Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 84 Hokus Pokus

Zatanna wasn’t sure how things had developed so quickly. One moment she’s looking after her magic shop, the next a man shows up and offers her a job as the head of his magic business. As much as she wanted to scoff at his offer, she decided to humor him and see that it actually had some merit.


That still wasn’t enough for her to drop her magician job, even if it paid better money didn’t matter much to her. She decided to put it on a challenge, and the man actually challenged her to a magic duel. She could feel his mana and while it was strong he was only 5th circle. She was 7th, making her one of the most magical people on the planet.


Besides Doctor Strange who was a freak one in a trillion 9th circle from birth. It meant she was born with powers most could only dream of gaining. People would make deals with the devil to just gain access to magic and she was able to use magic to enslave those demons or banish them to whence they came.


She hadn’t expected the man to be faster on the draw. Casting “Ecnelis.” he won the fight without her even having a chance. He decided to give her another chance to prove it wasn’t a fluke. She got the first spell off. “Elbat pilf!” The table the man was on started flipping end over end, but the man just jumped off when he heard her spell.


He launched his spell. “Ottid.” The table she was on started flipping end over end next. She didn’t land as smoothly as he did. While she was down, he could have cast a spell to finish her, but he didn’t. He waited for her to fully recover. Zatanna thought that he would regret that. Spell after spell began to fly, and he only retaliated, never using his own spells first.


“Ecnelis.” “Epon!” “Peels!” “Trela.”“Mrasid!” The man tossed his staff into the air while doing jazz hands as the spell hit him. It did nothing then he grabbed his weapon again. “Etativel!” “Sisenikelet!” The man was even experienced with flying magic! She started to get even more serious. Things that could end badly if they connected but she was starting the run out of actual non lethal options.


“Erif!” “Dleihs!” “Gninthgil!” “Rebbur.” “Eci ekips!” “Esrever!” Fire, which he shielded. Followed by lightning, which he was unaffected by. She had to dodge out of the way of the ice spike she launched, as it made its way back towards her. She had tried to stick to smaller spells, but it was ramping up and she needed to start pulling out the big guns.


“Dnes siht nam ot Acitcratna!” He let himself be struck, which made Zatanna think she won, until a portal appeared directly where he was bringing him right back. She was growing more frustrated, and couldn’t think of any more spells. “Sehtolc emoceb sgnidnib!” The man only smirked at her as he spoke. 


“Sehtolc llaf ffo!” For a few seconds, the man stood completely nude, before he finally used his first offensive spell. “S’reh oot!” The spell hit her, and it took a few seconds for her to register that she was also nude. Somehow from that, things escalated to the two of them having sex in the back of her shop.


The man was hyper-competent, which was something Zatanna liked, and the sex just was on a different level than she ever had before. The man just knew every little thing she liked, and even as he fucked away he tickled her while leaving hicky and bite marks. Tickling was a fetish she didn’t even know she had, but the hickeys… To be claimed like that, she knew she had that kink.


He bit down directly on her breast, and it made her orgasm on the spot. With shock on her face, she could feel the sudden flood of magical energy into her. Gaining magic was slow going, but it was days worth of meditation all at once. She almost came again from the sudden burst of magical energy in her body.


A single session of fucking led to her gaining months' worth of magical energy. Her body felt amazing, the soreness of the hickeys and bites, letting her know that sex could feel that good. The mix of pleasure and pain only made her climax faster and faster. When she was about to be overwhelmed, he’d slow down and begin tickling and licking her body all over.


She moaned and cooed at the feeling of bliss her body was in. Zatanna wasn’t sure she would accept the man’s job, but she was definitely sure that having sex regularly would be part of her compensation if she did.




I think this is good enough for now. I could go after a pharmaceutical company, but I’d rather just steal one over making one. That left Alchemax or Cale-Anderson Pharmaceuticals. I’ll go through their buildings later, and steal what I want, then decide. I’d have to start putting together a solid plan to steal one of those two companies out from under their owners. 


Plan one was to buy a bunch of shares, and fuck my way into the owners position. The fashion/entertainment was significantly easier to steal. I smiled as I was now strong enough to comfortably take control over several companies all at once. First I had to get everything set up for the “change in leadership”. I had to talk to the head conspirator. That was after picking up the area suppressor field and giving away my teleport power to one of my women.


First thing was first. I needed something to eat.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 115+ 

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