Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 52 Victory lap

The murder strengthened hypnosis/mind control, telekinesis, low superhuman regeneration and mental defenses. Another boost to all my stats bringing them closer to the next tier and allowing my intellect to break into low superhuman. My mouth was practically watering at the new powers I gained.


Mind reading, psychic battle form, mental communications network, pyrokinesis, physical enhancement boost and environment adaptability. I was at about twenty percent through low superhuman strength now. That might not seem like a lot, but the difference between the higher ranks only got more and more ridiculous.


Low superhuman can lift cars, mid superhuman can lift ten cars and high superhuman can lift a fucking building. Low cosmic lift yachts, mid cosmic can lift cities and high cosmic can lift mountains. That is only the lowest level of each rank as well, with high cosmic beings able to rip planets in half if they wanted to. One more night of sex and I could finish my chi core, allowing me to boost my physical stats even higher.


I felt… I felt good but at the same time that was far too close for my liking. I could have easily died if the main grunt used an RPG instead of a grenade launcher. It would have hit me before I could have done anything, and that pissed me off. Now I might be able to survive, but I’d be in awful shape if I was hit.


No, I really shouldn’t have not noticed them coming. The biggest problem was only one of us had the enhanced senses, and Cassandra didn’t notice them either, most likely dropping her guard as she thought the fight was over. I was ready for the fight to continue even after I killed the first 100, and was pretending like everything was okay. No, even now I was still coiled like a spring ready to go if something were to happen.


I’d be like that all the way until I went to sleep. Fighting always put me in this mood, and it was the only reason I survived as long as I did. The moment there’s contact I wouldn’t drop my guard, and that’s how I could react so fast when the ambush happened. No, one thing I did lose was my preparedness. I wouldn’t have been ambushed, because I would have had a dozen guys outside making sure that couldn’t happen with a dozen plans to go off if it did happen.


I couldn’t be a crime boss in this world though, especially because I had plans to fuck way more heroines than I have already. As much as opposites attract, if I show up with a group of goons covered in blood it’s not a good look. At least pretending like I’m a decent person is enough for them to justify sleeping with me.


So the main question is what’s the difference between pyrokinesis and fire control? Pyrokinesis felt locked at its current strength unfortunately, and its current strength wasn’t that strong. It did allow me to create fire, but it wasn’t an impressive amount. It was slightly better than the first rank of fire control, but terrible compared to the second or third rank.


Still, a power was a power. I couldn’t wait for someone to want a cigarette lit and I offered them my thumb with a flame appearing out of it. I yawned as I finished robbing their house. They had a surprising amount of money and items I needed. I guess I haven’t really been out of the hospital for very long. I wasn't very likely to get anything from the two bodies I handed to SHIELD but something good might come of it. By the time I was done it was almost dark outside and I was tired enough to crash hard.


I woke up cuddled next to Nat. I pulled her on top of me, and used her as a blanket, she let out a disgruntled grunt as I woke her until she went back to sleep. I just laid there for about an hour listening to her breathing and watching her chest rise and fall as she still needed more sleep than me.


She woke up while I was looking at her, and her frown turned into a smile as she hugged into me more tightly. I turned her face towards me and gave her a kiss before asking. “So what's the plan for today?” She moaned as I turned the light on and frowned as she said. “Five more minutes.” She spoke into my chest as I rolled her off of me and left to make us breakfast.


I made a huge breakfast for the both of us. Bacon, sausage links, eggs, mini pancakes, hashbrowns and toast piled high. The biggest thing with her type of super soldier serum is it gave them intense food cravings. Eating a whole cake or chicken leaving just the bones wouldn’t be an uncommon occurrence. After making extra for the two girls who were going to show up after she left, I put them under a food lamp I stole.


I could tell she was very happy I gave her more food than myself as I didn’t need to prove anything with her. Not everything is a competition, and trying to eat more than her out of some sort of machismo bullshit was just stupid to me. I’d also probably tear my stomach eating as much as her.


Still feeding a person who eats as much as six was fairly comical. A dozen eggs and mini pancakes stacked so high I needed to put a skewer in so they wouldn’t fall over. It looks like a 90s sitcom meal a mom would feed their kids. The kind that the kid would just take the toast and run off towards the bus leaving like fifty dollars of food cold that the mom would have had to wake up hours before everyone to cook.


She finished the coffee I prepared for her and rushed into the bathroom as I told her to lock the other door so the neighbors didn’t barge in. I heard the shower turn on and I prepared for the rest of my day while Steph and Cass came over and we talked for a bit before they headed off with the food. The plans to push for mine and Steph’s chi cores was on hold for now as I decided on another person instead.


As Nat came out I asked her. “Do you want to push for core formation today? It’ll just be a bunch of fucking to get there but I think we should… That fight I almost lost made me aware of how foolish I’ve been for not preparing everything beforehand.” To be fair, I think I needed the break, as I was accused of being a rapist because of the group I was a part of. It was foolish to not realize it before something bad almost happened. I needed to put my nose to the grindstone and fuck myself and my loved ones stronger.

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