Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 480 Results And Rankings

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The exams had ended and after a while, it was time for their results.

Everyone was either eating or resting by this point or was recovering from whatever mental or physical injuries they had received on the island.

Everyone was fine though and all were excited about their results and were looking forward to it.

There had been an announcement a while ago that their results would be released in a while and that they can collect the envelope containing their grades and the results from the receptions in the inner lobby.

They also said that the names and scores of the top hundred out of all the passing students would be shown on the giant inner announcement boards of all the ships.

Everyone was excited and had gathered in the inner lobby for that and even Carla, Alf, Zoe, prince Alph, and Chry who stood around each other were excited about the results.

Almost everyone was there, and it was amazing that this open area of the airship was able to hold these hundreds and thousands of people at once.

It was good but the people here couldn't see some of the famous faces or the familiar faces that they hoped to see.

The most famous prince of the Roxana empire, prince Cloudious wasn't there. And the same could be said for most of the twelve prodigies.

There were many famous faces here that they didn't know were also on their ships so things were even more exciting.

It was fun and all but Eon and Rein were also among the people absent from this hall room.

Carla and all were looking around to find the two but sadly for them, the two were having tea in Rein's room right now.

Their names weren't going to be on this list so they had no great interest in this small event.

These results and grades didn't mean much anyway. And if their names were going to be there with their scores, the staff might get into trouble because of the certain difference between them and whoever the first place would be among these people.

So they were in their rooms right now, waiting for their individual results.

Just like all of them, they had received instructions to stay in their rooms and the map containing scores was soon going to be revealed so, the student council members were also excitedly waiting in their rooms or in the rooms of their partners.

Rein and Eon weren't the only couple or group in the student council after all.

The trick that the headmaster played on the two of them also naturally worked on a few more. So that was them and most of them were looking forward to the scores.

They would soon reach the academy island and they were given a small summary of the things that would happen after they reached there.

It was mostly simple. They would receive their grades and points now and these points they get in this exam would be added to their [Wealth] points.

As they already knew, the great academy of hope only worked on the global currencies and these wealth points were exclusive money of the island of magic's wealth.

One could purchase almost anything with these points on the island but the conversion fees to convert other money to this certain currency were one of the most absurd charges in the world.

The conversion was difficult and so was obtaining it through fair means. And that was the reason having more was always good.

Anyway, that was unnecessary information for now.

They all would be assigned dormitories and if they didn't wish to stay in one, they had full freedom to get their own accommodations anywhere around the academy.

The academy didn't mind where they were staying but it was compulsory for them to have at least seventy percent attendance to all of their chosen subjects and fifty percent to the general subjects.

In their three years of the academy, they had six subjects every year they all had in common, but they had the freedom of choosing six personal subjects from the long list full of numerous courses that had different difficulty levels.

Anyone can choose any subject but they sure would have to live through it throughout that year so the decision was a difficult thing in this matter.

But most people just chose the subjects that they liked or were most suitable for them.

At the end of the day, they had to score in their chosen subjects too so they had to be careful of what they chose.

The process of changing the chosen subjects midway was very tedious so it was common knowledge that one must choose the six yearly subjects very carefully.

Most of the people here knew that but for those who did not, the announcement was a great help to them.

Aside from that, they were also told some basic things about the 'houses', the special groups that were somewhat similar concepts to a certain, very famous novel series that everyone must have heard about.

People were excitedly looking forward to seeing the famous ancient tree of the academy that assigned everyone their special houses but that excitement was small compared to the excitement they all had as the giant blue magic screen in the middle of the room turned on.

It was time for their exam results and the rankings were getting updated on the screens.

The judgment criteria of the exam were unique and no one actually knew how they all graded them so the chances of someone who had done absolutely nothing great in all their time during the exam getting a ranking score wasn't low in this scenario.

There had been incidents where the common and normal students got high scores so many people stalled their hearts, joined their hands, prayed for a miracle like that, and looked at the list that was now open for every one of them on all of those airships.

There were exactly one hundred names on the giant screens and a hundred names were the same throughout the nine airships.

And yeah, there were only names.

The main first names of the students and not their full names or names with their middle and last names.

In the academy, you were just yourself and nothing much.

Status, social standing, rank, family, background… those things didn't matter in a place that had educated even the emperors and some of the strongest people in the world.

You were just yourself here, and everyone had no choice but just accept that fact.

It didn't mean there won't be any kind of hierarchy or rankings or standings in the academy anyway.

Strength and money were the greatest factors that separated one individual from another in this academy.

