Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 467 The Half-Angel

[OP: ]

The two of them were just sitting down before the bonfire, their hands held, her head resting on his shoulder. It was a good and calm place, strangely devoid of any monsters, but it was nice.

The two of them were just sitting there, or so it seemed to the observers of the dark room.

Everything was fine… until she suddenly released his hand and stood up, chaotic and face covered with grave fear.

'They' could see she was genuinely shocked and tense right now, but then… everything vanished.

The screens that showed the two of them and their surrounding area blanked out, throwing the people of the dark room into chaos.

From their perspective, something like this shouldn't be possible… but it was good that they weren't looking at the things happening inside there.

Eon, as soon as Rein finished setting up the unique barrier, jerked his body up and coughed a mouthful of hot red blood.

Immediately after that, he screamed so loudly that his voice shook the closed surroundings and, even she was seeing him like that for the first time, putting her mind in an even more difficult situation.

Celes, the big glowing crystal butterfly, came out of her mark as even she didn't know what she should do.

She had just pointed out the most interesting person he had asked of her, but now, because of her, he was…

She was in utter disarray, but Rein was relatively calm.

She knew this was one of their most urgent, most unexpected situations where she had to remain calm rather than get messed up and fuck the situation.

So she was calm, and from the looks of things, she quickly concluded that he was feeling the aftereffects of using his special appraisal skill.

She had seen similar situations before, but this time, things were just far more severe than even the time they faced the demon viscount.

She remembered what things she must do in emergency situations like this, so she hurriedly took out three potion bottles and supported her screaming fiance.

He was screaming in pain unlike ever before and she couldn't help but feel chaotic, but he needed her at this moment, so she couldn't lose herself.

Holding him by his shoulders, she first used her magic to remove his shirt.

Then, when he stopped screaming and started coughing up more blood, this time far colder than the previous one, she held him with one hand, took out a thick, ocean-blue liquid from a weird vial, and rubbed it on his back and chest.

The blue liquid glowed as soon as it touched his skin and melted into his body, helping his coughing to calm down.

Then, opening another vial with the mind-healing tears, the golden liquid, she poured a few drops into his mouth as he heavily gasped for air.

His body was returning to its normal state, but his mind was still suffering from severe burning pain.

Thankfully, the few drops helped him with that. But she could feel this wasn't enough, so she poured the last vial of red potion into his mouth, not even caring for the part that just fell down.

He was the most important right now, and she couldn't lose herself till he was perfectly fine. So, she did what she could. Helped him in the time that the potions were showing their full effect. And stayed by him.

She even reassured and calmed the big butterfly that could also feel her master's pain and was releasing a pressure that was enough to even crush someone like her.

But Rein managed to calm her down, and after a while… Eon also came to his senses.

"Haaa… haaa… thanks, Rein."

He fell down to the ground and took calm, deep breaths as he looked up at the sky, some clean drops of blood sliding down his eyes.

[[ Masterrrrrrrrrr! Masterrrrrrrrrr! ]]

Celes flew down and set on his body that rested on the blood-covered ground, signs of the earth cracking because of her just a few steps beside them.

"I'm… haaa… alright, Celes."

The big butterfly was crying, and the big girl who had been brave for that long, eternal moment, was also staring down at him with tears gathering up at the ends of her eyes.


Her legs gave up as she fell beside him, embracing him as a steam of uncontrollable tears flowed down her pretty eyes.

"I'm sorry. Really…"

He caressed her head with his gentle hand and looked around the mess that happened in those few minutes he was feeling the aftereffects of his unwanted actions.

And the reason for all that, his unique origin skill, couldn't help but feel ashamed at this moment.

[[ *I have no words for my mistake master…* ]]


He sighed, and first focused on the two crying ladies before him.

He was familiar with pain, one far greater than what he had felt right now. This was the most severe in a long time too, but death would still be the most painful from his perspective.

He was now fine though, and he, though with difficulty, had succeeded with glimpsing at the status window of the unique girl that had only come off as a normal person at first sight.

And although he saw that screen just for a moment, that moment was more than enough for his exceptional eyes and brain.

