Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 567 Before A Weekend

[Eon's POV: ]

[ "It's my pleasure to finally meet the special guests of the great father. I hope our humble abode is to your liking." ]

A few days have passed since the academy started and after that rollercoaster-like first day, many interesting, normal, and boring things happened.

"Kyaaaaa~! So many cuties~!!"

The classes were going fine now, and we had adjusted to them pretty well.

The regular and personal classes both were going smoothly and aside from some little hiccups here and there, things were perfectly fine.

"It is our pleasure to meet the great queen that keeps the garden of the academy alive. And please forgive the behavior of my fiancée but she fancies Kayrias dearly, and even wishes to have one as her companion if possible. But I don't believe it would be possible, am I right?"

The house activities were going smoothly, we had set up the most ground-level stuff too, and the clubs and extracurricular activities had also started. 

[ "Oh? Your gorgeous mate fancies my little favorites?" ]

Things were fine now, and after we cleared the reformation instigators, the atmosphere was only getting livelier and livelier among the other students.

They were also getting adjusted just fine, but it was still early. So, there was no need to go into the academy stuff just yet.

It was our first weekend and as I promised to Zoe and my dear Rein, we were going to the outskirts of the sky island to see our land tomorrow morning.

It was going to be a fun trip but, before that, we were currently in the nest of the blue honeybees that homed the great ancient tree. And, we were standing before the queen herself so it was definitely a thrilling experience.

'And considering how she was one of the only few fully developed (Purple) ranked creatures with very high intelligence on this island, it was natural to feel the awe just by being in her presence.'

"Yesssss~ ma'am! They are super! Duper! Cute~! I will take very good care of them and I only ask for one that wants to come with me of their own will.

Pleaseeeeee~. I really promise they will be in my good care so there will be nothing for you to worry about. And, I will make sure this mate of mine fulfills any desire you have to the best of our abilities.

Can I have one? Please?"

She really wanted a Kayria. And considering they were actually cute looking, it was surprising how she was so attracted towards a relatively normal creature like them, but, it was better than asking for one of the solder bees.

The students here would run away if they see them even from afar… and they might also run away when they see the young Kyarias' but, the immediate response from seeing a bigger creature would always be quicker than seeing a non-dangerous looking smaller one.

'The creepiness of the creature can be familiarised with the passing of time and sensory adaptation. So, it wouldn't be a problem even if she has a little bee as her baby. That is, though, if she gets it right away.'

[ "Hahaha. You sure are a cute girl. However, it looks like you do not know the fact that all my children could not live away from me for long. 

They would come back to the place they were born, to the mother that raised them.

They are connected to me from the moment they come to this world and see me. Thus, you cannot have any of my cuddlers here. Be it young or the older ones." ]

The Cerulean apis are one of the species that are closely connected to their 'rulers' or parents. And be it their kings or queens, they are inseparable from them from the moment they are born.

I knew the fact that it wasn't possible for her to have any of the bees present in this nest, in fact, none of the bees born in this family could even stay away from the nest and this tree for much longer. 

'They are connected and very closely dependent on one another. They cannot survive outside of this particular environment they are born in, so it wasn't possible even to forcefully take them away from here.'

They would die or go berserk and uncontrollably attack anyone that is around them if that happens.

So, for them, the great tree and the queen were something they could never part way from.

"…so, I can't have them?" Rein looked at the queen, the humanoid creature with unique physical features but certainly a giant bee body, with an utterly gloomy and heartbroken expression.

She wanted one of those cuties and this sudden negative news was surely surprising for her.

She didn't know that she could never have the ones present there and I had also told her that she would get one of her own bees, but not when or how she would get it.

I knew she was cursing me right now, but if the queen said that we couldn't have the ones already present there, it obviously didn't mean we could also not have the ones that hadn't been born yet.

[ "Haha, of course, it doesn't mean you couldn't have any of them, little sister. It just means I can't give you any of my children that have already come into this world. 

I believe someone like you will understand how difficult it would be for a mother to part ways with her children, be it any normal or special one of her babies.

She cannot do it, but, if I know for sure my children will be in safe and capable hands such as yours, you could certainly have one of my unborns and raise it as your own. 

If the one being born is a cuddler, then it's your fortune, and if they are someone meant to be for a diffident service, then that is it.

Depending on the will of this world, I might hand over more of my unborns to you, but depending on the will of this world and our lord father, you might also have to hand over the child that you will raise.

Are you ready for such responsibility?" ]

She was using Mana speech but her voice contained the power of her authority. The emotions behind those words were as clearly communicated to us as it did with the two of us and our family.

It was the uniqueness of her mere words, which genuinely reflected the unbound powers she possessed.

"Yes, I am ready."

But Rein was firm with her decision.

She grabbed my hand and looked straight into the eyes of the queen, showing her confidence and determination.

Raising a child was a difficult task, she knew that, but she wasn't afraid of it anymore. With that ring on her finger, she was afraid of no factor other than the ones harmful to me, and us.

"I also believe she is ready for that responsibility." 

And I vouched for her undoubtedly. 

She was ready for responsibilities like these, we were ready for greater responsibilities that we would have to look after as we go forward. But, we knew, there was nothing for us to worry about anymore.

[ "Hahaha." ]

And the queen laughed at our behavior.

We were looking straight into her eyes fearlessly, and considering her appearance couldn't be called attractive for a long shot from the human point of view, we were obviously the unique ones in her eyes.

[ "I love the look in your eyes, dear guests. I almost get the feeling that you are already ready for your own children. It sure is funny, but I understand.

When spring graces us and the new flowers bloom, the new eggs will be laid, so, wait until then. And prepare for your baby." ]

It was early winter right now so she was telling us to wait for nearly three months, just what I had expected.


"Yes, your majesty. We understand."

Rein was a bit down by the sudden news that she would have to wait for so long but there was a warm smile on her face as she thought weird things after hearing the queen's words.

I was happy we were done talking about this secondary thing so quickly.

[ "Alright then, so shall we move on to the first main topic of today's discussion?" ]

And also that we would be finally moving to the main topic of today, which was related to… 

[ "Ivy. Come forward and state your case." ]

The flower that we drugged a few days ago and her master that strangely took a deep interest in my Drop of natural recovery fertilizer and had been constantly hindering me to give her some of it even though I clearly refused many times.

'We didn't check it at that time, but that thing does many things to the plant-based creatures.'

And considering the one pressing me to hand over my precious fertilizer was a being too closely related to the plants, mainly forest, and nature, I knew there could be more difficulties than a sudden increase in the creature's strength, physical changes, and slight permanent impact on their personalities.

[ "I present myself to you, queen of the illustrious maintainers of this land." ]

And when she materialized in this nest located very high on the great ancient tree and bowed to her majesty with that same smile that she always had when asking me for the weed-, for the fertilizer, I couldn't help but sigh internally.

[ "It is my honor to see you two here too~." ]

She was a Druid, a being closely related to nature, and yes she was very pretty by her human appearance but… that was the very reason Rein didn't like her or that seductive pretty smile of hers.

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