Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 73 Demon Invasion

While pulling their bombs out I decided to check the kinks of the two women I had been ignoring most of the mission. Windfall had no kinks and disliked sex immensely. I knew why and could understand it as well. She had severe trauma and would have to spend years working through that before she could have a comfortable relationship with sex again.


Vixen on the other hand. I had to stop and control myself as one of her kinks was so crazy I couldn’t understand it at first. She had a huge rape kink and wanted to be taken by force. Mentally I scream in terror 'AHHHHHHH!'. I shudder as I rethink our first meeting again and realize she was getting off the whole time. She wanted me to force myself on her and was most likely disappointed when I didn’t. That makes the whole situation even more gross because it fucked me up mentally for a while.


I could deal with most kinks but some were equivalent to deal breakers for me. Feet I wouldn’t be happy about but could somehow manage. Scat or baby play and I was out the door the second I saw them. A woman who got off on being sexually assaulted was another that I couldn’t wrap my head around staying with. I had already pulled back and didn’t plan on chasing Vixen anymore but it made me even more distant from ever dealing with her.


I thought about my plans going forwards and realized if I have to help these losers get to places they want to be I’ll waste a huge portion of my magic making separate portals for all of them. I decide to limit their options and get some help from the few who actually want to stick around and help.


“Alright, so we’ll do it this way. Anyone who wants to party can head through the left portal. It’ll take you to my mansion and you can have some fun for a successful mission before heading on your way. If you want to help with New York head through the center portal here. We’re un-.” 


A demon tried to come through the portal and I cleaved it in half with the lightsaber before continuing. “We’re under attack by demons. And finally, the right portal will take you to the outskirts of New York. You can head through this one and be on your way.” The moment I finish Captain Boomerang goes running through the right portal. “Seeya later fuckos! I’m gone.”


Rick Flag, Vixen, Windfall, and Savant go running through the middle portal. Doctor Connors goes into the right portal as well. I wait another few seconds before closing the right portal and mentioning it. “Oh, I forgot to mention, anyone who takes that right portal will have their cloak catch on fire and bullet stoppers explode. Not enough to kill but it will fuck them up.” I chuckle to myself as I say. “Those cloaks we’re still working on so anyone who’s selfish enough to run away doesn’t get to keep it.”


That left Harley, Poison Ivy, Deadshot, King Shark, and the pilot I rescued at the very beginning of the mission… Holy fuck I completely forgot about him and he just blended in with the group so much I didn’t notice. Well anyway, they give their answers. “Party at the boss's house! Let’s go!” Harley yelled as she went running through the left portal.


Deadshot asked. “What kind of whiskey do you have on tap?” I yell at him as he goes through the portal. “Jack Daniel’s and Johnnie Walker! I haven’t had the time to make any magically infused brews or steal a keg from a more magically inclined race but you’re welcome to the bottles.”


I didn’t tell him about the bottle of Lagavulin I kept locked away in the wine cellar in case I decided to start drinking again. Too many bad memories but there was always a chance. Same reason I kept a box of cherry and a box of vanilla cigars. I kept a can of skoal pouches on me to remember two of the men I served with who forced me to keep a can on me in case they ran out. Kept it on me after they died to remember them by.


Shark walked towards the mansion portal. “King Shark is a swimming pool god! CANNON BALL!” After getting a running head start he splashes water at least fifty feet into the air, almost reaching the portal which was barely visible from the pool. Poison Ivy moves towards the mansion as well but I stop her.


I pull her in for a kiss before saying. “We’ll figure this out later. I do want to help you though so don’t go running off before we can talk. Check out the garden I had planted if you get bored.” With that, I push her through and cut off the portal while heading towards the center. I’m met with carnage on the other side.


Hundreds of lesser demons run the streets and several greater demons fly above. How lucky for me. That’s actually a good thing. If we were dealing with Trigon’s possession and regenerating demons they’d be much harder to deal with. That means it’s probably Mephisto who isn’t really known for his demon minions. Using basic bitch demons to try and get more souls to fight against Trigon would work normally but… I’m here, so he kind of fucked up.


The bulk of my magical protections were to combat the dark magics of the world. Parademons, vampires, undead, or just regular basic demons all had very similar weaknesses and I already had them in place. The demons would become energy for my golems by the end of the day.


The biggest problem with making a circle of a pentagram banishment spell is it would be hard to draw out anything bigger than someone's eyesight, especially with buildings in the way. So why not just make an altered square banishment spell that while it banishes also rips a portion of the banished entity's power? I got to work teleporting to the magical department.


A lot of my magic is using cheaper, weaker methods to avoid more expensive and mana-costly options. To completely protect New York would most likely take tens of millions of dollars, tons of manpower, and time, and if anyone messed with it the spell boundaries might become faulty and make the entire spell fail. That’s why I was going to cheat by having the roads work as guidelines for the banishment.


Even still that wouldn’t work as there was no way to track the boundaries of the spell. That’s why four of my mage golems had the altered banishment spell written into their producible spells to use as a ritual. Mages can do the same thing but having robots do it meant less room for people fucking it up. Each would essentially act as a corner of the boundary so I could place them in a square design and banish every demon inside that square.


Now that would normally take an insane amount of mana. It would probably take a half dozen sixth-circle mages or four seventh-circle to do what I was trying to pull off. Unless we used their own mana to banish them then it would take significantly less. Once again I was working around the condition that they would need to agree to be dispelled because dispelling them the normal way would be too costly. They would be warned to leave the area and after a period of time if they hadn’t they’d essentially agree to it.


The time was exactly one minute which wasn’t a short period but I couldn’t get the time any lower without risking demons being strong enough to ignore the banishment. If I had more time I could possibly get it down to thirty seconds or that would have required having something better prepared in advance. Placing the golems down for the first dispel I waited the minute hoping nothing went wrong.


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