There were going to be groups, and standings, one above the other, and all of that would start with these rankings before them…

"As expected."

"I knew it! He is the greatest!"

"Tsk. I'm not there…"

"Ohh! Hey! Hey! Look! There they are! All on the rankings!"

"Hmmm… who is this Cheris guy? How is he sixth on the rankings?"

"Shit! You are higher than me this time…"

"Hmm? Is there something wrong with the ranking? Who are all these people? Who is this… Chrysis? And how the heck did that useless prince get thirty-ninth in the ranking?"

"Zoe? As in Zoe from the Heliox?"

"Yes~! Our princess is better than their princess~!!"

"Brother! Brother! I'm on the rankings! No! I don't know but I'm somehow on the rankings~!"

"Haaa… let's try harder in the first midterms."

"Heh? Why am I so high when I didn't even do anything?"

There were diverse reactions as they saw the rankings and this sure was a unique sight to see…


#1 [Claudius: A+++: 999 Pt.]

#2 [Carla: A+++: 996 Pt.]

#3 [Alfred: A+++: 990 Pt.]

#4 [Isabella: A+++: 987 Pt.]

#5 [Gabriel: A+++: 978 Pt.]

#6 [Chrysis: A+++: 975 Pt.]

#7 [Deleon: A+++: 960 Pt.]

#8 [Mia: A+++: 950 Pt.]

#9 [Newtine: A+++: 930 Pt.]

#10 [Luna: A+++: 921 Pt.]

#11 [Xlor: A+++: 903 Pt.]

#12 [Janet: A+++: 900 Pt.]

#13 [Drowslotm: A+++: 888 Pt.]

#36 [Alpheus: A++: 669 Pt.]

#45 [Zoe: A++: 633 Pt.]

#87 [Lizzy: A+: 561 Pt.]

#96 [Hide: A+: 531Pt.]

#100 [Ginger: A+: 501 Pt.]


It sure was a surprise to all of them but just like the unique reactions all of them had from seeing this list, the same was true for those student council members who were watching the blue magic screen that had materialized in the middle of their rooms.

It was similar to the one the students outside were seeing but instead of their names, the screen with the photo of the map that they all saw before the exam was beside a list of the thirty areas the island was divided into.

Instead of names, the areas that each one of those thirty people might have administered was on this ranking list, and beside them were their scores.

Rein was excited to see these results but as soon as she actually saw them, the smile on her face vanished.

Most of the list was just as she had thought but there was a slight variation to the actual results from what she had predicted, and when she looked at Eon's calm expression, she knew this bastard already knew something like this might happen.

She was sad but still, she was calm and accepted the situation and put her face down with puffed cheeks and a sad look.

He knew he would have difficulty soothing that adorable sad face but still, this was a result that he was only half sure about.

It was sad but, well, it was what it was and they couldn't do anything about this.

The one who beat Rein and got second place was one of the unique ones that Eon was keeping a close watch on from the start of the exam and he certainly surprised even him with some of the things that he did.

He was a unique one so yeah… the results before them were mostly within his predictions.


#1 [Area 12: 10,341 Pt.]

#2 [Area 30: 6687 Pt.]

#3 [Area 15: 6684 Pt.]

#4 [Area 11: 2034 Pt.]

#5 [Area 16: 2013 Pt.]

#6 [Area 3: 2007 Pt.]

#7 [Area 1: 2006 Pt.]

#8 [Area 19: 1806 Pt.]

#9 [Area 22: 1798 Pt.]


'Yup. Just the way I thought.' He sighed lightly and nodded at the screen with no great joy.

He won their bet and won two coins from her and lost his bet in that minotaur dungeon and gave her two coins, so he didn't actually get much from this entrance exam aside from the experience, fun, that core, and the fun opportunity to soothe his sulking fiancée.

It was a great time and all but he was also sad that she fell behind that bastard who used different means to guard his assigned area and gain the hidden treasures on the island.

He used things, people, surroundings, and even illusory monsters, to get what he wanted.

He didn't get that score with pure strength and fitness like Rein so there was nothing for her to be sad about.

Yes, that person was strong and did his best and all but… Rein didn't even show half of what amazing things she could do.

He won this time but she will win in the actual competition during their midterms.

He knew she will so, as the actual sky island, the great island of magic's wealth and on it, the greatest academy of the world, the grand academy of hope, became visible on the horizon before the nine flying airships, the students who passed their exams prepared their hearts for what was to come and all of our focal characters looked forward to the new lives and special events that would start as soon as they pass through the gates of their new school…

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