Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 588 Emergency…!

Chapter 588  Emergency…!

[Zoe's POV: ]

Since big brother left with big sister for their mission a while ago, the housework had begun in this beautiful~ place.

The cute helpers were doing their work of digging and relocating the dug soil, while the cute flamingoes were all observing them do their work with fascinated gazes.

'Which looked even cuter~!'

They were all looking at them, astonished, and curious, and some of them were even poking them with their beaks, curious about these strange creatures.


They were adorable~. Especially the children that were trying to help these creatures with their work.

Not that they needed their help but they all also didn't mind a little help from these little ones.

[ "So miss, these are the artificial helpers, some of the greatest of the mechanical creations of my boss." ]

And since Doro and Miss Moon were here, things were even more fun~.

"They sure are amazing…"

Miss Moon was the new member of our family, and even though she was special she still didn't know much about her own self yet.

'But big brother was helping her so she would be fine~.'

Still, he left her with me today for a reason. So I had to clear her doubts while still not telling her more than she needed to know.

'Some knowledge that we possess is restricted and if I tell her that as well, she would not only be put into a dangerous situation, she might even lose a significant part of her memories.'

She might even lose the entire part containing her memories with her father, so, it was too risky to tell her things that we usually would have told to someone that was a part of our family even with the risks.

But she wasn't ready yet so, I had to be careful with my words.

'So Miss Moon~. How about we play a game?"

I sat down in a good place with fine grass growing on the ground and, though a little surprised, she also sat down beside me while Doro continued floating before us.

"What kind of game do you want to play Lady Zoe?"

"Oh please~. Call me Zoe. I'm the youngest among us so don't be so formal~."

I can tell she had a lot of questions for one she must have thought to be a normal girl, only to find out she was anything but normal.

But she was too shy to ask those questions openly, or, she was hesitant would be the right word here.

She was seeing so many strong creatures in one place for the first time, she was seeing a creature like Fio for the first time, she was seeing a creature like Fio bow before someone like me, someone that she thought to be only a normal young girl.

She was seeing many things for the first time today but if the person you thought to be the most normal turned out to be the most extraordinary, and then you find out her mom was a [Saint], then of course she would be hesitant to have any kind of normal conversation with such a person.

So~! I knew a game that could help us a little~.

"Alright, Zoe…"

"Yes~. It's a simple game of twelve questions. You will ask me questions and I will answer them to the best of my abilities, and I will ask you a question too. But you can decline to answer if you think it would be too much for you. Easy, right~."

It was simple, and if I was going to ask her questions too, she was more likely to agree to this little game.

'She didn't have any reason to decline to play some game with a little young me anyway~.'

"Hmmm… sounds nice actually."

She agreed pretty easily, see! She also wanted to play~.

[ "Looks like you ladies will be doing some important talk so, I will leave you two alone. I have work to tend to anyway." ]

Doro was cute, and smart too. He just bowed to us and left us without saying anything after that.

"Alright~. Then you should start~."

Letting her start would mean she can gradually get familiar with how much she can get from me. And since she was the smart type like big brother, she would definitely figure out how she could get all the information she needed by midway through this simple game.

"Ok then…" She looked at me with her own curiosity and asked her very first question.

"How can you all speak the language of these creatures? It could have been a skill if one was doing it but, to think all three of you could speak with a creature is something too absurd all in itself."

Her first question was simple if I say so, but, I had to give her a little more information through a simple answer like how big brother told me what mom used to do with him.

"Actually, only big brother and I have the ability to speak with them. Big sister Elle doesn't actually know how to speak with them but she has a skill that lets her understand everything there is.

She can understand, so, she just uses her Mana to reproduce the same kind of voice frequency that others use to create the replica of that 'language'.

It's something others can certainly do but, they would still have to have skill and control over Mana like sister Elle."

I paused for a moment and smiled at the surprised reaction of our Miss Moon. She looked cute here as well~.

"Big brother has mastered Many runes so he could naturally speak any language he comes across. And, though it's not a skill, I can also speak and understand any language I come across."

