Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 600 The giant whale

Chapter 600  The giant whale 

[Rein's POV: ]

"Haaa… alright you all. Listen here."

There were too many of them here, two hundred and four to be exact.

'It was one of the highest numbers of energy beasts gathered around a single person. Haaaaaa.'

And they all were particularly excited around me. Like, a little too much!

'It took me half an hour just to calm them down and make them all behave properly!'

Other people had long started looking around the garden while I was still wound up with this bunch of mine… even Eon was chatting with the others on the stage right now.

'That bastard had the obedient ones while mine were all naughty ones. Haaa…'

But what can I do now? It was what it was. And it wasn't like they were inferior to the other creatures in any way.

If anything, the bunch gathered around me was on more of a special side than all the other creatures in this place.

"Ku Ku~. Khuhuh~!"

"Kyop~!! K—top~!"

"Muop! Mu muop!"

They were creatures of dark and water attributes and they were cute, that much was true. Especially these three.

"Yes, yes. I know you want to play with me more but I have to go check up on the others, right? You also have to meet the others, you might find a better friend than me."

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Ku!"



"You three as well. Go play around with others. Meet others instead of just sticking with me. Meeting different people is the reason we all are here, right?"

There were many cute ones here, not what I call cute, there weren't that many good 'cute' ones in this garden anyway, but the ones I had were the general cuties.

'Haaa… naughty little ones. Would have been better if these little ones were actually, in fact, little.'

There were larger creatures that resembled bunnies, reptiles, cute spiders, and such around me, but, the three that stood out among them, the large (Purple weasel) that was as tall as the tiger class teacher of class (L), a cute big (Atlasic seal) with ocean blue fur, and a big (Shadow salamander) that was one of the biggest creatures currently present in this garden.

All three were pretty and cute, many of the students and even the teachers were glancing at them for a while now, wanting to meet them, greet them, and try to get close to them.

Befriending the residents of this island, these creatures gathered in this garden right now, was considered necessary since they might be of some help to us during and after our time on this planet. So, other ones. Especially that purple cat. I liked her quite a bit.'

She was now someone else's familiar though so I can't have her.

at least meeting as many of them as we could was appreciated.

'That was the reason I wanted to go around and have a look at the other ones. Especially that purple cat. I liked her quite a bit.'

She was now someone else's familiar though so I can't have her.

'Still, becoming friends was an option too, right?'

There were many others I wanted to meet, that big whale Quin was talking to being the first one, but these cuties of mine didn't want to part ways with me.

"Haaa… look here, everyone."

They were cute and all, but this bunch was stubborn. They weren't listening even though I tried my best while being as calm as I could.

They weren't listening so if being gentle wasn't working, I had no choice but to be harsh with them.

"I will count three from now and after that, if I see a single one of you before me, or behind me, or anywhere near me, just remember I won't be talking with them. Ever."

I was serious, I showed that through my eyes and face. I even dropped a little pressure on them with my concentrated Mana. So… all of them knew I was being serious.





And all of them including the three big boys instantly jumped up in surprise when I started counting without any further words and many just ran away as quickly as they could.


"Muop. Muop!"

That round big seal was the healthiest among everyone else so he could barely run or jump or move… well, he was doing something to go away from my sight, so his efforts were cute.

'The weasel and salamander were quick on their feet so both vanished quickly, which was better since the two were the most attracted towards me.'

If they had insisted on staying, the consequences might have been bitter, and they knew it, so the little ones acted quickly.

Most of them had gone away by the time I reached the last number, but some were still here, stubbornly standing here, looking up at me innocently.

"One. And that's it."

They were the youngest ones so perhaps they didn't understand how serious I was. Cute young dummies.

"You all missed the timings, little ones."

They kept looking at me with their big eyes that were too big compared to their smaller heads. They were all just like any other little kid looking up at their moms after making a mistake.

"What do you all have to say about this hun? Why are you all still here? Didn't I say to go meet the others?"

I couldn't even be angry at these little chubbies. They were looking at me with stars in their eyes. And this was unbearable!

"Speak little ones. Give some kind of excuse. Do you want me to never talk with you ever again?"


They were young and many of them couldn't even speak yet. Not even their own language. So, they all just shook their heads negatively with a worried expressions while some of them who could speak shouted sorry in their adorable young voices.

"Well, what should we do now? I was going to meet up with all of you later and have a long chat, even give you all the treats that my dear darling prepared, but you don't want to go and meet with the others as I told you… perhaps you don't like me as much as I thought."


They all jumped up in surprise as soon as they heard that and first looked around them, seeing the chaotic looks of other babies that were the same as theirs, and then, in almost unison, they ran backward and scattered across the garden.

'Cuties, hehe.'

They were little gululuchomos, cuties.

"Haaa. Finally, the bunch is taken care of. Now, shall we go see how Quin's doing?"

The giant whale, the guardian of the only lake on this island, had taken a unique liking to my dear friend.

She wasn't her familiar but since Quin possessed an absurdly high water attribute affinity, that whale was shocked and surprised.

She was attracted to her, and they were chatting right now, so, perhaps they had already become good friends.

"Heya Quin~. Watcha' doin~?"

"Ohhh! Urial!"

She looked happy and excited as well. Her face was all bright and shiny.

"Where were you all this time~?"

"Well, taking care of a bunch of little cuties? They just gave me some space to breathe. Anyway, what's up? Introduce your new friend to me, won't ya?"

The garden was currently divided into six major parts according to the creatures and the group surrounding them.

Creatures of water were all around where I was with this giant whale, then the birds with Zoe, the city creatures around that purple cat, the strong creatures on the side with most of the knights like Carla and Chry, the ones surrounding the center stage that had Eon and the other smart creatures, and lastly the bunch that was just aimlessly wandering in this garden, without getting involved with the other people.

They were all perhaps the introvert type or perhaps they were shy around others but they were in the company of beings like them, and, the other students here who could relate to them were accompanying them in their lone wandering.

But everyone was ultimately having their fair share of fun, or headache depending on how they had treated others.

"Oh, yes, yes! Come here, quick. Lady Lament, this is my friend Uriel. She's more amazing than me!"

The area contained all the aquatic creatures of the island and the giant whale that was still floating in the air with a large ball of water covering her entirely.

'A whale that carries a lake with her.'

She was a unique creature like many others here. Her command over the water was so peculiar that even I was in awe as I looked up at her, and how she was handling all the waters around here, sustaining the other aquatic creatures who couldn't live outside of it for long, and helping them reach the different places with her water bubbles.

She was doing a lot of work at once and still, she was freely playing with the young children who didn't want to leave her, teaching them how meeting others is an important task in their lives, while at the same, talking with the students of the academy that she found interesting.

[< Ohh? Your friend little one? Interesting… hmmm? Wait. What? No… how?! What are you?! >]

She was amazing so I also wanted to meet her… but I didn't think she would have this kind of response after seeing me.

'Well, damn.'

She was shocked, afraid would be the better word since her eyes were horrified after looking at me as if I was some kind of evil entity.

It was strange. That was a reaction that she must have shown for the first time in this place. Even the teachers around here and the people on the stage looked towards us after hearing that loud scream from her.


She must be misunderstanding something, that much I knew from my experience with the beings who were sensitive to the elemental affinities like her.

But, she will calm down soon, hopefully, so… there was no need for them to worry about that large scream of hers.

It should be pretty common for the ground to shake a little for a moment after large creatures like her scream, right?

Nothing too serious here...

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