Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 550 Titania And Hide

[Eon's POV: ]

"Alright then, see you all good new captains," he stood up and gave everyone a happy smile.

"If you want to ask me anything, just message me through the school's official channel or come to my office. I'm almost there all the time. 

And if I'm not there then you can just leave a note there. I will surely read it as soon as I'm there, or if anyone wants, I can give them Cradle's work Chatbox ID. You can contact her if it's too important and urgent."

He was still smiling while saying that but many of them saw that genuine smile as the smile of a devil that wanted their demise.

'Special, I say.'

Still, there were nine hands raised at his offer, and we brave foolish souls were obviously Zoe, me, Rein, Carla, Alf, Alph, Quin, Lizzy, and Titania.

"Oh? You all want it? Looks like we have more Vice President fans this time. Alright then, here you go. But just a reminder that she would absolutely hunt you down if you message her something useless and she doesn't like it." 

He was surprised but he still handed me a little piece of paper and walked back to the door.

"See you everyone~. Please talk with your house members and start preparing for the first event we will have after this weekend.

It's an important event for all the students and especially the mages, so make sure they are ready for the precious chance of meeting their lifelong companions~."

He was talking about the familiar finding event that's held at the start of every academic year in the academy. The very first event where we, the student council members, would donate our precious labor force.

'It would be fun though. I'm really excited about it~!'

It would be the first grand event of our lives here where the teachers would summon some energy beasts with the special magic circle of the ancient tree or we would be given a chance to try it for ourselves.

It's uncertain but most of the people do get their familiars during this event, one of the few things the academy is famous for throughout the world.

'A familiar is a very special being to a mage after all, and in some cases, to any person that's lucky enough to receive one.'

[[ Master~. We will go meet with them personally now, right~? ]]

And I was one of those few that were lucky enough to get one early in our lives.

"Alright. Then see you, everyone."

Some people walked out after saying their goodbyes, some walked out without saying anything and some of us stayed behind in the room.

"Lucifer, Uriel, Zoe, this is Titania. She's shy but she's quite an amazing person."

And one of the people that strayed behind was the captain of [Fusion stardust], the red fairy with a secret special background. 

"Hello, pretty Titania~. I'm Zoe, sister Carry's younger sister. It's a great pleasure to meet you~!"

Zoe, as always, cheerfully greeted her, but she had a calm expression and a strange seriousness when looking at her.

"You are special, aren't you?" She asked while shaking hands with her, and Zoe answered just as cheerfully as before.

"Of course I'm special~. I'm verrrrrrry special and young so please take care of me in the future~." 

She was the same as ever, but the fact that Titania was the oldest in the room right now after Rein was definitely true.

She was a unique fairy with unique fairy dust so having a connection with her was obviously a good idea.

"Hello miss fairy~. Can I please have a hug~?" Rein asked with a happy smile, excited to see another special fairy.

"Hug… um, alright. You also feel special so I will allow it. But only this once!"


Titania. She was special. Very special. And just the fact that she could talk in the language we all were speaking, made her as special as Ast's dad.

But she was younger than Ast, so she looked cuter than her. And her red fairy dust was more eye-catching than Ast's pink one too.

[[ *Master, it is bad to think things like that. You can just try and ask her for some if you want it.* ]]

'Right. We can do that too.'

I was distracted for a moment when I saw the little fairy hug Rein's face so let's clean up the head first.

"Am I not getting introduced to the amazing fairy captain?" Alpha asked from the other side… why was he still here again?

"I already know you mister Alpha, but I don't like your name and it seems my vice-captain doesn't like you either for some reason so you can happily get lost."

"So harsh. It hurts my fragile little heart, Miss Titania."

"I can say it even more harshly, captain of [True dragon]. I'm really in no mood to talk with you right now so try again later. Preferably after a few days, with some good gifts, and with your real name if there is any."

A hurt expression painted Captain Alpha's face and he nodded, looked at Luna with an apologetic expression, but she continued looking at him with an angry expression, and he had no choice but to just nod and walk back towards the door.

