Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 78 Murder for fun and profit

Raven didn’t know what she expected when she came back but it wasn’t that they would be buried under a bus. Why wasn’t she dead or at least in pain? Out of instinct, she pushed against the bus and she was surprised by how easily it moved. For a brief moment, she doesn’t understand what’s happening but that moment is interrupted by one of her brothers slamming down full force through the bus down onto her.


He leaned forward, having pinned her down with his legs before sneering. “Hello, dear sister. It’s great to meet you finally. Such a shame we need your body so just b-.” Once again on instinct, she tried to push him off her and flung him a hundred feet into the air. For a brief moment, she thought she used her magic to do it but nope, that was pure strength.


She heard a voice in the back of her head. “I’d like to take my ten minutes now.” It was hard to tell since they all sounded similar but she thought it was the Frustration emotion and there wasn’t much of a choice. The man had given her rights away for no reason and turning down an emotion who succeeded was more effort than it was worth.


Frustration took over and her skin started shifting red. For a brief moment, Raven regretted giving up control of her body before another of her brothers ripped through the bus and would have easily ambushed her but Frustration was already pissed and looking for a fight. She punched the guy back through the hole he made in the bus and he ripped through a layer of brick bending a steel beam holding the Baxter building up. 


Even Frustration winced as Ruskoff’s body poured purple demon blood like a fountain. She had to hold back a little or she risked destroying the surrounding buildings with her strength. Another brother tried to land on her, the first brother again and Frustration grabbed him by his leg and slammed him into the ground. The blow was so strong that it finished ripping the bus in half and pushed the two separate parts away from the dust cloud.


If Ruskoff looked hurt Suge looked close to dead. A single blow managed to knock him unconscious and that was with her holding back. Some of the other heroes were fighting but most were down and out of the fight. The man who gave Frustration her freedom stood over one of the Spider men and had his hand on his chest. Danny ripped the stop sign out of his chest and the wound healed at a visible rate.


Kid Arachnid got up the moment he was healed and jumped right back into the fight. He teleported to Atom who had their spine shattered and bent them back into the correct position before an audible popping sound could be heard as the body corrected itself. Pinging forward again, Danny stopped a boulder from crushing another small group of heroes who showed up for the fight with a force field.


Once again teleported to a small child covered in small cuts and picked her up which caused her wounds to heal visibly. He took some of the blood from her cut and spoke. “Erehw si ruoy ymmom?” He teleported away with the child before blinking back with an ice cream cone. The distance had been eaten up between Frustration and Belial as he was still fighting with a dozen heroes.


She ran up and punched him with no fanfare. The sucker punch felt great, it gave Frustration that outlet for fighting Raven disliked, the violent kind. Danny teleported in front of Belial as he spun away, stopping him from being launched into a building. He didn’t do much damage to him, instead calling out to the heroes who were fighting.


“Yo, this is a family feud. Let the big red lady handle her family.” Frustration couldn’t help but smile as Belial came down because he was still in decent shape. That blow was strong but not her full power. She could cut loose even more against this one without risking his death. She heard the three lust-related emotions claim their time the moment they could get the teleporting man alone.




I licked my ice cream as I enjoyed the fight. The ice cream cart I portaled right beside was left unattended so I grabbed a cone for the girl and me. Raven laid a full powered kick on Belial’s groin making all the male supers around watching the fight cringe in sympathetic pain. Once again needing to stop him from flying blocks away I teleport in his way and make a U-shaped bracket forcefield to send him back down.


I decided everyone was distracted enough that I could put a plan I was working on into motion. I needed to be verified at a spot(like a huge fight) before committing a bunch of murders. I teleported back to the Raft and made an illusion of myself while making myself invisible. The Mandrill was still completely restrained so when I cut his head from his body I didn’t feel the normal struggle against his plot armor.


Surprisingly I did feel a slight increase in my mental powers but it wasn’t on the same level as someone with a true mind control power. I also didn’t get a new mind control power as I had given it away again and would have felt it snap into place. That still left the three other victims here I needed to take care of. My knife cleaved through Doctor Light’s neck next. I felt it struggling on whether or not to give me his powers.


It was almost there, I just needed a single push to unlock his light-based powers. For some reason, my instincts pushed me to consume his blood. Going off those instincts I could feel the genetic components of his DNA being scanned with diagnostic touch and the differing genes compared to normal humans were separated and absorbed.

Light control

Photon Blast


Light sense

Light absorption

Hardlight construct creation

Light absorption removed

Energy storage -> Energy absorption

Gross but awesome! I could feel the changes happening and had to bite my thumb to not scream in happiness. Light absorption was an inferior version to energy storage and as it removed the power I could feel energy storage breakthrough to rank two. I teleported away after that and cheered at Raven as she had her brother on the ground taunting him. She was beating the absolute shit out of him and it was hard not to laugh as their plans were thwarted.


I unsummoned my magic fake and left behind a light construct of myself instead. It was tangible and could be felt by others. I teleported back to the Raft and it was on lockdown. They must have realized someone was there by now. I ping with my light sense to look for my two remaining victims and they’re both in large groups of convicts. If anyone in the entire prison could hurt me I’d be surprised.


I floated over my next victim for a few seconds and no one noticed me. Picking him up enough that my blade won't hit anyone else I cleave his head from his body. This was someone in the normal Raft cells, he wasn’t deemed a big enough threat to have his powers stripped. I needed his powers though so I made the executive decision that his life was worth taking.

Water control


Hydro-man was no more. He was only a petty crook but his team-up with the female elementals was the closest to a flop DC released since the new comics started being released. This was the first reluctant murder committed. Everyone else was pretty evil but my options for water control were very limited. His plot armor was practically nothing but I had to raise him up and not strike anyone else because he was surrounded with people with more plot armor.


That led me to believe the last man I wanted to kill was going to be a bit harder. I needed to find a way to get Electro to separate from the group and possibly get injured in order to kill him.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 110+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 13

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 31

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

Farming is OP Chapter 10

Dragon Ball Z Young Roshi Chapter 05

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