Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 86 Stealing a legacy

Sebastian had never been this flustered before. Everyone he fought always lost, even now he still couldn’t get a read on the guy. It felt like a trick. Why would the man offer his cheek if it wasn’t a trap? Sebastian didn’t know, but still couldn’t sit there doing nothing, his pride getting the better of him even now.


His first punch was to test the waters. He put in about ten years of kinetic force in the punch. That would be enough to blow up a building and have the same impact as a tomahawk cruise missile. The man took the hit, flying back and slamming into the wall. He somehow looked undamaged. Sebastian could see the microexpressions on his face. That blow did hurt him.


The man played it off like it didn’t hurt though. Even still, that was a good portion of energy. Sebastian prepared himself again, as he launched a blast towards him. This time he used a hundred years' worth of stored kinetic energy. That amount of energy would be the equivalent of the solar energy an acre of land would receive over an entire year.


The man was flung back again, this time digging into the wall. It took him a few seconds to get up, but he was hurt. He was hurt badly by the look of it, and Sebastian knew he only had to put a love tap on him to beat him now. That was until the man somehow started to recover. The man stood before him, with a large fist-sized hole in his shirt, and gave Sebastian a big smirk.


“That's it?” The man asked so casually no one would have thought he was just almost killed in the last attack. Sebastian knew if he held back now, and the guy survived, he would regenerate and kill Sebastian. Sebastian hit the man with one thousand years of kinetic force. That would be the equivalent of an atomic bomb going off with all the force the bomb generated and aimed solely at a single person.


Sebastian knew, as the building wall was torn away, that he had managed to kill the man. There was no-. A portal appeared at the same spot the man was just at and he came out looking perfectly fine. He was wearing a completely different outfit, his being atomized by the attack. Sebastian’s brain turned off for a moment.




I could only cheekily smile at Sebastian as my plan had finally finished. I knew I could hug him with the suppression field and in ten minutes strip the power from him, but I wasn’t sure the kinetic energy he had stored would transfer with me. Even if it did, I doubted I would get the equivalent of a nuke's worth of energy from the transfer.


The small portion I could have gotten if it did transfer wasn’t what I was going for, I wanted the entire thing. I wanted all of his stored energy, that’s why I gave him this silly contest. To steal his built-up energy. Even now, I could see his hair starting to gray, as he spent almost all his energy. It was hard not to gloat.


As I bear hug him, and he feebly beats on my back with the dregs of energy he has left, I decide fuck it. I’ll gloat a little. “I’ve been planning your downfall since I came to this world. I knew I wanted to be the only one with your powers and to do that one of us needed to go. I’m going to take everything from you, and leave your legacy at the bottom of a pile of horse manure.”


The ten minutes ended with him still struggling in my arms. I brought him down to his feet as I took his power, and gave him a big kiss on the cheek, before ripping his throat out. Now, how strong was a punch I could launch? Well, if I put all my strength into a punch it would probably be mid-cosmic. Sebastian was a normal man without his powers, if I put my full power behind the strike I could stun Superman for a second.


I yawned as I scratched my stomach, and sat back down at the bar. It was about twenty minutes after that before Sage came back. “Yo Tessa, how's it going? Or should I say Sage?” She paused mid-pour before she caught herself. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I took a sip of the mocktail. It tasted terrible like she didn’t know what she was doing.


“Mmm, I am one of the hundred after all. I know you were a spy for Xavier. If you want to, stick around and see how the club changes under Emma’s leadership.” As if on cue, when I spoke her name, she appeared. She looked at the missing wall before asking. “Are there any left?” I took another sip. “Mmm, Yellowjacket ran. In my opinion, he made the right call.”


She stared directly at Tessa before sitting down and looking back at me. “So what next?” She asked as Tessa began to pour her usual. Baileys and coffee? I’m half freaked out by her usual, but to each their own I guess. To be honest, after everything, it was almost like a normal cup of coffee with baileys instead of creamer.


It still had me questioning. “What’s with the drink?” She sipped at hers, thinking about whether to answer, before she decided on the truth. “I needed something that would keep me mostly lucid. I would get sick and throw up from drinking this before I got drunk because I hate the taste of milk.”


I could only laugh as I sipped my mocktail. “To each their own I guess. You did hang around with lowlife scum, so I could see why you wouldn’t want to make yourself any more vulnerable than normal.” 


She asked me. “So what’s with your drink?” I took another sip of my mocktail, not sure how she knew it was fake. “I don’t drink. Bad things happen when I do.” We sat in silence for about five minutes before I asked. “So these guys have a vault or something I can check out, or they just keep the money in banks?"


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