Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 578 Vine and crypt

Chapter 578  Vine and crypt

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"Lady Fio?"

They looked at her when they all reached a suitable location and the queen nodded, took a step forward, spread her wings wide, and looked up as a unique bead of light appeared before her and started getting brighter and brighter.

It was a unique blue light similar to her eyes, and though it was blinding, it was nothing for the four people with her.

Even Miss Moon was fine since she had learned to use different root spells and was using them to see clearly.

But, this light was definitely something unique, so unique that only the queens that had ruled over the territory for a long time were granted this unique ability to have full control over all the fixed elements of that place.

It was her authority. And she can use it to practically control anything that was on this land. On her land.

And, she was using that ability right now to make a path for them to go down to the interconnected tunnel paths containing precious ores that had been present there for as long as she could remember.

It was something they had no use for but, her lords, the people she was obligated to help however she could, wanted these useless rocks and she was happy to help them.



As the blue light started vanishing, they all heard weird noises coming from below the ground and just after a moment, the ground below her started trembling.


And the trembling only grew stronger as a moment passed and as they saw, the ground before them started opening up like some door.

{ "I directly connected to the nearest tunnel so it would be easy for us." }

She said, and, stairs made of strong rocks leading underground finished materializing before them.

"Oh, that's very nice Lady Fio. We can keep this as the first permanent entry point."

Eon nodded with a smile, pleased to see the fine stairs to the underground, and called forth his [White crack], taking out a few unique ball-like objects and small bags full of prismatic yellow stones.

"Alright then. Let's go."


He first activated the small drones that were powered by a unique artificial magic intelligence that connected them together and grated them a basic level of understanding and intelligence.

They were some of the special ones that were directly connected to him through a unique ring he was wearing and, at his commands, these bronze spherical drones with blue eye-like cores started floating before him.

He can give them commands by infusing special frequencies of Mana in his ring directly without even speaking so, he did that and handed the six drones a small bag of those yellow stones.

"What are those things, master?"

Moon asked with curiosity just when the round drones flew ahead and started inserting the yellow stones in the walls on both sides of the stairs leading to the underground.

And though Eon was just about to answer her, Rein spoke up before him.

"Those yellow rocks are a special material he created that glows for a very long time once infused with Mana, and those round things are some of his basic mechanical creations.

They are cool and cute and he calls them [K.Spectors]."

He didn't understand why she was still acting like that but her explanation was pretty good so he just nodded at them and started walking inside the newly created stairs to the underground.

"Fascinating… so, do these Spector things do anything you ask them? Like, are they working on the same principles as the artificial helpers in the academy?"

Moon was asking questions, which was better than her being mute and surprised and, though Eon wanted to answer her questions, for some reason, Rein was in the mood of talking today.

"You could say that, but the ones in the academy are highly advanced and are ultimately run by the great ancient tree. They have many functions besides maintaining safety and security in the academy premises and intelligence to take actions based on the data they gather at the moment.

He does have some who are as good as them, some that are probably far better in those regards, but these spectators aren't that advanced.

They can share basic data with each other but they ultimately have many restrictions.

You can just think of them as low intelligence creatures of around (Orange) rank that are good at many things, but ultimately weak compared to a little smarter creatures of around (Green) rank."

She knew a lot about them, even how to create them, so she was good with her explanations but still, what she called weak, was something that even adventurers with a few years of experience would call greatly strong.

But Miss Moon was somewhat used to their unique categorization of creatures by now so she just nodded with an excited smile as she walked into the dark tunnel illuminated by a gentle light coming from the stones those Spectors had installed.

She had been to dark places and dangerous dungeons but this was her first time going to an actual ore vine, something that's usually monopolised by the central power controlling that land.

But they had told her this entire land was theirs and that they had made a deal with the headmaster to share the profits from the ore mines, specifically, from the Mana ores of the vine so they were going to develop this place.

An ore vine is a concentrated mass of associated ore minerals occupying a certain piece of land. They occur naturally over time and expand in a unique way.

Many times, they end up creating a kind of underground labyrinth-like structure with many long caves interconnecting with each other and this one was one of those rare places.

"Welcome to the underground 'Mana ore' vine."

Eon smirked as he looked before him at the cave-like place illuminated by the natural blue lights coming from multiple places all around this cave.

Some of the lights were dim while some were very bright and there weren't only these blue lights in this place.

"You damn bastard… you were scamming him all along?"

Rein couldn't help her absurd smirk as she also looked around her with her eyes and found not just the Mana ores that they were supposed to find in this place but, a lot more than that.

"This isn't a Mana ore vine… isn't this one of those rare mines that produce more than one kind of mineral?!"

Miss Moon shouted at the top of her lungs, almost giving the Queen a heart attack from how she did it out of the blue, but, even Rein didn't mind this surprised exclamation from her.

Even she wanted to shout, scream and jump on her darling and do things to him right this moment.

Not only was what she was seeing with her special eyes absurdly beautiful, but it was also far more than what he had agreed to in that contract.

"Well… this isn't tricking him if I myself wasn't sure of this right? There is a possibility for any kind of ore vine to mutate and produce different kinds of ores depending on the wavelength of energy saturating that vine.

We are just lucky, I would say?"

He was smiling happily, and she could tell there was no way this bastard didn't know of this change.

He must have already predicted this or would have known there is a high chance of something like this to happen or appear so he made the deal specifically that way.

And, she was actually right.

He did know there is a big possibility, but he purposely never even tried confirming it.

He 'actually' didn't know about this until this point but he had surely known there was a possibility and even the headmaster, the master of illusion magic, couldn't possibly see through something that wasn't even there.

He didn't know, so their deal regarding the vine was pretty genuine and professional, and she knew her lovely bastard would tell that bastard headmaster of this fact and do the negotiations once again, but this time, with many stronger cards in his hand.

They were here to see a Mana ore vine but what they were standing on, was a rare mixed ore vine caused by very rare natural phenomenons, and though the volume of Mana ore was greater than the other ores, from how her eyes were seeing this dark long cave as an endless space full of many colorful lights, she knew this place housed more than even her wild expectations.


There could be many reasons such diverse kinds of ore would occur in a single vine like this. It was a phenomenon that only occurred in the nests of very powerful divine creatures.

But they knew no divine creature housed this island anymore, which meant there certainly was some reason behind this. And Eon was ultimately here to obtain that very reason.

"This must be because of that thing hidden inside the center of all the caves here, in the crypt…"

The crypt was here and the thing he was looking for, also most probably resided here.

"So let's go get it."

He was excited. He was looking forward to this for a long time now. And… there was something else in the depths of the crypt he was talking about, waiting for their arrival.

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