Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 540 That Was Fun

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The students were in turmoil after witnessing that… scene. Actually, many of them weren't actually strong enough to look at the whole scene so they were avoiding looking there and had turned away from the scene or shut their eyes strongly.

Some students were in an even worse condition after looking at that but it wasn't serious thanks to the restricted parts that were censored for them.

Still, this wasn't appropriate for them, and this wasn't stuff for theory class in the first place.

Some were fine and just shocked but the others were almost about to throw up from witnessing that stuff.

But some were happy to see this, and one of them was the teacher that was sitting at the very front with the two girls.

She had a smile not exactly like the pleasure-filled devilish smile of the girl beside her but one that was amazed by what she had just witnessed.

The scene that took place here today, the death of a catastrophe, something she wasn't looking forward to at the start of her day, was definitely something more fun to her than killing a bunch of weak creatures or teaching a class that already knew a little about the subject they were here to learn.

The teaching can happen anytime she wanted but to have a unique experience like this was just too exciting for her.

And it hadn't ended yet. There was still one more left for her to finish for her to earn that little date with her.

And she knew after witnessing this much that the winner was already decided. But, she was even more excited to see how the winner crosses that ribbon of win.

The turtle was cut from inside out, something many experts had already known was possible in a way, then what was going to happen to the mantis that had helped that unique creature get this half-victory?

Death was inevitable, she knew it as she saw the creature reaper behind the mantis after killing the turtle. But what kind of death the mantis, which was originally a creature his master wanted to use, would receive from him?

She was having fun, and the answer was just about to mail itself to her and all the students there.

But there were also some things happening with the three remaining participants of this class. 

Rein, as usual, was smiling with pleasure at the even more unexpected development.

She hadn't thought about this kind of death, she wanted only for the turtle's master's suffering. But what she received instead was far more than she was looking forward to.

For her, the evolution of her Bob was expected, the first power-up was expected, the initial skills were expected, but the enlightenment, the new skills and powers, the origin skills, and lastly this fabulous display of that enormous turtle's end were not something she was expecting first when her little Zoe suggested her to use this creature.

These unexpected advancements and turns were exciting to her… but she also knew this was the end.

She knew as she looked at the blue particles of light coming out of her Bob after that ultimate attack that his end was arriving. And he knew it too but before he vanished completely, he had two tasks he had to accomplish.

And first of that was the death of that dumb white mantis.

He was onto that task, and the one this mantis belonged to was perfectly aware of this fact.

But he knew however he yelled at that damn creature, it wasn't going to listen to him. Just like how it hadn't listened to him throughout the fight where he tried to give him the same set of commands that he saw in his vision.

He didn't know what was different… no, he did know the one different thing here was the person the creatures belonged to. 

But he still couldn't understand how the creature that followed every single command from one person could not even pay attention to someone else.

Was he that much below her? Was he that much weaker than her that even after knowing what was the best way to win this fight, he couldn't even speak to the creature that was supposed to be his winning ticket? 

He knew by this time that she was far, far more than one could fathom. But he still couldn't bring himself to see the death of that creature he considered his partner, or see it die after how much he had done here.

He was also afraid of what she would do to him after this class considering she knew about his future sight, and he also didn't know a thing about this girl aside from the fact that she was a house captain and she was far stronger than him.

He was anxious, sweat almost bathing him. He couldn't take his eyes away from the scene that was about to happen in that blood-covered empty space and the girl whose smile was no less than a devil's to him.

But the creature's master this raining blood belonged to, was having an internal crisis at this moment.

He knew a great lot about the creature this blood belonged to and there was actually no way any creature could just kill it like that bastard slime had.

It was impossible!

He didn't know what he did or just how much his damn turtle was nerfed that he couldn't even defeat a damn blob of slime.

Yes, he would consider if the one killing him the way he died was the white mantis but, a slime?

Really? A catastrophe possessing powers to fend off those disgusting demons for centuries could be defeated by a damn slime!?

And especially the way he died… 

His eyes were still as they stuck at the place the mountainous turtle stood before, the place that now only housed a pile of censored stuff from that creature, sweat streaming down his head, neck, back, and almost his entire body.

His heart had almost stopped too many times today but it was beating faster than ever now, pumping blood right to his brain for it to process the shit ton of information that he was receiving from all six of his senses.

He wanted to understand what was going on but his eyes were blurry for some reason. He wanted to calm down but he was having difficulty breathing and he was also feeling something heavy in his chest, and… all this intensified when he moved his head only slightly and the still smirking expression of that girl from the front seat that seemed to him as if the girl was looking down on him, entered his mind.

He didn't know what was happening to him, but one thing he was sure of now... was the fact that that girl, that damn demonic girl was, in fact, dangerous!

And his unique feeling that he would later find out is termed 'fear', intensified even more when he saw the damn demonic creature that started as a mere slime but became something else, do those… horrible things to a holy creature his kind admired.

And the scene was really gruesome from anyone's point of view. 

The slime, the person, Bob, was moving his flame-covered scythe through the large body of the mantis as the mantis lay on the blood-covered ground, limbless, his eyes that terrified others before, terrified at what was happening to him right now.

And it all started when Bob appeared behind the mantis, and as the mantis had bigger size, he stood below the creature, and first slashed off the wings of the mantis, the weakest spot on his body, rendering him momentarily paralyzed.

After that, Bob turned into that giant scythe again and cut off the limbs of the mantis, still keeping the body fully intact and conscious.

And as all this happened, the mantis also screamed so sharply that the blue cracks in the space got bigger, and red lights started glowing all around the room.

But Bob continued even with all those blue particles of light coming off him, returning him to the blank data state that he was originally made of.

He chopped the limbs of the white mantis, chopped off his wings, fed on the energy he possessed to prolong his own death, cut the hard, sharp body of his with his own scythe-like limbs, took out the energy nucleus of the creature that was the same as taking out the heart from a living human, and by the end of all this, he separated the head of that near immortal creature… giving him a death the real him might never even consider was a possibility.

But Bob ate that head after cutting it off, and just when he was almost a blur of blue light, he came back to his original state, his slime form that everyone had seen at the start, jumped at a clean place right before the students, and almost bowed to his master, to Rein, to the girl sitting at the front, with sad eyes that knew their time in the world was limited but wanted to spend a factional eternity with their master, and stayed like that until he vanished, giving her a happy look in his very last moment, telling her the short time he lived, was all any alive could ever ask for…

It marked the end of their little 'test'. And also the end of a sight that many didn't possess a strong enough stomach to witness till the end.

But few did it. Including Rein, Zoe, and their teacher, there actually were a few that stuck to this show till the end and there was only one thing they had to stay about all of this…

"That was fun."

"It was fun!"

"Damn! That was awesome!"

"Yes… that was really fun."

They were happy, some were sad, Rein had mixed feelings, and as the room they were in, the one that used to be an endless grassland at the start and a barren wasteland with broken system elements at the end, returned back to its original state, their teacher that was stilling there with a smile all this time, stood up, looked at her miserable students, and also said the same thing as them.

"That was fun."

And even though she, too, had a bitter smile on her pretty face, she was happy. She was truly happy.

But the reason for her happiness, the girl sitting right before her, had a little sad look and a happy smile, something only someone experienced like her, could certainly understand.

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