Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 45 Aunt May and Vixen

“Morning! How’s it going?” I entered the hospital room and looked around. I gave Aunt May a big smile. She had a half eaten plate of hospital food on a tray next to her. She had her head in a halo brace keeping her from moving it as it healed. She gave me a look like she wasn’t happy. “Fuck hospital food.”


I smiled as I raised a bag full of candy and leftovers. “Woah Aunt May! Watch that language.” It was hard not to like her, she reminded me of my old boss. A straight laced, no nonsense lady who would only drop the facade once she trusted you. It was years before she was comfortable enough around me to call the hire ups and lazy workers out in front of me.


“Got some candy bars, leftover lasagna and a couple slices of pizza from my brunch.” I handed them over to her and she started eating the York peppermint patties I stole from the closest gas station. I sat down at the end of her bed and started to rub her feet while checking her condition with diagnostic touch.


What really surprised me was I could tell she was getting turned on from me giving her a foot massage. It must have been something Uncle Ben did when he was still alive. After healing all the bedsores and other conditions her frown turned to a smile and we talked for a bit. I shortened the time it would take for her neck to fully heal by two weeks and stood up to leave. As I was walking out the door Peter showed up and I walked back in for a bit.


I sat back down and listened to Peter talk to her before I had a chance to talk to him. “Wow Aunt May you look way better. They must have got your medicine fixed.” She rolled her eyes while saying. “Yea right. You know how much I hate hospitals and these nurses all but ignore me. It’s that boy over there who put this smile on my face.”


He looked at me and I had to ask. “You know Gwen Stacy? Is she and Miles?” The comics hinted at it but I wasn’t sure. “Yea just started.” Damn, well that sucks. That really only leaves Silk or Black Cat of the Spider family I could possibly pick. Actually… “I’m glad for them. Why haven’t you called me? I gave you my card, it took forever to look up where Aunt May ended up. I was ready to use my SHIELD connections to figure it out.”


He scratched the back of his head. “The-. Well you healed Aunt May. I didn’t know what to say to you.” He wasn’t the first person I gave a card to either. I wasn’t surprised Jessica Jones didn’t call me but Peter should have at least to thank me. “Well it’s going to take a while until your Aunt's neck is fixed. I’ll drop by every few days to speed it up. Keep me in touch in case something else happens.”


The Spider family were all in this universe. When Peter was bitten, so was everyone else. They didn’t go the totem route but there were big team ups from all of them. I stood up and told him again. “Seriously, if you need help, especially of the magical variety please call me.”


I made a portal and headed out. Flipping through my phone at the few notifications I got when inside I smiled as another of the girls I was aiming for showed up. Teleporting to the park I walked towards the ghetto she was seen in. After checking the apartment number I knocked on the door. After waiting a few seconds I cycled chi into my ears to eavesdrop on the inside.


She was alone. That’s good. I called out. “Hello, is Mari here? Maybe go by Vixen but you might have not chosen your superhero name yet. Can I come in instead of talking loudly through the door please?”


She comes over to the door and opens it before looking around and ushering me inside. As I go to sit down she pulls a gun on me. The shaking hand let me know she was just starting out and maybe didn’t even use her talisman yet. For the briefest of moments I thought about killing her and taking the totem for myself but quickly repressed that idea.


As much as having a powerful item that could help me would be I’d have to kill a beautiful woman to do so. I stare at her chest for too long before I shake my head back and forth. “Jesus those things are hypnotic sorry about that. So you obviously haven’t figured out your totem yet. Go ahead and grab it while thinking about an animal and you’ll take on the aspects of that animal.”


She shuffles around moving suitcases aside as she tries to think of where her necklace is before glancing back up at me. “Who exactly are you?” I scratch my face before answering. “Well that’s a hard question but I think the main takeaway is I’m part of the 100. I know who’s powerful and what people's backstories are. So I know you’re here to kill your uncle who wiped out your tribe.”


A knife was thrown towards me and I barely stopped it with telekinesis before it hit. Without flinching I said. “Right now I want you to succeed. You pull some dumb shit like that again and I won’t be the nice guy anymore.” She had feigned her fear earlier trying to get me to drop my guard and it worked. Pulling a gun on me she pulled the trigger. She actually pulled the trigger.


I close the distance and smash her in the face. She struggled as I punched her over and over again but it wasn’t a fair fight. The hardest part was holding back enough to not accidentally kill her. Cold indifferent rage was the only thing I felt against her. I placed her on her side so she wouldn’t drown to death in her own blood.


She moaned in pain and I searched her suitcase. “Congratulations dumbass. Not only did you lose my help I’m taking your totem. Good luck killing uncle dearest without super powers.” Frustrated by how things played out I gave her one last chance. “What will you do for me to not take this from you?”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 75+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 12

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 20

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