Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 585 Telling a few things

585  Telling a few things 
[Eon's POV: ]
"This was your first breakfast with us right, Moon. How did you like my darling's amazing cooking~?"
The morning was beautiful and this new scenery was making a home in our hearts already.
"It… I can't put this feeling into words…"
The prayers of the morning ended a while ago and we had just finished our first breakfast on our land 
with the four of us, Queen Fio, as well as…
[{ Amazing~! Amazing~! Amazing~! }]
[{ Wow wow wow wow wow wow. }]
[{ This is amazing lord brother~! We have never had something so amazing~! }]
{ "Hahaha, truly. I never knew I would taste something so amazing after living for so many years. You 
sure are amazing lord Axion." }]
Most of the other flamingos were here as well, and they were eating the special blend that I prepared 
for them.
'And they seem to have taken a liking to it.'
They all looked happy as they ate that blend, something I had previously invented specifically for the 
omnivore creatures that ate almost anything they wanted.
Not that they needed it but they all sure were some of the pickiest creatures here, only eating things 
that fancied them, and if they can't have it, they wouldn't even eat anything for a long time.
'It was good they can generate energy from the atmospheric energies comparable with their bodies 
so they were fine even without actual feed.'
But they were all eating this special blend with happy smiles, finding the tast of their favourite foods 
hidden somewhere in there.
And I could see the ones outside had the same happy expressions as they ate the same meal.
'I could certainly make something every one of them like individually but, we would need a few days 
to prepare things for these thousands of creatures here. So we weren't doing that today.'
I would take my time and talk with all of them, ask all about them and their preferences and try 
creating something appropriate. But that would have to wait for a while so I wasn't telling about this 
surprise to even their queen.
"I'm glad everyone likes my humble cooking."
Miss Moon first and following her, all the other flamingoes here had wide eyes when they heard the 
'humble' word. And I knew they were all going to burst out in complaints, so, I spoke up before they 
had the chance to say anything.
[{ "I know I can make some good things, however, if we compare them to my teacher's cooking, the 
great lord queen that your ancestors respected, it surely is nothing. I'm nowhere near that level yet, 
but I have faith if I try my best like I do, I might be able to achieve that level in a few centuries or so." }]
I smiled at them, and at those words, most of them who heard them fell silent. And those who didn't 
catch what I said, also quiet down when the ones around them repeated my words.
They all were dealt with but there was still Miss Moon to deal with, but seeing how the creatures 
around her didn't say anything, she knew whatever excuse I gave them in their language was more 
than believable for them.

She didn't need to know much but, she was going to be a part of our family so, she shouldn't be in too 
dark about what was going on around her.
She was kind to not ask anything about everything that was going on since yesterday and mostly 
about me and Zoe, so, it was at least time for her to tell a few things.
"Miss Moon. I told them I considered my cooking 'humble' because of my master, my teacher, and 
Zoe's mother, the person that the ancestors of this flamingos swore to follow for help for as long as 
their kind remained here.
My master… she was the most special person in my life, and her cooking was something I might never 
For me, for someone who has eaten something even some divine beings might not be able to think of 
in their lifetime, my own cooking is undoubtedly insignificant."
She was surprised I was telling her something like that, and when she thought about what I said 
rationally, she was surprised even more and her eyes widened with uncertainty.
"You must be curious who or better, what my master was for her to be someone that the ancestors 
of these special and powerful creatures considered great enough to make such an oath?"
She was speechless, and Rein and Zoe were smiling at her with their unique smiles.
But, even though surprised, she nodded positively, confirming she was curious.
It would be simpler if I can tell her everything but, she was neither ready for those things yet, nor had 
she proven herself to worthy of that kind of secret knowledge.
"It is difficult for me to explain many things to you for now, however, let me tell you this.
She is someone with many names that had appeared throughout the known and unknown history.
Many creatures with a deep connection to the past knows her by different names.
For the rainbow flamingos, she is their lord queen. For the great ancient tree, she is someone 
connected to his own creators. For me, she is grandmother, for Zoe, mother, and for Rein, she is the 
person she is the most thankful for.
Miss Moon, I believe you might not know any of her names, but you should understand a few things if 
I say she was a [Saint]. A powerful, wise, amazing, and miserable one."
She almost dropped her plate of spaghetti that had taken the most liking towards, but she thankfully 
caught it and put it down, and then… continued looking at me blankly.
I could understand the things that might be going on in her mind right now, but, it was only to a 
certain extent.
The chaos in her eyes and the expression of disbelief she was making was, kind of funny? And also 
cute, I would say?
"You… you mean, you are a student of a… [Saint]?"
She asked, and blinked once, deeply, and continued looking at me with that same expression.
"Technically, her successor. But yes, she was my teacher. She taught me most of the things I know 
what it meant to be a 'successor' and not just a 'student'.
"So… you mean you now have everything that was hers?"
The absurdity she was feeling intensified at this moment, and someone like her clearly understood 
what it meant to be a 'successor' and not just a 'student'.
"So… you mean you now have everything that was hers?"
Now, there was a light of admiration as well as a contradictory feeling that wanted to believe 
everything I was saying and her own logical reasoning opposing it.
"Yes. It is as you just said. But, Zoe has all her talents and powers, and more of her own. She couldn't 
use most of it though but still, I would say I might lose to her in a serious fight nine out of twelve 
It was a fact. She was young, a little more than three years only, but she was still a divine being, and a 
direct reincarnation of a high phoenix. Probably one of the few original creatures that have existed 
since the dawn of this world.
And even with everything I had from this life and the past, I was still just a mortal right now. Someone 
that didn't even know how to use all the powers I possessed.
For one knowing this fact, it would be surprising how I was certain I could win against her at all, but 
since Miss Moon had been seeing Zoe as the most normal person of our house until just yesterday, 
she was shocked how someone like me that knew the headmaster enough to be casual around him, 
and do something even he found interesting, was saying he would lose in most of their fights.
She turned her head and looked in their direction and Zoe simply smiled at her the way she usually 
does and… miss Moon still couldn't believe it.
She had seen how the Queen of all these powerful creatures bowed to her as soon as she saw her, 
she had seen how she can talk with these creatures, she had seen how they all respected her, and 
she had also seen how that giant being under this grounds was only respectful to her and me, but 
still… she had only seen Zoe as
She was a sweet, cheerful, pure, and good child. That was all.
She was neither a superhuman being that can render people unconscious by her mere slaps, or 
someone capable enough to call the dead beings from the realm of afterlife.
She was Zoe, so seeing her as someone that held saintly powers was something, difficult.
"Haaa… it's a lot to process."
"Yes, that's why, let's start the construction process. The two of us have to go out for the assignment 
we received from the headmaster so we would be out probably till the evening.
Zoe and you can talk all you want by then."
We had some work so I wanted to give out the basic instructions to the helpers and let them start the 
groundwork before we went out and since the two of them would be here, mostly by themselves, 
they had a good chance to get to actually know each other.
And if it was Zoe, I had no doubt she would tell her more of the things that she needed to know and 
ultimately prepare her for everything.
Miss Moon nodded and agreed to my suggestion.
She also found it better to ask things from her instead of someone else so Moon was a little calmer 
now. But the confusion and chaos remained deep in her heart.
'But it will be alright.'
She would be fine, and since the breakfast was finished…
"Alright then."
I summoned my white crack and took out a certain thing that, once again made not only Miss Moon 
but also all the flamingoes, stars up at it with a stunned expression.
And then I took out a few more of the tall creatures like them, some smaller ones, some unique ones, 
and some strange ones that… caused an explosion of flamingo noises throughout the lake area.

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