The guardian of that girl was too strong. So strong that he reinforced the mental protection of the girl as soon as he sensed that brief breach in the defense.

Eon knew it would have been far better to use analysis instead of this dangerous direct appraisal.

He wasn't expecting something like this, and probably that very fact led to this unforeseen outcome.

Still, he got to see something new and amazing.

He had just found out the new greatness of his special gift from his master. And this much was worth the new smile on his face after going through that hellish experience.

'It's all fine now, but tell me, Lucy. Why did you continue the process even though it was too much for my body? Why didn't you stop the process even though you knew it was too much?'

He was looking up, Celes and Rein were starting to calm down, and the gray clouds of the night sky were continuing their travel.

[[ *This was a special case master.

As soon as you used your skill, the eyes, as always, started digging into the mental forts of the target mind.

I was analyzing the information normally, but then I suddenly found some weird structures in their mental defenses.

I knew at that very moment that things were different from what we thought and that mental defenses shouldn't be examined by this conventional means.

However, the moment I was going to cancel the entire process, the weird structures of the target's mental defenses started to fight back, the core even trying to reverse search the intruding factors.

It would have been dangerous had we pulled back and the other side continued their attack, so I had no choice but to continue the offensive.

The opponent was tough, and though similar to the great skill [Solodinel] in some ways, different from their defensive priorities, this one seemed more aggressive.

It was a unique creation of holy and demonic knowledge, a product born from a fallen, a gift given to his abnormal descendent, and something that I promise will never harm you ever again.* ]]

Her voice seemed confident, and Eon understood the situation from her words.

She was trying to protect him as always, so she had nothing to apologize for in the first place.

[[ *That child is special, master. She herself doesn't know of her abilities and from what we saw, it seemed like the gift of that being was not only restricting her true growth, but it also served as a link that allowed that being to interfere with this world.

This could be dangerous for not only us but for the entire world, master.

That being… we don't know anything about it, but I didn't feel the 'good' or evil side of it in that brief moment.* ]]

She stopped talking after that, and Eon looked at the now-calm Rein. Celes was still crying hurricanes though.

"Sorry, and thanks. You did great."

He kissed her forehead and cleaned the last drops of tears from the ends of her eyes.

"Don't… do that again." She requested with a genuinely sad expression. And he nodded with a bitter smile.

"I will try." Tapping his forehead with hers, he finally sighed with relief. He knew she had suffered, but she did great and that was amazing on its own.

"Perhaps we found the healer, Rein. It would be tough to free her, train, and get ready for the big things, though."

He smiled at his beautiful fiancee, and she looked at him with a confused look.

She did understand the context of what he said, but she couldn't understand how this fucking bitch that hurt her husband could be one of the core members of their super special, super amazing, family-like team.

Then he showed her the screen he saw in that brief moment…


Name: Lizzy

Race: Half-angel (Descendant of a fallen)

Age: 16

Strength: 78

Dexterity: 81

Stamina: 78

Magic Power: 108

Holevil: 45

Intelligence: 148

Luck: 135

Charm: 67

[Skill: Light of halo, Crown of light, Domination of original glory, Magic contemplation, Light arrows, Blink, Cooking knowledge, Item box.]

[Origin Skill: Heaven-hell integration: Basic mastery.

-Grace to Radix (Stage-1) ]

[Samael's protection: Immunity]

[Blessing of hell ruler]

[Blessing of the fallen]


"Well… damn." She was shocked, and one name on this screen made her angry and confused at the same time.

He understood that, so he grabbed her hand tighter and looked up at the starry sky.

"Wanna hear a bad story?" He asked in a low tone and caressed the big butterfly who had finally stopped crying.

Rein was already filled with a number of different emotions as she saw the screen before her, but she nodded at him with confidence.

This small hectic episode had been difficult for both of them, all of them actually, and they had free time anyway so even a bad story would be fun.

So… he smiled, and started a story that involved this unique character, a true angel that fell from grace, and became a ruler that dominated the sixth hell. In their times though, this unique character was known by its different name famous throughout the world: the ninth demon king, master of death, Satanel.

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