That was it for her first question, and my first answer, and I gave her a few points that a normal answer might not have contained so this was certainly good enough.

And she seemed satisfied with the answer as well.

"Alright then~. It's my turn~."

I knew pretty much a lot about her since my big brother told me everything he knew and I had gathered some things on my own with my eyes and our time together so, there actually weren't many things I could ask here. But, there certainly were things that I can ask.

"So miss moon~. What's your favorite color~?"

I can see the true self of people, and in my eyes, Miss Moon, though very blurry right now, is a gorgeous red flower surrounded by dangerous cactus plants with poisonous needles.

It is a blurred image and still, it feels so beautiful that I could hardly imagine just how pretty it would look when she fully discovers her own self.

And, asking for her favorite color held a deep meaning behind it.

I can guide her toward the path she needed to take just by this question alone~.

"Hmm? My favorite color? It's… green?"

She was probably confused why I was suddenly asking for her favorite color but, since she answered with green, it also showed how she was more of a passive person.

"Wowy~. Green would certainly suit you, Miss Moon. But I think you should give red a little chance~."

Red was pretty, certainly. Big brother and little Anna both have pretty red eyes and sister Elle's Aura is also beautiful~.

Red is one of the primordial colors of this world so, just like how there is beauty hidden in her misery, I believe she is someone that can certainly bring out the potential of her thrones, use them to guard the genital flower hidden behind them, and nurture the flower to be even more beautiful.

She had that power and though she had never realized it till this point, she could certainly do it~.

"Red… well, I will think about it? It sure is pretty though.

Alright, is it my turn again?"


This game was actually fun~. We all should play it someday~.

"Then… can you tell me more about your brother? I still don't know practically anything about him."

There was a sad look on her pretty face… but, if it was about my brother, it wasn't right if I tell her those things.

"Sister Elle would be the right person for that question, Miss Moon. The way I see big brother and the way others do is vastly different. So, I believe it is best if you ask it from someone that has been with him the most, someone that has seen most aspects of him with her own eyes, and someone that has also seen this world more than enough to know how the same thing that we have been familiarised with is for the rest of the world."

I wasn't the right person to ask this question anyway. For me, big brother is the best and most important thing I cherish with my entire heart.

'And then comes little Anna, and then sister Elle, and then everyone in our family~.'

"Is that so… alright. I will ask Lady Reinelle."

She was smiling this time, and, that smile of understanding was pretty~.

"Okay~. My turn~. What flower do you like, Miss Moon~?"

It was the same simple question as the last time but just like the last time, there was a suuuuuuper secret hidden meaning behind this.

"Hmm? Flower? We… there isn't any particular flower that I like but, my father used to love the red carnelians. He used to say my mother loved them too. So, perhaps, I like them too?"

"Hehe, it is alright to be uncertain Miss Moon~. I know you will figure it out soon~."

She was looking at me with a little confused look now, uncertain of what I to say here. But I was smiling~. So she just smiled too~.

"Alright then. My turn?"


This was starting to get fun… hmm?


What's this? Why am I suddenly feeling tense?

I wasn't tense though, this was fun. I was having fun. I... was.

…no. No!

"Celes! What happened?!"

Something happened. Something definitely happened.

Big brother was suddenly shocked, worried, uncertain, and much more!

I can feel it, I knew these were his emotions.

Something happened!

[ "Emergency…! Emergency young Zoe! I sensed an emergency signal from Rice!" ]

"Rice… Anna?! Celes! What happened?!"

What was going on…?!

[{ Sister Zoe… something happened to Anna. }]

"I know that! But what?! What happened to her?!"

This wasn't right. Nothing should happen to her.

She should be playing in her room with the other Povpoi, Taika, and Mr. Rice at this time. Nothing should happen to her…!


[{ Big brother… did she…? }]

[{ Yes, Zoe. And… it was worse than I expected. }]


This was bad. This was bad!

"Lady Zoe…? What-"


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