Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 456 Unsettling Information

Reappearing in a new colorless world, I was floating in the endless space of nothingness.

There was nothing here, practically nothing. And aside from my own, and Lucy, who was in a form of a fragment of light that had countless interchanging colors, everything in this place was blank white.

Lucy looked unique, but there was actually nothing in this place aside from the two of us.

"..." (What's happening?)

I asked, but no voice came out of my mouth.

It was surprising, and Lucy noticed it, too.

[[ *It will start now, master.* ]]

And as soon as she said that, a strong light burst out in the distance and my vision was blinded.

It was even more strange, nothing like how it had been in the past where the only thing I saw was her pretty self in an empty space.

As Lucy said, this was different.


When I opened my eyes, I was floating in a black space, and different from the endless empty room, there was a realistic hologram-like image of the planet earth floating before me.

It was my planet that I was familiar with, and just after I saw this planet, the whole of our solar system manifested before me.

After that, the entire planetary system started shrinking.

It became smaller and smaller with each passing second… no. I was going away from this solar system.

It was as if someone was zooming back. Zooming back a little too much as after our solar system was left behind, we saw many other solar systems, then we saw our galaxy, then the speed increased a little too much and before I could even perceive anything, I was far outside known space, and I don't know if I can call it, but this place where I took a brief stop seemed like the edge of our galaxy.

But then the zoom-out resumed at a speed far faster than before and only stopped when I was in a weird place where there was an undescribable web of colorful light, so attractive that one would just keep staring towards it, and these lights in the web were moving.

I didn't understand what this was, but from this angle, this looked like some unique cosmic structure.

It was undeniably beautiful, though. So gorgeous it reminded me of the true form of my master.

It was…amazing, and I knew there was something beyond this side of the web, but I couldn't see past want was being shown to me.

So, we stayed there, and Lucy started talking.

[[ *I was curious when I started watching this, and the most interesting thing is at the end, but from what I could think, this whole thing looks like the [[( Periphery of Cosmos )]].

Beyond this should be the outer space, then the bubbles of [[< Reality >]], then the great [[(< Mid >)]].

We only know till the center of all where it is said that the second avatar of mother nature resides.

But this information is all from the data we have from books and there might be a lot of differences between the things we know and the truth.

There are many things we do not know, but if the creator showed us this place, it must be because she is pointing at something, right?* ]]

'There must be something. But from how much I know her, it must be mostly because she wants us to see this amazing view.'

I smiled as, after spending exactly three seconds, we zoomed in. And the place we ended up this time was the earth we were before.

This was a sacred experience that I had to share with Rein when I get back, but for now, I had to focus on the planet before me.

It was earth, the normal blue planet with white clouds and countless colorful lands.

I could see the largest continent, the western continent I was on, before me as the earth slowly rotated on its axis.

The northern continent of frost, blizzards, and aurora lights was visible from this angle and I saw as the only forbidden zone of that continent, the <Canyon of undead>, that was just as visible as the great forest, grand labyrinth, and colossal desert of our continent.

Those were the forbidden zones of the west and north continent.

As for the other five, there was the <Mountain of ultimate challenges>, <Cemetery of existence>, and <Hell plains of east> of the eastern continent; the unique area between the north and west continent, the <Land of nothingness> which was genuinely covered in a thick fog that 'eats' everything entering it; and the <Sea of death> present between west and east continent.

As the image of the earth before us moved, all of these nine great lands passed through our vision.

We already had a good idea of the map of this planet but strangely… I saw something new, and unprecedented.

[[ *That…* ]]

Lucy gasped with surprise, something that very rarely happened.

'Who would have thought…'

We knew about the unique landmass hidden behind the <Sea of death>, the forgotten southern continent and we had some plans for that place but, what actually surprised us was the landmass that even we did not know about.

[[ *Is that place the reason for…?* ]]

'I think so, too. That must be why that hell plain in the east exists without any near prominent demon existence. The higher ranked ones were never on that continent to begin with.'

[[ *I watched till this point last time.* ]]

We stared at the unbelievable sight before us and concluded the reason why my master was showing us all of this.

'Fucking demons…'

There was a landmass some distance away from the end of the eastern continent and its forbidden hell plains.

They were already the most polluted places and the demonic beasts there were also as strong as that slime I had faced in the great forest.

That place was terrifying, but an even more absurd thing we discovered today was the area far greater and similarly polluted with demonic energy in the sea some distance away from there.

It was a bad thing because from what I knew, there was nothing in that place in the high records of the last two centuries, but right now, there was that land, and it was probably growing at a terrifying speed.

It was the land of demons, the bastards who only desired the destruction of nature.

And the existence of that land meant only one thing…

[[ *I know something like this on the day you become an adult wouldn't be something you like much, but as you might have already guessed, it might just be the scenario you are thinking about.* ]]

That was the voice of my master, not the one Lucy had, her real voice.

And as soon as we heard that, with another flash of light, we vanished from that dark place, and appeared in the usual white place with my master sitting in her usual chair.

[[ *Happy fifteenth birthday, my adult kiddo. I believe your day was nice? Must have kissed that cute lady of yours by now, right? Huhu~.* ]]

She was smiling like her usual self, and it was really lovely seeing her like that.

[[ *Eon…* ]]

Then she looked at me with her special sad-happy expression and spoke in that usual warm voice.

[[ *What you saw was something that will all be useful to you. But knowing it doesn't mean you have to tell all the strong people you know and start preparing for the thing that might not even start for decades or centuries.* ]]

With a sweet smile, she shook her head.

[[ *I know what you might be thinking, but wars with demon kind had been a usual routine of the past.

There are strong weapons and advanced magic, as well as siege weapons and war artifacts, but back then, there were swords, some other weapons, and just the power of runes.

And people who could actually even use the runes were numbered in small digits.

Times were different back then, but people were still happy.

They were happy, had families, and a better society than the class-based society of current times, and even the ones with higher authority among them were like a father or mothers and heroes to them.

If it was possible in those times of chaos, utter disparity, and dread, the times right now are different, no?* ]]

She stopped for a moment and smiled warmly for the last time.

[[ *Your happiness is in your hands, my child.

It sure might be true that with great powers one revives great responsibilities, but I don't think it's compulsory.

Not all dragons roam the world to protect other kinds and not all phoenix shares their wisdom with anyone they meet.

The world is selfish, dear; I know you might know it as well as me.

It is selfish, a bitch, a bad poison everyone is subjected to. And if it's so atrocious, following your heart wouldn't matter to it either, right?* ]]

She stopped, and again that look of a sad-happy heart covered her face. I knew this was the goodbye.

[[ *Huhu~. I know you will be fine. You will start school soon and meet some amazing people, have great experiences, and do fun stuff with your gorgeous fiancee.

She's a lucky lady, and I know you think you're the licker one but, it's still a blessing to have such an amazing future husband as my grandson~!

Alright now. This is enough for today from my side.

I believe we will meet sooner but we don't actually know what will happen next so… take care little one~!* ]]

And with that, after another flash of light, she vanished, and the recording ended.

It was a fun one this time, and she showed me some very interesting things.

Some things from that content were worrisome, but as she said, it was up to me what I wanted to do.

I didn't know what would I do with the information about those demons but, for now…

"Haaa…" I just wanted to spend this night with my lovely future wife.

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