Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 497 Knowledge And Problem

[Eon's POV: ] 

[[ "They look happy." ]] 

[[ "They sure do. Especially this old grandpa. Seeing him smile like that is totally different from what the rumors portray him as." ]]

[[ Master! Master! I found a shiny thing! A biiiiiig shiny thing~! ]]

Uriel and I were sitting here in this good comfortable room with Quin and the branch manager of this association when Celes suddenly shouted in my mind through our personal connection.

[[ "What do you mean by a big shiny thing Celes? Did you find something on this island?" ]]

[[ It is a shiny thing in this underground place I stumbled upon~! And the blue light it is emitting feels cooooool~! ]]

[[ "Blue thing? Cool…? Wait… are there many flowers around, the ground is on fire, and that thing has small shiny black crystals on it?" ]]

[[ Yes~! Hmmm… is this thing dangerous master? It looks like it's sleeping though. ]]

[[ "It is dangerous, you little thing. It's called (Tenanotrix), a genuine (Purple) ranked beast. It is strong, very strong actually. Even your sister Elle would have difficulty defeating one." ]]

[[ Hehe. You are just exaggerating, master. Sister Elle is stroooooong~! This turtle is just cute~. ]]

Well, I might be exaggerating but at least I knew for certain that the creature she was calling cute wasn't something even some of the top-ranking adventurer teams could face even while utilizing all their power.

[[ "Whatever you say Celes but don't hinder the sleeping creature too much. They are nocturnal creatures so it's their sleeping time." ]]

[[ Okay master~! ]]

She was as unique as always calling a calamity 'cute'. 

'But why is a creature like that here? Is it a tamed beast or someone's familiar?'

They were rare beings and there naturally shouldn't be one on this sky island. 

But there was one here, and it wasn't in its natural habitat, and it was still quiet. Which was naturally strange…

[[ "Eon? What happened?" ]] Uriel asked with a confused voice as I had suddenly quited down because of Celes.

[[ "Celes found a Tenanotrix somewhere on the island." ]] I answered her worried voice with a sigh behind my words but, as I knew, she exclaimed with surprise as soon as she heard my words.

[[ "Celes! Where did you find such an amazing being~!? Eon! Let's go get it~!" ]]

She was suddenly excited and that excitement was visible on her pretty face.

The branch manager, one of the few (Elder) ranked mages in the world, Sir Vetsdryad, or Sir Joy from what Quin has been calling him for a while, obviously noticed that sudden happiness on her face.

But he ignore it and just continued his joyous chat with the 'grand daughter' of his dear old friend while I looked at my overjoyed lady with my eyebrows stretched upwards.

[[ "We don't know anything about that one dear. And just think about why a being like that would be in a place like this.

We can't have it. Not at least we confirm why, how, and for what reason it is there. 

We will also have to see if it already belongs to someone and if it does, we can't have it." ]]

[[ "Which means if it doesn't belong to anyone I can have that fire-ice turtle right~? Yeiii~!" ]]

[[ Yeiiiiii~! ]]

Even Celes was happy to hear that optimistic response from her sister Elle.

[[ "Hehe. Cute." ]]

And that was Zoe. The only one who was always listening to whatever we were talking about on this unique telepathic line.

[[ "How's it going captain?" ]] I asked while shaking my head at the joyous expression of my weird as always fiancée and my dear sister, who must be surrounded by other students even now, answered with a happy tone behind her voice.

[[ "Fine fine. Talking and playing with all these people is actually more fun than I thought. Especially these funny ladies. They are quite fun and helpful." ]]

She had grown up just like every one of us but different from us, she had grown in far more ways than us normal humans.

She was a divine beast and a pure descendant of a high divine creature. 

Just physical, mental, and spiritual growths weren't every area of her growth but she had growth in all aspects and had become closer to her status as a true divine beast.

Still, she was still not at the level of a pure phoenix. Not even their young versions.

She still had a pretty long way to go before her first awakening, and I still had who knows how long before my origin awakening, but for now, I knew that she was having fun with those cunning, vicious, and evil noble ladies and she was more than good enough to handle children like them.

[[ "Don't overdo it and try not to disappoint those women. Look after the good ones from our house and also the weakest and worst ones. We will have a meeting tomorrow evening so you can rest comfortably for now." ]]

[[ "Yes yes, my worry-worry brother. I'm alright. You take care of yourself, sister Elle, and sister Carla's captain too." ]]

She said her ba-byes quickly and I returned to our current situation where Quin and Sir Joy had finished their private talk about the great adventurer who had seen the world more than most of the other adventurers to ever exist.

"Hmmm. You are quite fun little Quin. But, what about your two unique friends? I don't actually know anything about them so…"

He looked at the two of us and just like from the start, his gaze was focused on me like I was some kind of criminal guilty of some hidden crime.

"Hello, sir." But that didn't mean much anyway. We were here to help our friend and not anything related to him today. 

