Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 97 Carol and Ninjas

Carol Danvers just got off her plane and was walking through the airport. Why was she flying by plane? Well, Captain Marvel might have had the most changes done to her to make her more appealing to people. They weakened her powers, completely changed her backstory, and made her a happy-go-lucky big titty blonde cowboy who was often in various states of undress. 


She was now half Kree on her father's side and the Kree were looking for her for the mandatory twenty-year enlistment into their galactic army. Anyone with even a drop of Kree blood in them is automatically enlisted and she was breaking galactic law by not leaving the planet and going to the nearest Kree outpost to sign up.


A man was talking with a group of women. He said something and they all laughed. She mostly ignored it after noting the man was fucking attractive. Like, smoke show levels that made her almost do a double take in his direction when she spotted him. She kept walking though, not ignoring him but it wasn’t her style to just go up to every man she wanted to fuck and ask.


She did do a double take as the man had walked passed her in a completely different outfit and greeted her. Tipping his hat to her she turned around to stare at him as he kept walking. Were they twins? How the fuck wasn’t that guy a super-famous model? She watched him walk around the corner and turned around to walk towards the exit when she bumped into someone.


She looked up and met his eyes, it was the man again! He was now wearing a cowboy outfit and kept making eye contact as he tipped his hat as he spoke. “Ma’am.” She had to fan her flushed face with her hand as she said. “What in the Sam Hill’s going on? You a triplet or something mister?”


The man just continued to smile at her and she forgot what she asked.




The Hand members hired to watch his house in the middle of New York spotted him. He was walking next to a woman and they both entered the house. The Hand wasn’t a bunch of backwoods ninjas, they communicated with phones like the rest of us. That’s what the main ninja did as their target arrived. He called Bakuto to show up if they struggled to take him down.


As they got close they could hear what sounded like fighting coming from inside. Heavy grunts from the woman trying to exert her smaller frame over the man followed by the sounds of glass breaking. The woman began to cry out in pain as the man spoke whispered loud enough for the ones by the door to hear. “I’ll get this baffle going so we don’t have to worry about anyone overhearing us.”


Mid yelp of pain the woman’s voice just cut off. The Hand wasn’t sure what to do. The ones put on watch duty needed to be told what to do. Without much thought, they pushed through their mission to kidnap Danny Storm.




I’m mid-thrust, bringing Carol to her first orgasm when a bunch of ninjas show up at my door. I breathed out a sigh of frustration as I heard them coming but thought they’d ask their leaders what to do when they noticed I noticed them but maybe they didn’t notice. They freeze for a moment as it sinks in what is happening.


I give them the benefit of the doubt before saying. “I hope you’re not here for me. If you’re here for me bad things are going to happen.” The lead Hand yells. “Get him!” I groan in frustration. “Ahh, fucking hell.” Breaking my connection with Carol I grab a pot I left out for breakfast and hit the closest one who pulled out a sword.


It breaks his arm as I ask Carol. “You cool with me hurting these guys or should I go full carebear and just tie them up or something.” She looked at me like I was a nutcase before saying. “You kiddin me? Fuck 'em up!” She closed the distance still completely nude and started throwing hands with the Hand.


The dozen men sent to capture me lay on the ground bloodied and broken. None dead, she was a hero after all but not someone untieing them levels of difficulty to get back into the fight. Months of rehabilitation to get back into fighting shape. That’s not going to happen though, the Hand is going to abandon anyone who was injured because they weren’t worth keeping around.


I searched their pockets and found that the leader had left his phone on in his pocket so the boss could listen. I asked. “Is this going to be a thing? If this was a case of mistaken identity I can let it go and you can go back to assassinating whoever you’re real target is.”


The man only sat in silence for a few seconds before hanging up. I threw the phone to the floor, smashing it to pieces. “God damn it they’re after me for sure. What the hell did I do?” She sort of ignored me as she flipped the groaning men over before checking their pockets. The ones stupid enough to bring a form of identification with them are summarily robbed.


I look at her in surprise as she says. “What? Bit low on cash at the moment. These fuckers want to ruin my rodeo they can pay for it with actual cash.” I burst out laughing as I answered her. “I think I just fell in love with you.”


She gave me a saucy wink before turning back and heading into the bedroom again. “Should probably put some panties on if these pajama-wearing nerds are going to keep coming.” Well, so much for her not noticing her nudity. She bends over slowly giving me a full view of her peachy ass before pulling her underwear up. With an entirely too erect dick to fight, I sigh in frustration. “This is going to be a long night.”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 130+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 13

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 40

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

Farming is OP Chapter 10

Dragon Ball Z Young Roshi Chapter 05

Harry Potter’s Slytherin Uncle Chapter 05

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