Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 526 High Magic Theory

[Eon's POV: ]

"Alright go."


"Go, ma'am."


"It's only a little while. Go have fun."


"Ok, then I'm going."

"Yes, go."

"You have to release me first. Let go so we can go, and then come back after the class."

"Yes, yes. One more minu-"



She let me go at the end and I looked at her, and Zoe as they stood on the corner of a corridor leading upstairs.

They were going to their own classes and we had to go to ours. And for a certain strange reason, she wasn't leaving me.

'Childish old-'


"You just thought something weird didn't you, darling?"

She was smiling at me after that hard slap on my back that really hurt! 

'How the hack does she even know when I'm specifically thinking of the word old?!'

"Erase those weird thoughts and go study complex magic theories with mages."

She kissed my cheeks and took a step back, and waved at the two of us.

"Take care of her captain."

"Don't worry," Zoe smiled at me and it was a good, reassuring smile so I was at least relieved.

Thankfully, she had Zoe, Quin, and Med in two of her classes so aside from the most complicated class she was in, the weapon understanding class, I was relieved that nothing too bad would happen in the rest of the two classes.


Taking a step forward and returning her kiss, we said goodbye to the two of them.

It was a theoretical class so it was fine and she can show off all the knowledge she wanted there and it would be alright. 

'A few others there would know more theoretical things about the beasts anyway.'

But that was until the topic isn't about how one could defeat those energy beasts. She knew how to do that better than anyone else even for the creatures that don't exist in today's world anymore.

She was a combat expert after all. That was her stronger aspect between the magic and the scythe.

Still, it didn't mean she could use her amazing magic any less effectively than her scythe. She was just as proficient in both, but she used her magic through her scythe. Just like how I used my magic through my bow and arrows.

Anyway, she was good in physical combat and she couldn't use her physical abilities, at least her scythe during our time here, at least not until something totally unexpected happens.

"So… master Lucifer-"

"It's fine. Just call me Lucifer."

Alf and I were going to our magic theory class on the eastern side of the academy castle and there were many students around us going to their classes themselves.

There was a cheerful atmosphere as this would be the first class for the subjects of their own choice so they were excited like us, and after that wildfire-like news of eight of the captains having lunch together, it wasn't unnatural for him to call me by my name directly.

It would be better that way rather than still addressing me, someone people considered a commoner with lowly background, with respect like that.

"Right. So Lucifer. Why are taking high magic theory classes? Shouldn't you go with something better?"

He was asking that because apparently, the teacher for this class was a famous person that though had a great way of teaching, was someone that gave importance to the origin, background, and one's true talent.

He was famous for targeting the commoners in his class so there were many bad rumors about him going around.

'But at the same time, some of the most famous high magicians of the current time, who had a common origin, are what they are thanks to all the difficulties they had to face because of him.'

He wasn't a bad person, just that his unconventional ways weren't much accepted by the students of this academy.

"It's fine. I personally think we will have fun in his class."

I gave him a certain smile that, as my dear little brother, was more than enough for him to know that something was going to be very different in this batch's class.

I was going to have fun, and he knew when I desired fun, the consequences were always even more fun for the bystanders.

"I'm looking forward to it then." He nodded with a smile that was also enough for me to know just how excited he was.

[[ Master, it seems like they have someone strange among them. ]]

[[ "It's fine. They aren't a threat anyway, right?" ]]

[[ No~. How could anything be a threat to master when I'm here~. Hehe. ]]

She was as cheerful as ever, my strong little partner.

"We're here."

Alf stopped before a certain room that was visibly different from our classrooms. From the inside and out too.

There was no door but instead of big shelves with awards and trophies on the sides of the door, there was a statue on the left side that held a blue, glowing crystal ball. On the right side of it was a transparent natural crystal. 

Both of these objects were special attributes to this magic class and their purpose was to filter out those who were eligible for this class and give a test to someone who wanted to attend the class even with their non-compatibility with this class.

'The crystal ball tested the Mana pools and Mana capacity one held, their natural compatibility with some other energy, and their ability in processing the spells.

The crystal, on the other hand, gave a test to those that didn't meet the basic criteria suited to this class according to all the data it get from their ID stars.

It was a system for those stubborn people that wanted to be an oddball and didn't give shit about others that thought bad of them. And they are the cool people.'

