Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 528 Surprise Quiz (2)

[Eon's POV: ]

Everyone was looking back, the teacher had a smirk on his face again, there was a boiling hot silence in the classroom, and everyone had a unique feeling as they looked back at me.

Some were from my class, some were from other's class, but the rumors of the eight-captain lunch were widespread, and so was the fact that I defeated the great swordsman Lady Carla. 

There probably was no question I was strong, and there was also no question that I was good with my weapons.

But the magic was an entirely different subject.

At one time, things would have been different if Rein was here. She defeated Captain Alpha after all. And though she received an internal injury in the process, she did create a spell strong enough to break almost three (tier-4) defensive magic shields with mere (tier-2) spells.

But I was different.

From what they knew, I wasn't a mage and I would die if I awakened a Mana nucleus thanks to my hexa elemental affinity.

But they also knew I wanted to be a magic archer regardless of those difficulties. So there was no reason for them to deny that I liked magic.

"But is liking magic enough of a reason to attend a theory class like this? Do you believe you will be able to keep up with everything that is going on? Do you have a proper foundation to even attend this class?" He asked again, and these questions were precisely aimed at finding out the basic things according to which he can ask me questions and find out more about me.

But they were simple questions and so were their answers.

"I believe having attraction towards whatever field one wants to pursue is the most basic element without which, even high ranking people in their individual fields would be nothing but empty shells.

And as for me being able to follow the ongoing class, rest assured sir. I'm prepared to put in as much effort as required to not hinder this class. 

And I trust my foundation and ability to remember, so you can rest assured."

My voice was confident and I even gave a few good points to him to continue his questions.

"Hoh? Your ability to remember, ay? Do you mean you have a good enough memory to remember everything happening in the class and learn the things even though they might be too difficult to understand with simple memories?"

"I believe so, yes."

I nodded at him and the smirk on his face widened in an instant when he saw the calmness in my eyes, the confidence, and that clear resolve.

"Alright then let's test this claim you so boldly make, young vice-captain of [Wisdom phoenix]."

And I knew the questions coming at me from now would be nothing less than a profound, rapid-fire test.

"Answer as quickly as you can from the first things from your memory."


"Have you read [Total understanding of theoretical magic] from Sir Quidich?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then how many chapters are there? How many pages, and what are the names of all the chapters?"

"Thirty-three chapters, a thousand and ninety-six chapters with just words, hundred and thirty pages of illustrations, twelve pages of basic introduction at the start, forty-two pages of ending page appendix containing summaries, bibliography, and uncommon words, and the names of the chapters are…"

I answered his question and in an instant, the faces that were looking down on 'a commoner' had fallen wide open, the ones that had no interest in me and were reading whatever was on their desk now had wide eyes of surprise, and lastly, those others who knew something was different about me were looking at me with a smile that knew something exciting was going to happen… but this was just the start.

"Hmm. First page, first line."

"The book of my life…"

"The unique words mentioned on the three hundred thirty-third page."

"Fol Nitxuoton, Gala Frutonis, and Xoulous shimmmet."

"Third chapter's fifth page third paragraph second line, fourth word."


"What was the fifth rule mentioned in the ninth chapter?"

"Contradicting linear formations are always nonparallel."

"Elaborate on it."

"Linear formations that are made of two opposing natures but equal structural properties cannot be parallel to each other…"

"Hmmm. Then what are the ending lines of the book?"

"The magic thus plays a great role in the world's…"

"From your opinion, is the twelfth theory of perpetual transmission of Mana correctly presented there?"


"Then which book do you think best explains that theory?"

"From my perspective, it would be Alist's [Understanding Universal Laws: How Do Things Work]."

"Hmm? You have read that? But isn't it a far higher level one than what we would start with?"

"I like reading sir."

"You like reading, huh? How many books have you read then?"

"It's hard to tell sir, but it's well over a few thousand."

"…oh? Isn't this peculiar…? To see someone so young with the knowledge of thousands of books? Good, good. So, do you remember everything from all of them?"

Now that was the end of the rapid-fire questions. And from that point, I knew, it was another shock therapy period for the students attending this class with us.

"I… probably, yes."

The smirk on his face calmed down at my answer and he looked at me with a serious look.

"Do you get headaches regularly?"


"Are they too much or bearable?"

"They are manageable. I have learned to cope with them."

"Do you take any medication for it or have you learned through your knight training?"

"The training. I don't like medications much and our bodies as more than capable enough to handle all the internal problems."

"Do you use mental fortification? You definitely have a skill for that but do you also use your Aura and body energies to calm those sudden bursts of headache or are you able to control them to some extent?"

"I can control them in normal situations and if they are too sudden and too severe, I have created a mental schema to partially block them, and then I channel the Aura to fortify the specific areas around the epicenter of the headache."


He looked at me with another smile now, a warmer, almost pitiful smile that he was giving someone for the first time in probably a very long time.

"It was a hundred and eight years ago that we had one such as you, child. A pitiful one that cannot forget."

He spoke those words directly into my mind as if using advanced telepathy but it was different from how we used Celes's connection.

It was as if he was speaking normally but he had blocked everyone else's hearing except for mine.

It was unique, but the emotions behind that voice were certainly not something I was expecting from a teacher like him.

"And you are hiding many things from what I can tell, just like the Mana you are concealing.

It isn't easy to notice even for me but the Mana circuits throughout your body cannot be concealed with just that unique energy, young boy.

You would have to overflow the Mana circuits with it instead of wrapping it around them. But it would be extremely painful so do it when you are free and have someone who can look after you around you."

He sighed after that, and the silence that seemed to have taken away everyone's hearing vanished.

"That is a really gifted memory you have there, young boy. But it is also a curse that is undeniable.

You have the qualities and qualifications and I could only imagine how much effort you must have put into the things that you have right now.

It is admirable. I'm looking forward to what cool things you show me during our time here."

Seeing him like that, that smile, his smirkless face, his words, and the normal expressions of the people like Alf, Prince Alph, and Captain Alpha were so surprising to the people that even the arrogant ones couldn't help but openly show their looks of surprise.

The class was shocked, our surprise quiz was over, but the class had still yet to conclude so the teacher clapped his hand, and the unique vibrations attracted the attention of everyone around us.

"Alright, everyone. You all are fine and good.

Some of you are extra special while some of you are not quite compatible with this class from my perspective but I will observe you few for our next six classes before making any decisions.

For those who have answered today's questions correctly, good work. For those who didn't answer, try speaking whatever is on your mind during our class. And for those who just said things from your experiences, work harder and at least know what the question is so that you can mix the experience with theoretical knowledge.

We will now start with the class and the first topic, just like the first question from today, will be about magic circles, the most basic medium one uses to create, edit, or destroy phenomena, or in simpler words, cast magical spells."

That was the start of our lecture, and though full of wide eyes and open mouths, this one was at least better than the lecture my dear little sister and fiancée were attending.

'Haaaa… that weird girl.'

She wasn't the only difficult one there. This time, they were faced with pretty unusual classmates and a teacher that was some of the most peculiar ones in this academy.

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