming back and making her a dinner she picks at and I finish and a big bowl of ice cream which she eats mine. She curls up beside me as we watch TV and she just starts lightly crying. Just as I think it’s going to stop she starts bawling hard. “Woah, woah, woah. Why are you crying?”


“I- *hic* I don’t deserve this. I’m a bad *hic* bad person.” I hugged her into me the best I could with just one hand before whispering into her ear. “No one deserves anything Cassandra. We’re both lucky this happened and I think I’m way more lucky than you.” She kept crying and I used telekinesis to start the baffle so our upstairs neighbor wouldn’t freak out.


I hug her tight to me and explain clearly what’s happening while gently rubbing her back. “Cass, you have a guilt complex from killing someone as a child. You were raised since birth to be an assassin and even then you knew it was wrong. You’re allowed to be happy. We’re allowed to be happy Cass.” 


She cried herself to sleep in my arm as a ran my fingers through her hair. It took me a while to get to sleep as I stroked her head and wiggled around to try and get more comfortable. As I woke up I saw Steph looking down at us. I stare back at her and motion to stay quiet but it’s with my missing hand. Fuck man I really got to fix this. Steph breaks the silence.


“What the heck? It was my turn last night.” Cass flips over and just them meeting each others eyes she knows she fucked up. I hold my hand out and motion for her. “Come on then. Get in on this.” She lays down sandwiching Cass between us and I ask. “So what’s the plan for today?”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 75+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 13

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 17

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