But there was no need for the two of us to take the test as we were well above the basic critical for this class.


We just had to walk in after placing our hands on the crystal ball, and thankfully I used only a little bit of my Aura in this process or else the Solnova might have broken the glass ball-



"Huh? W-what? I didn't even…?"

I heard the sound of the crystal ball breaking as soon as I took a step inside the class and looked back as my dear little brother had a surprised look covering his face.

"Haaa… it's alright. Come in. The artificial helpers will replace it. Just don't forget to tell this to the teacher after the class ends."

I doubted something like this would happen even if he tried holding back. His amazing mind was so powerful with magical calculations that I'm surprised every time I see it.

He was amazing back when we met for the first time that day, but he became far more amazing than we had thought.

'And then he reached (tier-4), started creating his own unique spells, found his [[( Perspective )]], something that took even me a whole two years while staying with my master and took his (Folding) spell casting method to a length that belonged entirely to him.

And I know for those not having a mind similar to his, they would have to at least be headmaster's level to mimic what he could do.'

The time he shows off his true magic skills shouldn't come anytime soon but it would be fun having a spar with him. 

"Hey… aren't they?"

"Oh, my? To see the two of them together…"

"What is he doing here? Isn't he a knight?"

"How is that lowly commoner accompanying young master Alfred? The audacity of that bastard…!"

"In our first class, he said he wanted to become a magic archer even though he can't have a Mana nucleus because he has hexa elemental affinity."

"What? Doesn't that mean he will die if he awakens a Mana nucleus? Holy fuck?"

"Kekeke. My heavenly insight was right. There's something strange about that person."

"Oh lord… how far the world has fallen for us to see such a cruel sight."

There were less than a hundred students in this class and from what I knew, there weren't more than a hundred and eleven who would attend this one this year.

And most of them were either noble young mages with glasses, bookworms that only had magic in their heads, people with talent that wanted to improve their foundation of magic, and a few familiar faces.

'Prince Alph, Princess Luna and Isabella, and the one that lost to my Rein today, Captain Alpha.'

They all were sitting in their places and they noticed the two of us as soon as we walked in.

Prince Alph had definitely noticed us way before that but only looked at us when we were walking up toward the seats at the very back.

He had also nodded at Alf, a signal to normal hello, and Alf nodded back, knowing full well that he knew who I was.

We had gotten pretty close over the last few years so he knew he was more special than he looked, but even this amazing brother of mine didn't know about the pinnacle skill he possessed.

'But at least he knew how to behave around someone he had never met before.'

We still weren't even close enough to share any secrets or show him the strengths we possessed so it was only natural that our friendship would start with this academy.

"Nice to see you here too, mister Lucifer."

"Feeling is mutual. I hope you enjoy your class."

Captain of the current greatest house and someone who probably had the most revealed strength among the students, Alpha. He was quite a peculiar person.

But that aside…

'Princess Luna. I wonder how she feels about him after how much he hindered her during the entrance exam.'

He had used all the strong people and especially prodigies, and even in them, especially this witch Lady, Princess Luna, to get that absurd score that we were only able to get after going to that secret dungeon and defeating that near-impossible target.

I knew from that subtle expression that she at least was angry at him, and he knew it too so he should do something to make it up to her or…

'A witch's wreath is no good. I have good experience with it and I would always suggest one to not incur it. Ever.'

He would be a fool if he didn't know that, but I at least believed he wasn't one of the many in this classroom.

Anyway, so, we sat at the very back, and apparently, Princess Isabella was sitting just beside Alf. And don't get me wrong, I'm only hoping good for my little brother, but I would love to see how they progress.

We were on the left side of the class and I was sitting on the outer corner while she was on the other, and this sitting arrangement was pretty good.

I was looking forward to this class, just like everyone else, and after a while, when the teacher, the old elf with silver, short hair, and a long goatee, endowed with a lavish mage outfit, holding a wooden staff with a red, blue, and yellow glowing crystal ball, walked in, everyone's attention was focused towards him.

"Alright new bunch of students. It's your first day and first personal class so… get ready for a surprise QnA."

And not long after, the look of excitement, fun, and seriousness, took a turn and mostly became a frowning, confused, or shocked one.

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