"I'm Lucifer, and she is my fiancée, friend, and partner Uriel. We are <D> rank adventurers primarily from the Roxana empire and right now, we are students at the academy like Quin."

I was talking with a calm expression and a small smile but nothing more than that.

"Hello." Uriel waved at him with a small smile like me and got closer to me.

"Hello to you too." 

He knew from our behavior that we didn't want to get involved with him just yet and that we wanted to keep things to ourselves for now.

It was obvious to Quin too and she didn't have any great reaction toward it. It was our choice how much we told him about us or how much we wanted to get friendly with him.

It was up to us but still, the mister before us wasn't satisfied with the information he got from us so he looked at Quin, the one who knew more about us and the one that had a kind of new bond with him after that small chat.

"Little Quin. What do you like about these special friends of yours?"

It was the twisted questions and Quin was smart enough to know what it meant so she first looked at the two of us as if asking for our permission.

The old elf was just smiling warmly as he looked at her with closed eyes and I knew she was pressed between her friends and the person she should trust the most in this situation.

It was her first time being in these situations but she didn't have to deal with something so bothersome like this today.

"Branch manager of adventurers association #33216BF. Management rule 12, segment 3. You can't force a client in any way that has come to seek help."

I just looked at him with calm and confident eyes and rested my chin on my interlocked hands.

"I know that well young boy. However, I am privy to 'request' something from someone I know under special rule 33. You must know what it is if you already know that much confidential information about the association."

There was a serious look on his face now as he looked straight into my eyes with a serious, questioning, and solemn gaze, nothing like the warm grandpa look that he had while talking with Quin.

But there was nothing for me to worry about or even think too deeply about in this situation of ours.

"I know very well sir. However, special rule 33 goes as: The manager holding a (Brigadier) rank or above can, in certain situations mentioned under special rule 6, can request or force the other party that has come to them to seek 'help' personally or professionally, to tell them information regarding the accompanying parties or the information that they have wilfully decided to not tell, only if the client has a direct personal relationship with the manager in the question. And it goes on to say that this personal relationship with the client must be proportional to the degree of the information that the client is unwilling to share."

I looked back at him straight into his solemn eyes as I said that and… his look that was only filled with question suddenly changed to uncertainty.


The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, magic circles appeared right behind the old elf sitting before us, a sudden heat filled the room as strange blades attached to a red chain came out from those red-blue magic circles, and as soon as that happened and Uriel sensed it, she suddenly stood up with her eyes wide open.

"You fucking old bastard!!"


Now, a sudden cold sprang forth with Rein as its center and covered half of the room, dominating it and giving tough competition to the heat from the magic of the manager.


And Quin also stood up in shock and instinctively summoned spears and arrows made of ice magic.

Her response was instinctive and it wasn't to defend me but instead to defend her own self from the sudden danger.

And, those (tier-1) and (tier-2) spells weren't all she had summoned.

'As interesting as I thought…'

A unique wave of water came out of nowhere and started covering the floor as Quin as its center and, this strange water that seemed metallic even with its simple viscosity was so dangerous that anything that touched it, aside from the four of us, started turning into ice and became so solid and brittle that even a touch would brake those things made of solid metals.

It was a skill that Quin possessed. Not a unique skill but a skill from a creature that was probably near impossible to find in today's time.

[Freezeing cry of Black frost].

A skill from a sovereign species of frost that is almost said to have gone extinct from the current world.

It was some of the few growth-type skills of (Purple) rank that grew with its master and even in this unfinished state, this skill was lethal enough to kill a (Green) rank creature all by itself.

"You dare!" Rein shouted with pure anger behind her voice as she pointed her weapons, yes, perfectly refined weapons made of simple (tier-2) ice magic that were nothing less than (level-6) or higher artifact weapons.

"U-Uriel…" Quin watched her, glanced at me, and then glanced at her new uncle that just quietly looked at me with the same look that I was looking at him with.

I knew she was confused, well anyone would be confused as to what actions they should take if they were in a situation like this.

But she was calm right now. Her mind was chaotic but it was searching for answers to what to do to calm things down, and that only showed just how well-suited she was for our [Lightshade].


I grabbed my angry bird's hand and gave her a calm smile, then looked at Quin and shook my head and told her not to worry like that, looked at the manager who still looked at me with that questioning look, and took out a certain thing from my storage space.

"This should be good enough to answer your many questions right?"

I showed him a certain badge-like insignia, a hexagonal mark, and something any higher up of the adventurers association would recognize in a heartbeat.


And he recognized it too as his eyes widened, his mind filled with new questions, his eyes turned blue in a hurry, and when he checked the authenticity of the thing in my hand, there was only one thing he could do.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "I apologize for my misbehavior lord wisdom bearer."

And this sudden apology and the genuine bow from this 'old geezer' surprised my Rein as well as our special friend Quin.

"The hack?"

And the surprise was probably greater for Rein than I had thought it would be...

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