Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 475 An Illusion's Domain

[OP: ]

The domain summoning. A skill that many strong (Purple) ranked creatures possess in simple or unique names. And no, this isn't domain expansion.

It mostly varies a lot from the type, kind, and individuality of the creature, but the general purpose of the skill is to summon, change, or turn the surrounding area into a terrain that's perfect for them.

It could be a place that they had created in the past or the home they lived in for most of their lives, but when one summoned their domain, they were taking over a certain space around them under their sole control.

It was, in true meaning as a skill, only something that energy beasts possessed, or some uniquely strong individuals were able to gain as their branch origin skills.

The ones who gained it naturally were held highly in today's time, but that wasn't the only domain summoning or domain creation present in today's time.

High mages, very high-ranking knights, deeply devoted priests, and a few unique individuals are able to do something similar, like taking control of a certain space and controlling it.

They call it [Control domain], a unique technique that basically works on the same principles as the summoned domain.

They are mostly similar but not the same though. The control domain could never be compared to an impeccable ability like a summoned domain.

It's just phenomenal, like right now…

The minotaur was enraged when the strange arrow from Eon destroyed its one and only magical protection skill that took a great pool of energy to activate.

It was destroyed in an instant and his wound was also not healed yet.

His pride was hurt as it was from the wound, but now that his skill was destroyed before his eyes by some mere bugs, he was even more furious.

How dare the tiny insects dare something so daring? Don't they fear his mighty self?!

It was enraged.

The red aura covering his dark body grew wildly and spread out all over and the ground beneath his feet started changing.

The two of them felt as though the world was changing. A new illusion was being born in this existing illusionary space that was inside an ultimate illusionary space.

Its black body became charcoal black, eyes bright red, veins bulging all over his solid muscular body and pure red flames of anger burned him and the devastated area all around him.

The ground changed and burned with the same fire that was covering his body.

The shattered, torn, and craterfull of earth around them started trembling and the ground started rising up.

The two of them were expecting something like this and they were ready too, so they vanished from their places.



The mountainous creature roared and his heaven-shaking voice shattered the world, literally shattered as the space with the red sky that was trembling all around them shattered, and a new scenery took its place.

The world that was previously a blue grassland bathed in the red light of the night was now gone and a place that resembled a canyon with high walls covering both ends and a river of blazing red flames flowing in the middle of these walls.

The view was fearful and the creature, the mountainous being, stood alone in the middle of this place with his giant axe, and a dense vapor was coming out of his body.

He was breathing a dense steam of angry fog, and it was clear that everything that touched him, or the fire under him, would just melt down like ice under the summer sun.

The temperature here was very high, enough to kill any normal person just by being there.

The creature was angry previously, and it had known that just summoning this domain wouldn't be much of a problem for those persistent peasants that had annoyed him for the last whole hour.

And as it had known, the bastards were perfectly fine right now. Smiling down at him from the left side of this valley.

They were all the way to the top of the gorge right now, and their calmness was disgusting in his glowing, enraged eyes.


It wasn't going to tolerate it in his domain anymore. Not that cheeky smirk they gave him occasionally.

The two were good at running away, but not anymore. Now that this whole place was under his control, those fucking bastards didn't even have to right to stand there anymore.


-Swash! Swash! Swash! Swash!

Spikes of rock rose from the ground just at the moment when they magically disappeared from their places. And that moment marked the start for both parties and the spectators.


An arrow covered with blue flames came out of nowhere and collided in the same place that they had marked beforehand.

"Take this Mr.moo-moo~!"

Her voice echoed in the endless valley when she also appeared out of nowhere, took a lot of turns midair and gathered force at the end of her scythe, sparked a black flame of darkness, and slashed the still burning wound!


It screamed its lungs out and instinctively slashed its axe randomly, almost destroying the surrounding walls.

There was destruction once again, but it was just starting right now.


She vanished, and the minotaur swung its axe all around, trying to sense any and all presences around him.

The area was now under his control, and he could sense each and all micro-movements. Which was a mistake in this case because Eon had our dear little Celes.

He could manipulate this kind of high senses or low proficiency domains very easily.

It naturally wouldn't work on some [King] ranked knight or (Elder) mage's domain, proficient warrior, or not even some higher stage martial artist or the actual strong creatures, but for a mere illusion, this much was more than enough.

