Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 597 Prince and the cat

Chapter 597  Prince and the cat

[Eon's POV: ]

[{ "You fine there?" }]

[{ "Yeah… it's better now." }]

Some time had passed since the residents of the island arrived in the academy garden and the students had gotten used to their presence. But all of them were still astonished by the scenery on one side of this garden.

[{ "Looks like Zoe's doing fine as well." }]

[{ "Um-hmm. She looks like a fantasy princess who can talk with the birds." }]

Rein was doing fine now that the creatures on her end had calmed down and were behaving like the little kids they were. But just like how it took a while for the situation with Zoe to calm down, it was chaotic on her end at first too.

The dark attribute creatures had all covered her from all sides and they were commonly fighting for her attention, so she was almost buried under them.

'But things calmed down after a while.'

It was strange to other people how they were behaving around her, even more so because she had never used any of her dark attribute spells, but, the situation on her side was milder compared to what was happening around Zoe.

It was unbelievable how all those birds came and bowed before Zoe on their own but even more unbelievable than that was the fact that one of the creatures showing his respect to her was the giant holy eagle...

They couldn't possibly believe the scene before their eyes at that time. It was just fantastic.

There were thousands of them, many were as large or even larger than the students or the teachers, The giant eagle was taller than some of the trees in this garden and all of them were unconditionally bowing before Zoe, showing a kind of respect that they hadn't even shown to the great ancient tree.

'It was a prettier sight than yesterday.'

But, Zoe asked all the birds to stand up and be at ease so they all had no choice but to follow her command.

Unlike yesterday, it didn't take this group long to succumb to her natural authority. It was a common thing for the creatures of nature to show their respect to the beings who held great importance in this nature.

And even though her true powers were still dormant, the fact that she was an original phoenix remained the truth.

'She was amazing though.'

She handled the situation on her own without needing anyone's help and guided the birds towards all the other students, helping both the students and the other creatures in whatever way she could.

'And even though most of them didn't understand what had just happened, they at least knew now that, the captain of Wisdom Phoenix this time was not the ordinary newly adopted aristocrat that the rest of the world knew about.'

She was special too, perhaps that was the reason she was a captain of a house.

But, it didn't matter that some birds listened to her at the end of the day, she was still just a student like them here and a house captain of the worst house.

Things returned to normal pretty soon, but, students aside, I knew the teachers, the intelligent creatures on the stage, as well as the headmasters, had already grasped that Zoe was different.

'They all knew she felt like the most normal person one would see on the street but what they witnessed right now was not something a normal human being could perform. Perhaps, the headmaster had even reached a conclusion from his deduction of Zoe's observations until now. Which, I knew he would never actually believe fully until he gets a solid proof of it.'

Believing someone before you is a divine creature, something that ranked above some of the gods, was not an easy task even for a transcendent being like him.

He was, at the end of the day, a subject of this nature as well. And, however great his position in this nature may be, he was not comparable to a divine creature, especially not the descendent of someone who had been the reason for the creation of this school in the first place.

Though, now that he has this little idea, he will try and do his best to protect and help Zoe in whatever way he can. Which was perfect at the of the day.

[{ "Oh, by the way… I wanted that cat!! Why the fuck did she go to someone else??!" }]

[{ "Dummy..." }]

Rein was talking about <The Dealer>, a prominent figure of this sky island, the majestic cat with purple fur, a unique creature that was a 'specialist' like Mave.

'And on top of that, she was also a highly intelligent being like the others on the stage.'

She was pretty old too but more than that, she was a very rare creature called (Mystic Lightchaser), a very, very rare species that has been rare throughout the entire known and unknown history of this world.

'But they are certainly fascinating creatures.'

I knew there was one of them on this island for a while now and was looking forward to meeting them but, now that she was here and we had a chance, we couldn't do it. At least, not right now.

'She met her partner, the perfect one her soul resonated with. And that miserable person met his counterpart, the one he needed the most in this painful life of his.'

Prince Claudius was a stronger person than a few years ago. He was mature now, mentally stronger, sharper than his other siblings, and his physical-magical abilities were well-known throughout the empire and the continent.

But still, even after accepting the fact that the one whom his heart desired would never belong to him, even after searching the entire world for someone else, he had found no one and had become more isolated from this world and his own family.

Our engagement on that day was a great shock for him that reopened those wounds from his past, and he was devastated once again.

'He was only able to recover thanks to his mom but I knew he hadn't completely recovered from that incident.'

I watched him closely since that moment, noted his actions and the words he might have accidentally spoken in his sadness and rage, and I at least knew he wasn't going to be a threat to us and the people around us.

'He was a good person at the end of the day, after all.'

He was good, which made his suffering even more miserable.

The constant struggle he was having with his own self, the work he had to do as a student and member of this society, the loneliness that he had to endure all by himself, and the unbearable pain that he might be feeling every now and then… even my heart aches at the thought of it.

'I was the reason he had been like that, but I had done nothing wrong.'

Rein and I loved each other, fate brought us together, she became mine and I became hers. It was all the little things that happened from start to the end that made us one. And I regret not a single one of my decisions.

I would do it all again, perhaps in a better way if I was given the chance, but, things would still remain the same for both of us.

He would still have to live without her, and the fact that she would never become his would remain the same.

'I can't do anything about that, it was how things had come to be. So, I was doing what I could, and he was also trying his best too, even with all the suffering he had to go through.'

But now, he had finally met his partner, someone who could help him, be with him, and at the very least, share his burden with him.

'I don't know what will happen or how they will do it, but, I have faith the two of them are going to stick together. Hopefully, until the end.'

A while back when all the creatures had arrived in the garden and had gone to the students they felt the most attracted towards, this cat also followed her instincts and ended up before Prince Claudius.

He looked at her and she looked at him. And then, they both lost themselves in each other's eyes.

They were somewhere else right now, and a strong light was guiding their bonding process so some teachers had covered them in barriers.

'I'm happy for them.'

It was better for him, and for us as well.

He can live a little better now, and perhaps I can help him with my knowledge regarding her as well.

'I'm looking forward to seeing them together. Hopefully, though, the two will be a healthy couple going forward.'

But we don't know what kind of relationship the two of them will have.

It can be like Celes and mine, Rein and Branwen's, or it might even be like Alf's and Uto's or Dad and Taika's. They will decide that, and we all will have fun watching them during the house captain meetings.

It would be fun, and since he was the only house captain to find a familiar among the residents of the island, the fun had not ended yet.

The other's turn and the summoning was still pending, so it was going to get cheerful once again after a while.

But before we did the summoning, there were a few things the teachers would teach the students now that we had so many creatures around us.

And even before that, we had a chance to talk with the creatures present here.

"Hello Headmaster, can I have a little chat with Master Codocodomi? I'm a fan of his research on the energies and matter."

I was finally on the stage now, before the headmaster, the higher beasts.

intelligence creature, some other students, and the Naga hermit who had been the central figure of the magic world a few hundred years ago.

{ "Oh? What do we have here…" }

He lived in the northeastern woods of the outskirts with some of the other creatures present here and helped the other energy beasts.

He was a evolved being among his kind but he was in his old days now, spending some of his last decades in the nature that had birthed him.

'But still, he had been a central figure during his prime in the magical field, and his research was taught in this very academy during the graduating years.'

He was famous and strong, but more than that, he was perhaps the only fanatic who had researched the relationship between energies and matters to such an extent that he had almost reached the realm of 'truth'.

And, as someone who knew the truth of [{( Origin true energy )}], I wanted to have a personal private chat with him someday.

'And for that, I will have to make an unforgettable first impression.'

Which, I don't think will be that much difficult...

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