Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 58 Making deals 02

Mr. Freeze sat down across from the man who said he could cure his wife. He didn’t look that special. He was tall, fit, and handsome but he didn’t have the pull he sometimes felt from other people. The pull he’d feel in front of Penguin, the Batman or Joker for instance. Still, as he began to talk Mr. Freeze knew he was the real deal.


After signing a fairly easy-to-handle deal that would be done in a matter of weeks the man got to work. He said the disease was easy enough to deal with but the severe organ failure and cryogenic cellular collapse was rough. He said it was a very expensive process but he managed it with a few close calls. As Nora opened her eyes for the first time in almost a decade tears began to freeze on his face.




Ironman met with these quack doctors sometimes to see if they could find a solution that he couldn’t. His body was starting to fail because of the reactor in his chest, all the doctors who looked at it gave him less than five years because of the poisoning. Tony scrunched his face when his eyes met with the supposed man who could cure him.


25 million might have sounded like a lot to some but for fixing one of the richest people on the planet it was a drop in the bucket. Tony sat down and humored him before he’d embarrass him and kick him out but that didn’t happen. The man asked if he’d like to have the reactor in his chest still or go back to normal. Tony responded sarcastically that of course, he’d want it removed. Then the man removed it.




Deadshot yawned as he kept an eye on his target. He was happy at how easy the gig was. For the first time, he was hired to protect someone. A million dollars a day to make sure the red-headed smoke show wasn’t bothered by anyone. He got another sip of coffee as he kept an eye through his telescopic eye connected to his rifle's telescope.


The woman was clothes shopping for babies at the moment, buying both boy's and girl's clothes. He took a sip of the coffee before heading back to his perch.




I knocked on the door before peaking my head in. I gave Aunt May a big smile before saying. “Good morning! How are you feeling?” She looked miserable with big dark circles around her eyes from lack of sleep. When I walked in she gave me a soft smile before responding. “Miserable. These nurses just ignored me and I was in so much pain last night I couldn’t sleep.”


I put my hand on hers and healed all the easy-to-deal-with things before completely restoring her neck. “Alright, I completely fixed your neck you should be fine to go home. Let me undo the neck brace and call in the doctor for you.” She looked at me like I had a second head beside the first.




“So he’s in here?” Getting permission to visit the Raft was a long and tedious process even greasing all the wheels with money. Even after discussing with the warden who had to run clearance all the way up to the secretary of defense that I could cure several of the more dangerous inhabitants, it took three days.


As I looked in the cell Superman spoke from behind me. I didn’t even hear him approach so it scared me. “You know who’s in that cell right? Us fighting almost flattened a city block.” I could only chuckle. “Yeah imagine if he was fighting at full strength instead of the near-death starvation he’s been on since he arrived in the dimension.”


I began to try and talk to him. “Hey, big guy. The sun is getting real low. Wait, wrong big guy. Solomon, are you by chance looking for a protection job?” I pulled out the mana collectors that were fully charged. “Solo-. Solomon…” He looked depressed until I changed the mana collectors to push out their stored mana.


There would have been no chance of me being able to communicate with him if I didn’t get his memories. I looked at the guard. “Can you open this up?” Superman gave me another stare-down before asking. “So you know something about Solomon then?” I responded as the guard opened the cell and I walked inside placing another half dozen mana collectors spraying mana into the cell.


“I guess you could say that. He’s a death knight from Avalon. He refused to sign a contract which only meant that he would be put through torturous pain until he did. He managed to fight the contract placer who flung him into this world severing the connection. While he wouldn’t feel that pain anymore he came from a mana-dense world to one without much so ever since he’s been here he’s been starving to death.”


Solomon shook his head back and forth before heading to a mana collector and shoving it inside his mouth. I responded to him as if he was a child. “No, Solomon. That’s not food. Here, come eat some mana-rich diamonds, yum yum.” He carefully placed back down the collector and moved towards the mini pile of diamonds I dumped onto the ground.


As he did so I looked at the frayed contract still attached to his soul and started making alterations. He would still be far too hungry if he was left to his own devices. I really shouldn’t have been able to form a contract with him. The normal contract magic to make a death knight was sixth circle. Morgan didn’t use normal contract magic, she used a greater contract to make him a greater death knight which was eighth circle.


Protect me. Protect my family, especially the kids and I would feed him my entire mana pool twice a day. He has to listen to my commands unless it is at the cost of innocent lives. Finally, I would give him a mana-dense room to live in where he might actually start to recover. I asked him. “Would you like to make the deal with me Solomon?”


I snapped my fingers as he was still distracted eating the diamonds. “Hello? Solomon, accept the contract and I’ll feed you. You protect my family and I feed you okay?” He stops eating for a second before agreeing. The moment he did I realized how bad I fucked up.

I did change Solomon's backstory a while ago. He is normally a gangster but it didn't really fit the story. Like if voodoo magic or dumping a corpse into a magic swamp can make zombies as strong as Superman why the fuck isn't the world overrun by zombies. At the very least we should have had a zombie king or something if that was a thing. No, it made more sense to give him a more magically important background. There are a few others in the story that have been altered as well but it's explained away as the comic writers just writing them differently. 

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