So, right now, it was receiving too much incorrect sensory information that was ticking its brain and it was perfect against a mad creature of strength and rage.

-Shwang! Swang! Swang!

It continued swinging its axe all around and the canyon continued falling and getting destroyed.

It was surprising to see how that destroyed place was getting restored in no time at all, but things sure were looking cool. And with the addition of the two of their bright and radiant attacks, things were looking even cooler~.




Eon continued changing his place from the top of the canyon to the left top of the canyon to the area right under where the minotaur was standing and continued using his magic arrows.

They were strong, naturally, and they were beautiful too, so they had beauty with strength.

-Shwash! Swash! Shwash!


Rein continued using her shadow clones and scythe attacks, movement skills, and magic to anger the minotaur by relentlessly attacking at that same place, and that cute laugh of hers also continued.

She moved from place to place by using her air stepping skill and even moved across the giant body of the creature and the large canyon.

Her movement patterns were close to impossible to understand and the way she moved in the air and turned her body midair, avoided the critical attacks from the bull, took advantage of all the centrifugal force she created by spinning in circles at that high speed, and combined it with her magic to create attacks so powerful that even a high-grade offensive skill would look childish in front of her simple attacks, was gorgeous.

She was flexible… acrobatic, too. Eon sure was a lucky-

[[ *He sure is, so don't think weird stuff and continue your description, bastard.* ]]

Well, yeah. She was cool and the way she moved was cooler. It made her charming, and it sure was pretty despite the perfect disguise.


The way he used his spell arrows and normal arrows in those quick successions was eye-widening for the spectators.

He fired three to six normal but lethally enchanted arrows at a time after all, and even for spell arrows, he sometimes used three (tier-3) personal spells at a time, astonishing the mages even further.

His archery was impeccable on its own, but the way he integrated that with his magic was jaw-dropping for both the mages and knights of the dark room. Even their student council president and vice president were speechless.

The same was true in the case of magic using scythesman Rein. She even managed to take away the breaths of ladies and old ones, let alone the young and strong men.

They also looked incredibly beautiful when they worked together and used their strong, those very, very, very strong combo attacks.

Their chemistry… ahh~. They even made the cold-hearted ones feel the warmth and beauty of love and that unquestionably explicit romance.

They were unfathomable on their own, but while the two were working together to take down this big one, their teamwork was no less than the epically famous teamwork of those heroic groups who understood and trusted their partners more than their own lives.

The two of them also trusted the other more than their own lives, the reason he could unblinkingly shoot an arrow while standing just under the humongous minotaur and trust that he won't ever be able to hurt even his hair.

He already knew she had his back and sides and not even another unknown thing coming out of nowhere could hurt him.

She was the same as she fearlessly moved even on the nose and horns of the giant creature, mocked him, and only continued attacking that one place where they had marked before.

She didn't even care about the spikes of rocks relentlessly shooting at her from all around the canyon.

She knew he had her covered from all possible directions. Not even a rock was touching her on his watch.

The two of them were romantic, and even the spectators couldn't help that weird feeling as they saw these two fucking bastards having fun while battling with a freaking minotaur!

They could die, not actually die-die because this was only an illusion, but they could very well lose or get hurt very badly.

It would reflect negatively on their scores ultimately too, so they couldn't lose.

Still, their romantic show of strength and 'flexibility' was quite something for all of them. It was all like watching some theatre play masterfully written and centered around the two of them.

They were having fun, and many scenes were food dropping for them but then there came a moment when Eon shot an arrow that created a giant ball of water above the minotaur and Rein failed to combine her water vortex with his spell… and as a result, both spells just flopped down on the head of the angrily burning minotaur, instantly putting out the fire covering him for some reason.

It was strange, but someone just threw water on the face of an angry person, and the result of such noble action…


"It was my fault. Sorry, darling."


The audience gulped and the two of them sweated with tension as all activities across the canyon suddenly stopped and the minotaur froze on his spot, still, as if lifeless.

They had just fast-forwarded to the third and last stage of the battle by mistake and it was going to be difficult from now on.




-Boom! Boom! Boom!

Berserk. Another thing the minotaurs were famous for. And this time, the one the two of them were facing was the angriest berserk of their lifetime…

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