Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 453 Pretty Ladies

At the very front was my grandmother with my adorable grown-up Anna.

They walked down in their matching dark blue outfits, one giving off a feeling as though it was a moonlit ocean, primordial and ever-flowing, while the other one seemed like a newborn river, still young and starting its journey down the dark mountain.

But both looked astonishing. Especially my Anna. She looked cute~!!!

Her long black hair was finely braided and decorated with some light jewelry and flowers. But more than that, her pretty smile as her eyes found me among this big crowd was most special.

She waved at me as they walked down, and I waved back with a warm smile.

Grandmother also waved at us, and as grandpa gulped down a mouthful of saliva as soon as his eyes found her, one can think of the joy on his face right now.

After those two were my two gorgeous aunts. One was dressed in pink while the other was in red.

'But different from usual, aunt Aug is wearing a pretty pink this time, and aunt Haze is in a blazing bright red, which makes her look more provocative.'

Aunt Aug looked softer in that pink, but her natural noble appearance and red hair weren't matching with the softness of the pink. Nonetheless, she looked as attractive as aunt Haze.

The two of their innocent husbands, my cute uncles, also gulped audibly when their eyes met their partners.

They received special smiles, and their long, unbearable thirst was clenched.

They were sweet, and so was my dad, who still had his eyes fixed on the bright star walking down behind my gorgeous aunts.

She was wearing a lavish golden dress which went perfectly with her blond hair.

She looked amazing, just like the morning sun and the first rays of the dawn.

She was breathtaking. And not just dad but she took away many breaths from the crowd gathered here.

She was the sunlight, and just behind her walked a new face, a unique beauty, my little sister Zoe who no one aside from us had ever seen till this day.

If mom was the bright sun who people were familiar with, Zoe was the personification of that heart-fluttering flame that reminded us of some special moments of our lives and was warm just from the looks.

She looked mature and as lovely as Anna. The green dress enhanced her beauty, and just like how mom's appearance made dad gulp like others, many young people, as well as the older ones, couldn't help but be amazed by her beauty.

She was among some of the most attractive ladies of the empire and still shined as uniquely as the other individuals.

She was amazing and she could have been the spotlight of this moment if it wasn't for the night walking behind her. A night so pure and captivating that…

'Damn. They actually did some splendid work there…'

The whole hall was staring at mom and Zoe who were shining like the sun but everything changed when Rein walked in, dressing the night itself.

Her exquisite black-purple dress, decorated with fine little Mana crystals that gave off the feeling as though they were stars in her grand sky, those simple yet attractive light pieces of jewelry, her natural impeccable face that made even my heart skip a beat, her dark light lipstick made her lips even more irresistible, but more than anything, her long hair cascading down that revealing back and those bewitching deep pink eyes…


Even I can't help but slowly swallow down this unexpected saliva.

She glanced at me but gave no reaction, which felt wholesomely violent. From the looks of it, not all her anger was calmed.

Well, she was older now, looked more mature, was grown up in all areas, was perfect in all aspects, was strong, physically, mentally, and in terms of soul, and was ready for almost anything.

The anger was a little problem, so there was no need to think much of it, but…

"They overdid it," I mumbled as I looked all around the hall.

Rein was already too attractive, and they enhanced her witch charm by doing all that stuff to her.

'They are just blankly staring at her. Even Carla and Alf. Haaa…'

It wasn't fine but I can handle this much. I knew I can, hopefully, so I just looked at her like the other four people were looking at their partners.

I didn't get any attention from her, but the other ladies were talking with their partners through secret eye contact.

Anna was looking over everyone, feeling strange from some people or feeling dislike from a few.

She was transparent, so it was easy to read her face.

She can feel the emotions others feel, so she knew what the good and bad people here were thinking and feeling.

It was her first time feeling this distinct feeling, but I knew my smart Anna understood some of them were good while others were bastards.

She was a good girl, and her smile was adorable.

She was looking around as they reached the ground and started their private conversations with others and, as Rein wasn't even looking at me anymore, I only had Zoe to talk to.

"Ready for the grand debut?" I asked with a smile while glancing at Rein, who was now surrounded by other girls and ladies present in the hall.

They seemed like flies humming around something sweet or attractive, which was as it looked, so she was handling them on their own instead of just coming here and standing with me.

"Hehe. I'm fine~. It's nothing big for me and they won't pay much attention to me after you are done with your thing, anyway."

"It will be fine. Don't worry." I patted her head gently, and some people who were looking in our direction flinched with surprise.

They didn't know who this gorgeous girl was and my sudden head pet must be like a destructive spell for them.

The pitiful people were already resentful towards me, but now it was probably even worse.

'Well, it's not important either.'

The party continued, and the hall became crowded.

The important people also came and the emperor and three empresses, as well as the two princes and the second princess, were some of them.

I greeted everyone and the emperor and empresses were different in public.

They were more like the actual highest authorities of this land, different from how they mostly were in the private.

Princess Isabella, prince Claudius, and prince Alph were also grown up now, and they looked more attractive and royal than a few years ago.

