Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 564 9-star soul array

Chapter 564  9-star soul array

[OP: ]

"You will let me… meet my father?"

She was confused, but the confusion was the secondary thought in her mind.

The first one, as one can tell from the frown on her face, was the thought of disbelief in his words. And the second, as one can see in the eyes that had suddenly gained a new light, was the thought about another method that she didn't know about.

She had been searching for ways to bring one back to life for more than a decade now. And she had found many leads one can follow to bring back a normal person that would have died not long ago.

But her father had burned his lifespan, the very essence that allowed him to exist, and vanished into nature.

His very soul had vanished so there was no normal way to bring him back anymore.

And that was the very reason she first searched for alternatives that could allow her to at least meet him one last time… but she had found nothing even after searching all over their world.

Maybe there used to be some techniques and ways to communicate with one that has lost the very soul in the ancient past, but such things didn't exist anymore. So, she had no other choice than to turn to these strictly confidential ways and end up settling on the most gruesome method among them all.

It was her last hope… and this bastard crushed it, shattering whatever faith she had in herself and her father that had taught her to never lose faith in the things she believed in.

And now he was saying he can do something that she couldn't, even after trying her whole life? She didn't want to believe how a boy that, from the looks, didn't even seem to have been born at the time this accident took place, could do something like that.

It was absurd and thus she had a frown, but, there was also the fact that he had that strange power to directly restrict her illusion, the power to be present at multiple locations at the same time, the intelligence to so effortlessly break through her defensive system and dismantle all the magic she threw at him.

She didn't know who this bastard was… but if he was saying it, even though she didn't want to believe his words, she had nothing else to believe in anymore. And thus, the eyes.

"Do it right now," she whispered in an almost inaudible voice, but both of them still heard it.

"We should get out-"

"Do it right now!"

A kite only hanging by an almost broken thread. Ready to break and fly away in the endless sky.

Her mind was extremely chaotic right now after going through all of that and it was a miracle just how she was even sanely cooperating with them and not hopelessly trying to just run away or take her own life right now.

Rein understood what she must be feeling right now. She had come across many like her and it was best to just listen to them quietly when dealing with them.


And Eon knew it too so, he didn't say anything much and just walked ahead to a small empty area.


But if he wanted her, he would have to deal with a person that must have been quietly observing this lady for a long time now.

"I can see you Harry so, can you please come out?"

Eon looked towards an empty wall of the room with practically nothing over there.

And even Rein was confused when he said those words and looked in the direction he was looking, and still found nothing.

But then she focused her eyes and analyzed all the details of that wall, and finally caught onto something that was as small as a grain of dust.


She couldn't believe it however many times she saw him do this. It was just absurd how his eyes saw things and this entire world. Her dear darling was amazing… but the one spying on them right now was a bastard.


With a bright white light, the tiny creature, the owl familiar of their headmaster, grew bigger and flew toward them like a ray of light, and ultimately sat on a pile of boxes before him and looked straight into his eyes.


[{ Yes master~. Grandpa owl just said he's only here to observe so you do not have to worry about him. }]

Eon knew he was here just to observe. That's what the neutral headmaster would always do after all.

But right now, Eon knew if he wanted to have this lady, he would first have to deal with him.

"Can you ask him if he could call the headmaster here?"

The owl looked at Eon with a serious gaze, something he only had when he was doing his work and following strict orders from his master. And Eon knew that too, but he needed his master here, or else he knew what would happen to that broken lady when he gets her out of there.

[{ Master! Grandpa owl says he's busy! Hump! And he's talking rudely! }]

He expected it already. And he had recently come across a vital piece of information so he knew the headmaster was actually busy with the aftermath of the incident from a few days ago. But he had no choice but to disturb him.

"Haaa… I know you are listening too headmaster. And I know you have a lot of work on your hands with the labyrinth incident but… please spare me a moment here. It won't be long and besides, this will be worth your precious time."

He smiled gently after saying that and the owl that knew his master and this person before him very well, couldn't help but shake his head at this familiar smile.


"You better have a proper explanation-"

"I'm going to cast the lost 9-star soul array."

"…? Alright."

The handsome headmaster with ruffled hair appeared and asked a question, Eon answered without beating around the bush, and the headmaster was convinced so he just sat down beside his owl.

"And I'm taking this woman."

But his following words weren't as easy to digest as him, as usual, knowing things that almost no one knew about.

"It will be difficult, young boy. You know she is a criminal right? I can't just let go of someone that has directly tried to hinder the academy's balance so many times already."

Headmaster looked at him with narrow eyes while staying that. And Eon nodded again with a new smile.

"A criminal that you have only been observing for probably years now, right?"

The smile he had was all familiar to all of them present there except for the lady that was just looking down with still complicated feelings and had no idea someone else had appeared in this room.

"A criminal you must have had countless chances to catch, a criminal that you have only been observing for so long even after knowing they were trying to perform a forbidden ritual, a criminal that has caused problems directly within the academy and is still alive and doing as they intended.

Was it because she's the daughter of your acquaintance or is it because you feel guilty of not saving a prominent figure with great potential?

I know you would have no choice but to catch her if she had actually performed the ritual or if her identity is known to the public, but, she neither performed the thing nor does anyone even know the leader of Reformation instigators is actually a woman.

You haven't done anything to her yet and as the person that must always be neutral, you aren't even planning to do anything about her after this, so what does it matter if I take her anyway?"

Headmaster Merlin was bound by his position even though it gave him great power and authority in the entire world.

He had to be neutral in most circumstances and except some certain situations, he had to proceed with some scenarios while keeping in mind the impact his actions would have on this world, the political situation on the surface and behind the curtain, as well as the involvement of unnatural forces that he would have to deal with special care.

And the current situation involving a criminal that had succeeded in causing a disturbance in the academy wasn't something he, as the headmaster, can just overlook.

"You see Eon-"

"I won't ask what the situation was back then or your reason to do nothing but, let's settle the matter involving this lady like this.

I will provide you with any three complex array creation and casting methods you want as long as it is within my abilities.

I believe the president has already told you about the possibility of that elixir. And I know you will take it as your personal project and not as the headmaster so, how about I personally supply a few hundred elixirs of your choice to the academy? We can discuss the specifics later.

And on top of that, I will answer any one of your questions truthfully to the best of my abilities.

This much is more than enough for all the little problems she has caused until now and after she joins me, you won't have any reason to worry about her or the involvement of those little Reformation instigators with any of the academy's affairs anymore.

This is good enough, right, headmaster?"

He was still smiling shamelessly after literally proposing a dirty deal of this level. And the headmaster…

"Of course, it is good enough~." Was obviously happy with this.

"We can overlook this situation entirely and consider it your personal operation~. Let's discuss the details on another date. For now, please proceed with that 9-star soul array that's considered to be one of the thirty miraculous spiritual wonders~!"

As the headmaster, he was sold out. But as the archmage Merlin, he still had many things to say. But he knew this was no place or time to discuss that, and Eon was the same. So, he ended things at that for now. And Eon nodded…

He had to cast a very complicated spell, one of the most complex ones that he only had four copies of scripted in his mind.

He would have to go into his mind's tower, retrieve the spell, and cast it in the presence of all the materials and catalysts.

So, he first brought out the things needed to cast the spell, which, obviously, surprised a breath out of the headmaster…

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