Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 65 Meet the squad

Amanda Waller was a short, morbidly obese black woman who ran a group called the suicide squad. I knew that and managed to get in contact with her when I was looking for help with the mind controller. The plans fell through because I killed him so quickly… I really thought he was going to be a bigger threat but he just got really, really lucky when he whammied the first mind controller.



Well, the deal changed at that point and me turning her into a tall, hundred-thirty-pound bombshell with big breasts was her getting a list. If anyone on that list was put up for the suicide squad I would get a heads up and be allowed to join the group. At the top of that list was Poison Ivy and that is why I was sitting in the back of a Humvee heading towards the meeting location.



I kept my head down in my villain costume. I went with the criminal costume instead of the plague doctor outfit I wore as a hero. I smirked as both of my hero and villain names were stolen. Plague Doctor was one of Batman's villains and I stopped the defining accident that turned him into an abomination.



Phantom was my villain name and it was taken from the very first superhero to ever be drawn in comics. Not many people would know that, assuming it was Superman. He wasn’t written in the past few decades so I decided to take the name for myself just as any good villain would do. The outfit I wore was a business suit, cape, and mask with an obfuscation spell to blur my face.



We walk into the building and Rick Flag greets me before we’re led further in to meet the squad. There were several faces I knew. Deadshot was here, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Weasel, and Killer Croc. In the corner were Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. There were two other unknowns in the group. On the opposite side were two other females. Vixen and someone I thought I knew but couldn’t place.



As Rick explained the mission things were clear that it was a real suicide mission. Zero of them would have survived if I wasn’t here. We were supposed to kill a dictator in a third-world country which doesn’t seem like much but all of the people for this mission were pretty much basic humans. Maybe slightly faster or stronger but Killer Croc and King Shark were the only ones that would survive being shot full of holes.



After explaining the mission he started to go over everyone's powers and the three I didn’t recognize were given names. That wasn’t Killer Croc but Lizard from Spiderman’s Rogues. Should have known from the lab coat. Slipknot, Savant, and Windfall. The smirk on my face fell as I remembered her backstory from the comics. She was unfortunately one of the few I forgot about and if I could have stopped her from being violated I really wish I could have.



She ended up killing her assailants which put her on the squad most likely. Truly a justified murder but her powers weren't strong enough to stop bullets. At least I don’t think her powers could. As he explained something else I asked a few follow-up questions. “So what’s the real mission then or did she not tell you?”



He gave me a questioning look before saying. “What do you mean? The mission is to kill the dictator.” I sighed as I called Waller and asked when she picked up. “So what’s the hidden thing you’re not telling us? They have a nuke… Secret bioweapon? What’s the catch?” She sat in silence for a few seconds before finally answering. “He has two supers as bodyguards. Are you happy?”



I smile before asking. “That’s it? Any other surprises? We’re not killing the resistance leader instead of the dictator or he’s not like some immortal god or anything like that? Just two normal supers we don’t have to kill? Just a normal ass guy being protected by two supers?”



She was quiet for another ten seconds before she finally responded. “He… Might be a super as well. He’s survived six previous attempts including a sniper bullet to his skull and an explosion that wiped out the base he was in completely.”



And there it is. There’s something extra with the guy and it’s going to take us figuring it out before we know he’s truly dead. I offhandedly ask in a whisper before she hangs up. “Hey, any chance I can kill these guys if they act up? Two in particular I think are a bad fit for this team.”



For another few moments, she waits in silence before she responds. “Do what you must to get the job done.” Another brief moment of silence before she hangs up. I put on a smile that no one can see because of the obfuscation but most can hear the cheery inflection and say. “Great news everyone. The bad guy is guarded by two supers and is definitely super himself.”



I walked towards Slipknot and without saying a word put my hand through his chest. As I did so I telekinetically pulled Weasel over and put my other hand through his chest as well. Both gave me looks of confusion for the few moments they’re left alive before their heads slowly drop and they both die. Rick and Deadshot both pulled their guns and pointed them at me as I responded.



“One of them was a rapist and the other was a child murderer. I’m not going to justify why I killed them. I’d just rather kill them now instead of letting them die during the mission. I'd rather save us the hassle of needing to kill Slipknot when he tried something or Weasel when he tried escaping.”



A knife behind my head from Savant and a mallet swung down at my head and I just let it strike me. The rebound from the giant mallet launched it out of Harley’s hands and the blade was launched out of his hands as I slammed back with my arm flinging it up into the ceiling. I sigh again before saying. “You guys get this one. If anyone attacks me now you’ll wish the only thing I did to you was put my hand through your chest. Are we clear?”



I gave them my best fuck around and find out voice. I had been strengthened to the point of being able to survive small-scale explosions let alone a sword or bullet. Honestly, a larger-scale explosion would only put me down for a few seconds before I recovered from the damage. No, it would take someone with high superhuman strength to be a threat to me.



King Shark charged towards me. Ugh, they went with the dumb brute version of him or maybe the childlike version from the movies. I fold him with one punch knocking out most of his teeth as his head slams into the ground and reiterate. “I can do this mission by myself. It would be easier if I’m being honest. By any chance, does anyone know if King Shark is like mentally handicapped? I’d rather not kill someone who didn’t understand my threat was serious.”



Everyone in the group looks at me in horror as I just punched out someone with mid-tier super strength in a single hit. I sigh as no one answers me. “Fuck it, I’ll split the difference and just give him a crippling injury.” Finally, Harley speaks up before I can cut his arm off with a lightsaber.



“Uhh. He doesn’t talk much but maybe on the level of a small child. We got him to say more than "King Shark is a shark” a mission or two ago.” I put away my lightsaber. “Damn. I really wanted to take one of his arms as a souvenir.” Once again my actions have people stun locked like my actions broke their brains and they don’t know what to say. At least until Captain Boomerang quips.



“Ahh piss this is going to be a long mission.”



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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 99+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 12

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 23

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

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