Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 63 Stealing powers legally

It was about a week later before I finally got permission for a side project I was working on. I let Miss Carter in on a huge part of my abilities. That huge part was that I could steal powers from other people. I gave her a list of particular powers I was looking for and after having someone look for them that person found several of my powers inside criminals on The Raft.



The Raft was a mega prison that spent most of its time submerged underwater with many supervillains being subjected to the power dampeners or completely isolated if their powers were too troublesome. That’s what I was going for. Some of the ones I wanted were off limits because they had the chance of eventually getting out on good behavior but those who served life sentences… Serving that life sentence without their power would make it easier.



I licked my lips in anticipation. The four powers I was about to obtain were all huge game-changers, especially once they were fully leveled. I tested it earlier but I could breathe underwater with a combination of my powers. Just in case The Raft explodes or something when I’m there… I’m gonna assume a breakout is going to happen right as I get there or some dumb shit.



It took forever with multiple checks to finally get in and then be led to the first victim. The guide was completely covered head to toe with no exposed skin and it was because of this particular inmate that they needed to do that. He looked at a clipboard before saying. “Jackson Day, aka The Corruptor. His power is chemical corruption from touch. Even the inhibitors don’t stop his powers because it’s too ingrained into his DNA to shut off without killing him.”



He was locked securely into a cross-shaped apparatus. His limbs and head held in place. The blue-skinned man gave us both a big smile before saying. “Come on in. The water’s fine. How about a handshake to prove I mean no threat.”



I pulled out a knife as I entered the room and his face dropped as he began to beg. I begin to cut away a portion of his skin before placing my thumb down on the bloody spot I exposed. The guard asked. “W-what exactly are you doing?” I had almost forgotten about him as I was so focused on getting his powers. “Hmm? Oh, I cut away his skin because that’s where the chemicals are secreted from. If this doesn’t work you could always skin him since that would remove his powers.”



I looked at both of their horrified expressions trying hard not to laugh. It would be far too much work to do that in the first place and if I couldn’t steal his powers I’d rather just blow his brains out and be done with him instead of spending all this effort making sure no one came in contact with him.



After ten minutes I gained the chemical secretion power and his skin started to visibly change color back to normal. The man pleaded his case that he was cured and I backed him up knowing that he was a normal person without his powers who wouldn’t commit crimes without them. At the very least he didn’t need a special cell to stop him from melting someone's skin off or making their dick hard. I was just happy to get such a versatile power.


Chemical Secretion

Chemical manipulation


Stealing powers from unsafe people let me know two things. I couldn’t steal powers from mutants or metas. Jerome Beechman or rather The Mandrill had powers I couldn’t steal as well as Doctor Light’s powers… Which really, REALLY sucked. Doctor Light was one of the ones I was looking for, maybe killing him would give me the powers but I didn’t want to step on anyone's toes by murdering yet. I’d need a plan to kill them without anyone knowing it was me.



Fuck, I would have really liked his photokinesis. Doctor Light was a hit-or-miss villain with his powers. Either he was a bumbling idiot who had extremely weak powers or an extremely dangerous supervillain who could go toe to toe with any of Batman's rogues gallery and come out on top. Right now he’s still the bumbling idiot but if I took his powers he would never be a threat in the future.



After checking a dozen people for abilities some were repeated while others I couldn’t steal. Three were mental controllers and one was someone I already met. Doctor Psyko was also in one of the cross braces but he was stripped completely naked for some reason. Apparently, I caught them just as it was his cleaning time and everything was done by machines…



That didn’t make the gigantic dick between his legs any less unbelievable. He noticed me looking and gave me a good smirk. “Go ahead and take a picture. Maybe you can show it to your girlfriends to get them in the mood.” One of the main reasons I liked villains slightly more than heroes was because they didn’t let the little things like nudity get in the way of making a good joke.



I enter the room and feel him try to attack my mind. As he did so I was glad I picked the mental defenses again. After thinking about it for another second I remember Charles coming forward saying he found all the mental people from the hundred… How the fuck would that have been possible if there were two in the closest city they spawned in. No, thinking about it more it was probably all bullshit where he caught one of them and said he got them all or some dumb shit like that. Or he was already being mind-controlled by someone else… I doubted it though, probably just overestimated his abilities.



As I siphoned Doctor Psycho’s powers I knew his mental abilities came with some heavy drawbacks. It would give him all the normal mind control powers but also increase his ego. He also had another power but it wasn’t until I stole it from him that I could tell what it was.


(Inferior) Mind control

Empathic touch (Altered)


Hmm. So he had empathic touch before and refined it to the point he lost most of its capabilities. Refining it solely to be able to tell what a person's sexual kinks were. I almost burst out laughing as the man went from a smirking, self-assured villain to a little quivering wreck. The ego boost from the mind control was overwritten by the other mind control powers I stole from the other people in Raft already. It was definitely the strongest out of all of them, almost bumping it to the second rank without any work beforehand.

I told him it was safe to let him go and mingle with the other prisoners now and move on to the last person I was sent here for.



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One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

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