Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 54 Baby rabies and past life

Think this is the first time I'm leaving off on a cliffhanger without uploading the next chapter the same day. Just some quick things. Thanks to whoever mentioned using Chat GPT for spelling and grammar. It was terrible for me because it won't fix chapters with fighting or smut (that's most of my chapters) but I did get Grammarly because of it. Update tomorrow is to the end of the first arc in the story. 

The sex was… Kind of insane. Natasha was a very experienced lover but the new emotions flooding her made her desperate for a child. The moaning was completely gone and there wasn’t the look of lust or anything in her eyes. No, an almost scared look of frantic panic which made it hard to have sex with her. I had to get her to stop begging me and calm down before we continued.


She was wrapped around me like a vice. I had her legs on my shoulders as I pounded into her. She gripped at my shirt trying to pull herself closer to me, tearing finger grips in with her increased strength. Her first orgasm happened even faster than before as she clenched around my dick. The only reason it was still possible was my higher endurance than before or she'd be breaking my dick. I could only piston into her even faster to try and finish.


By her third orgasm, she just kept repeating my name over and over again. If I wasn’t checking her mental health from time to time I’d have thought she had suffered a mental break. She was just that excited about motherhood. If I didn’t give her a baby she’d have found someone else fairly quickly and… I didn’t want to lose her to someone else. I know it was a selfish reason but people have children accidentally all the time.


I came harder than I ever had as her pussy milked me for everything it was worth. I made a "Hnnnng" noise as my body locked up. I kept my hand on her stomach and made her body drop an egg for me to fertilize it. Eh, let's give her twins. The desperation she had in her eyes changed the moment she could feel the difference in her body. I actively noticed her maternal instincts decreased by four points before stopping at seven.


Now, why did it drop instead of go up? Mainly because Natasha wouldn’t sacrifice herself for random children anymore as it would risk her own. I was honestly surprised it didn’t drop down even further than that as five was where you’d give everything for your child but not much for anyone else's. She was still a motherly figure who loved children in the end.


She stood up and looked down while rubbing her stomach. I broke her out of her fog when I said. “Make sure when you have your baby shower that you get stuff for a little boy and a little girl.” She stopped rubbing her stomach as her brain malfunctioned at what I said. Tears streamed down her face and she had a content smile that made her the most attractive she had ever been.


Once again what I did was for mostly selfish reasons. Yes, it felt good to give someone with that much love for children the ability to have children. Yes, this would weaken her connection with SHIELD as she now had something to lose. The main reason is I needed a ride or die on my side. I needed someone in my corner regardless of what I did and giving her children was the easiest to flip a SHIELD spy into an actual ally.


Plus… It was the BLACK WIDOW! Of course, I would grow covetous towards her. I didn’t plan on adding her to my harem but she somehow won me over through crazy sex and she might be the person I had the closest bond with on this planet. Speaking of which. “I think it’s time I told you about my past life.” I explained to her a little about who I was and I decided I would do the same with any woman I had children with. If they were in it for the long haul then they deserved to know something about me that only they would know.


I told her how I flew drones in the war. How bad the war actually got and how it affected America. How even with roving power outages I tried to make it work but at some point, I just snapped. I got sick of seeing evil people constantly taking from those who really couldn’t afford it for themselves. Even growing fat amid the worst food shortage America ever had.


I fought back. The potential thousands I killed flying drones didn’t set me up for my first death. It wasn’t clean. I worked my way up to be an enforcer for the local gang leader and went to stab him in the back. I assumed the head would be the best target but the bone deflected the blade away from the skull.


I was almost killed and the hostile takeover I could have killed only the boss turned into the boss and the two other men in the room. I learned my lesson then. I was decent at killing, then I became good. Soon I had become even worse than the men I was killing and it would have resulted in my death if the economy didn’t recover.


The second pandemic ended, the power outages were mostly fixed and the food shortages caused by billionaires stopped. Life got back to normal quickly and besides a few people who knew what I did. I needed to put down a previous rival who thought it was all going to crumble again the next winter which it did not.


I just lived casually after that. Found love at one point and she ruined it. Found love again and tragedy struck but I definitely wasn’t going to tell my lovers about that. That was a lock away for myself, the kind of memory I wouldn’t want anyone else to deal with. The tragedy destroyed my hope for life so it took literally going to a different universe to rekindle my spark of life.


It felt normal to be worried, to be happy, to be sad instead of the apathy I had fallen into for years. I just felt more like myself than I had in years and maybe it’s because of my younger body but I didn’t think that was why. I had a goal again and building a harem out of all the women I fancied from two brands merged into one was a very lofty goal. I knew at any point life could kick me in the dick over and over again but at this point... I had already won in my head.


I let a single tear fall for my past as I wrapped up our long discussion about the world and let another fall for my future happiness. I just led her back to bed and held her on my chest as she curled into a ball. It must have been several hours before she got up and left. I had to get up as well but after checking the clock we had fucked most of the day away.


I cleaned up for another hour before Steph and Cass both came into my room. Steph took the lead in the conversation. “We’ve both been talking and. We want you to make it exclusive with just us two.”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 85+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 12

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 23

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