Prince Claudius had grown considerably after that day and was now more focused on getting stronger.

From what I know, he also traveled a lot in these past years. Even more than the two of us.

Maybe he found his goal, but he was truly far more impressive now. He was amazing, someone even grandpa and Rein's grandma acknowledged.

We were on good terms, thankfully, and though he didn't like me much, there was no bad blood.

'It thankfully didn't turn into the bad prince and main character fighting over a female lead plot.'please visit

I had thanked lady Vera for whatever she did, but she didn't ever take my thanks.

According to her, he changed on his own. And it must have been difficult, I know, and he was even more amazing for that.

And lastly, prince Alph. He did try the friendship thing, but his peace was more attractive to him than me, perhaps.

Still, he tried, and that was commendable.

Princess was the same and after greeting me, and talking with Alf for a while with a unique attitude, she went to the chocolates.

'She was probably more sensitive to Uto's scent. But it would be fun seeing where this goes.'

Anyway, the night progressed, and we set on the upper balcony with the emperor and empresses.

The others down there were having fun, and the people continued coming to me with their daughters.

It was tiring and even Rein had given up on her anger and came back to us, exhausted by the useless stuff.

"They are persistent…" She sighed as she sat down on the right side of Anna while I was on the left side.

The little girl was excited and giggling about something with Zoe, but I didn't know what the sisters were laughing over.

They had a hint of excitement on their pretty faces but then, mom, who was sitting with the emperor and others, stood up and walked towards the railing.

The musicians were on the left side of us on this upper balcony, where two stairs leading downstairs ended.

We can see most of the ground below us from here and all from the edges, so as mom stood there, with an announcement crystal in her hand, I knew the thing was starting.

[ "Hello everyone." ]

They were confused by the sudden voice from the auction master of Hiraani. But they had a faint idea, so they gazed at the two young girls one by one, and then looked back at her.

[ "Yes. It is as you think.

Today's a good occasion so I would like to take this moment and introduce these two adorable young girls from our house." ]

Some were surprised by how she took advantage of the moment, while some were talking about the true identity of this unknown girl being introduced as a member of their family.

They knew about Anna from rumors, the so-called ruler of Heliox. But from the moment they saw Zoe for the first time, they knew something interesting was going to happen.

[ "Alright. I think I have everyone's attention so I will make this short.

This little one here is my jewel, pride, joy, and life, Anastasia. The so-called ruler of Heliox.

And yes. She sure is the ruler. None of us could do anything before.

None of us, except…" ]

Anna waved at everyone with a smile, and they were captivated by her pureness.

She sure was cute, even with her suppressed charm and hidden eyes.

She was special. And not even the emperor and the three empresses knew about her crystal eyes.

This was her first public appearance, and even the four of them were seeing her for the first time.

It was best that way but it won't be long before she awakens her powers and after that, it would be very difficult to hide her from the gazes of the world.

But, if possible, I hoped that her awakening was delayed a bit more than I anticipated.

I also needed time to be prepared for that time and after she awakens her powers, she will have a great lot of things to learn.

But mom was now looking at Zoe. And all their eyes were on her.

[ "Zoe. She's a special member of this little family.

She's amazing. Not special like the others, but surely, she is no less special to all of us than our little Anna.

She's a good girl. And though she might not be related to us by blood, she's too special to my Eon. So, she's special to all of us, too." ]

Mom gave her a warm smile, and Zoe nodded at her with a cheerful smile.

[ "I hope everyone will welcome her with open arms." ]

Zoe stood up, walked forward, and bowed before everyone.

She already introduced herself to the emperor and others, so they had the same calm expression, but the others weren't the same as them.

The people who were interested, and the others who were looking forward to hearing who this person was… showed different kinds of reactions to this new introduction.

'Fucking bastards…' Rein's eyes said this as she looked at some of the uninterested faces of the people down there.

It was fine until they didn't know about her, but when they heard that she was an adopted child… their interest died down.

At least the other interest aside from the interest towards her physical appearance.

'Blood is more important to these nobles, after all.'

She sure was someone from a famous family, and sure they can use her as a medium to bind with our family, but she didn't have the blood necessary to be called a real Heliox.

Yes, her looks were stunning, but that was it. They knew nothing about her and she didn't come out as someone as special as Rein in terms of nobleness. So, in most of their eyes, she was even lower than the lowest-ranking nobles here.

Society would never accept her without knowing her actual background or bloodline. Or until she shows them something far more than what deserves this family name.

She will have difficulties proving herself.

'But if mom were to specifically mention that she was adopted by 'our house' then things would have been quite different.'

Officially, Zoe's name was long. Too long as she was jointly adopted by mom, my two uncles, and aunts, grandma and grandpa. Thus, she belonged to the whole house, owned a part in every one of their belongings, and technically, had as high authority in the empire as the next head of our house.

They were looking down on her, and it was a mistake of their lifetime.

They will find it out one day, but until then, Zoe had more freedom than Rein and me.

But talking about Rein and me…

[ "Right. Eon also has something he would like to say." ]

It was time.

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