"I will try my best to do as you have asked Miss Titania. And lady Luna… we will have plenty of opportunities so I promise I will do my hardest to overcome this wall between us."

He bowed towards her and left the room with his elf vice-captain.

'The [True dragon] really does have a good lot of talents. It would be fun watching how he cultivates them, hehe.'

"You are Lucifer, right? I heard a lot about you from Carla, and the entire school is practically talking about you so now that I see it myself, I'm really surprised to see someone like you.

You are also as special as Zoe… but you are different from all of us. Somehow, very different.

But it's in a good way different so I won't ask anything just yet, not that you would tell me anything anyway.

So, what I wanted to ask-"

"She wants you to make her something she likes. A traditional dish of fairies if I remember correctly."

Carla cut her mid-sentence and spoke up with a smirk and, an embarrassed expression instantly covered our new fairy friend's cute face.

"Carla!" She shouted, her face painted red, and we chuckled at this unique sight of a blushing fairy.

"You want me to make a traditional fairy dish hun? Well, I have tried them before and I'm pretty confident in making Filartin, Luminocules, Dedleno's sweet puffs, and Jaloquin FÖrB. Still, they are difficult to prepare so I can't do it right away."

"Y-you know how to make all that?!" She shouted on top of her lunges and surprised everyone in the room, including Hide who was probably trying to get close to Rein's vice-captain Nebula.

"We have a fairy acquaintance so I make it sometimes. What do you want though? Tell me before I can give you a definite answer."

I was asking it with a smile, a smile that Rein can tell wanted something in return from this deal, and looked forward to her answer.

"I… actually, I don't know you if have heard about it, but it is called Redienceangicle Hydropudding. But I-"

"Condensed jello, right? I might be able to make it. What flavor?"

"Orange!" She shouted again, and this time, it was an instinctual response.

"Why are you people so loud? Don't you see we are doing something important here?" Hide asked with a frown on his face, and as soon as he said that, Rein and Carla looked at him with an angry look.

"From what we can see, you are only bullying our vice-captains. Just leave them alone if they don't want to fall for your obvious tricks, you bastard."

He was talking with Nebula sitting before him as well as with another one of Quin's vice-captains, Araxie, a unique mer person that looked as attractive as some of the other ladies present here but seemed like an easy target from the atmosphere around her. 

And neither of them was there because they wanted to listen to his gibberish but only because their captains were here, so him getting hindered was none of our business.

"Hide. Get lost too. Go play with your other friends. The two you are trying to seduce are actually just the type you would regret ever approaching the most.

One will actually kill you if you continue that shit, and the other will kill you after she is done sucking out every single drop of your soul.

It is a friendly warning as your captain so make a rational decision here and go. There are plenty out there you can play with. But none in this room are one of them."

Titania was serious as she said that, and Rein and I could tell just how accurate she was.

Her look of seriousness and the pressure she gave off were great too, and they were finely concentrated on him, so it was also easy to tell just how good she was at handling her powers.

And the poor young man that had no idea what he'll he was stepping into looked back towards the two girls he was trying to talk with… and saw the sharp eyes of Nebula, so sharp and full of anger that they almost gave him a heart attack, and then, with shaking hands, he stiffly turned his head to the other side, and an evil smirking expression of the previously timid girl entered his vision.


He fell from his chair, pure horror covering his handsome face, and with his eyes still locked on the two dangerous girls, he picked himself up with much difficulty and ran out of the room while still looking at the two girls, one's eyes and other's smirk, till the end.

"I was having fun~ Tia," Araxie complained with a little chuckle and Titania shook her head at her sudden shift to her true colors.

Nebula was also back to her calm, and normal self. The one that probably suited her better…

'She has a strange side too… maybe this is the reason she is in Rein's house?'

Still, one thing was for certain. She is a dangerous one, despite her usual normalness.

But there was nothing for me to worry about. 

I understood a little what kind of person she was and aside from the fact that she housed a deep darkness inside her holy heart, she was quite a normal person.

'At least, she was normal compared to the few of us.'

Compared to Rein and me, at the very least...

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