Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 609 A dragon?!

Chapter 609  A dragon?!

[Eon's POV: ]

[{ "No wait… what? What do you mean?" }]

She was saying she met a dragon. A freaking dragon! The epitome of existence and the greatest creatures who exist above even some of the gods.

'She has to be joking…'

A dragon… wow. Huuuuh.

[{ "Well…" }]

[{ "Rein… no playing games, ok? Tell me. Please. Everything if possible. Every single thing." }]

[{ Master is desparate, hehe. }]

[{ "Hehe, right? Just like I knew." }]

They were laughing, but this was no matter to laugh at. We were talking about a dragon! A real dragon!! Wait…

[{ "Was it really even a dragon? You sure Rein?" }]

[{ "Well… who knows?" }]

Now that was a lie. I knew. I can tell. She was lying. She knew exactly what she was talking about.

She was playing with me and my patience and my heart and my curiosity. She was playing with all that. I knew it. And it was no good!

[{ "I just said no joking Rein! We are talking about a dragon here. A dragon! I'm not gonna take that playfulness! Tell me! How did it look? How did it feel? How was it? The place? The presence? Where were you exactly?! What kind of eye did it have? What did it say and what were you two talking about for so long? Ah, right! Is that dragon your soul partner as well? But how is that possible?! How can you be the master of a dragon?! Was it really an original dragon or something else that you mistook as a dragon? Hnnn? Rein? Say something! Please-" }]

[{ "Shut the hell up you basted. Stop those questions and Calm Down." }]

Ok, perhaps that was a little too much.

[{ "Sorry." }]

She grabbed my face with her two hands and since it was a little sudden, the others were stunned for a moment, but then they remembered it was us doing the normal things, so they focused back on the stage and the battle of affinities between a giant shark and a witch.

[{ "Haaa… alright. One thing at a time. Tell me about the dragon." }]

[{ "What do I get in return?" }]

…she wanted something in return for telling me something that happened to her? Well, isn't someone learning the business quickly here?

[{ "You want something in rerun for telling me about this 'dragon' you met, hunnn? Well, then we will have to do proper negotiations, miss. Say, what do you have in mind?" }]

[{ "Hmmm… how about three coins-" }]

coins even if she was going to tell me about the world's greatest secret that I had no way of finding out without her intel.

[{ "I apologize, miss. I hate to say it but that won't be possible." }]

Nah, three coins were too much. I couldn't possibly give up three coins even if she was going to tell me about the world's greatest secret that I had no way of finding out without her intel.

Three coins? Nah. That wasn't happening.

[{ "Tsk. Two coins?" }]

[{ "No. hmmm… I don't think this is going to work, miss. How about I present you with an offer? I know you won't be satisfied with one coin even if I offer it. So, would you like to hear my proposal?" }]

sometimes.* }]

'Well, I'm happy you like that side of me, but this lady of mine [{ "Desperate and still playing those mind games? Isn't that unfair dude?" }]

[{ "Pardon? What is unfair Miss Rein? I'm just asking you to hear me out and the decision will be yours to make afterward." }]

[{ "You see this calm and easygoing attitude even though I have the upper hand? That's being unfair. I'm gonna lose this negotiation if I hear that proposal." }]

[{ "Ah, don't be like that Rein. Just hear me out at least. You know me, I will listen to you and your negotiations for hours if you really want it. I love it when we do that, and then the other things after that. So, what do you think?" }]

I don't really want to go too deep in how this talk about a dragon became something like this negotiations but, it was a dragon we were talking about. A dragon!

[{ *Haha master. I sometimes don't understand your obsession with the dragons but it's fun to see this rare side of yours.* }]

'Haha Lucy, they are dragons. Anyone would be excited about them.'

[{ *Not as much as you thought, right? Your obsession with them is the same as your obsession with Ruins and Truths. It fascinates me sometimes.* }]

'Well, I'm happy you like that side of me, but this lady of mine thinks otherwise.'

She knew just how much I liked the dragons and things related to them. They were more fascinating creatures to me than any other creature of Mythos or any other Eternity out there.

They were just, too amazing. In all aspects for a matter of fact.

Not only were they perhaps some of the earliest creations of nature, but even in the current world, the creature, or being originally known as a 'Dragon', possess so great powers, knowledge, truths, and powers that even I don't know what the dragons are truly capable of.

'I love dragons, it's an unchanging fact that will remain the same forever. Even the fact that my master and grandma were a Phoenix or my little sister is a young Phoenix doesn't affect that fact.'

Rein knew this love of mine, so, she knew this story of hers was more important to me than it was to her. But she didn't like the fact that she would still get played in the palm of my hand despite possessing a clear upper hand in this negotiation.

Poor her…

[{ "Ughhh. I want to punch that smug face of yours sometimes." }]

"Yeah, sure. But not here."

"Shut up you fu-"

"Ahem. Keep going with that deal you two. We all are having fun here."



Not again. Why does she do this?!

[{ Hehe, you were arguing about something fun~! I thought everyone should listen to it~. }]

[{ "Yes, it was definitely a fun talk they were having there. I would like to know about this 'dragon' thing as well." }]

[{ "Hmmm? Headmaster? Celes? Why him?" }]

Why was she giving access to our private communication line to someone else? Why him actually?

[{ Whatttttttt! Hey! Eavesdropping is bad mister! How did you- }]

[{ "You used Uncle El didn't you Headmaster? I knew it was a possibility that this communication could be breached more easily with the 'direct' method. Thanks for confirming my theory. Good luck doing this again the next time." }]

The way Celes's communication link worked was a little complicated but in short, hacking into it was nearly impossible for someone below the level of the headmaster. Even for the headmaster, it was a task so difficult that he must have had to work for the entire week we were here just to figure out the network patterns and the complicated stuff just to finish up around today, more probably during the time my consciousness was in that other place.

[{ "Ah, dear Lucifer. I was hoping you would allow me access to these channels of yours if I show you this-" }]

[{ "Nice try headmaster. But no thanks. This is private, as well as personal, and sacred. Bye." }]

I did some things here and there and instructed Lucy and Celes to [{ "We will need to have another long, personal chat Celes." }]

do some things with the entire communication system we had in place.

It was a special thing only for the family and the most trusted ones. Headmaster, was not one of them, yet.

He had many things he had to prove before he was eligible for access to this network. And that wasn't happening anytime soon.

[{ "We will need to have another long, personal chat Celes." }]

[{ Yes master… }]

It wasn't her fault this happened but, if the headmaster could do this, there was a possibility that any other being on his, or above his level could do this.

It wasn't good. We needed to work on this network and bring in help to make it into something none could breach, be it a god or the heavens themselves.

'But, that wasn't happening anytime soon either. So, moving on to the main thing…'

[{ "Ah, so, Rein. My proposal was simple… just tell me what happened with you over there, everything, anything you remember. And I will decide the appropriate payment depending on the information I get." }]

[{ "You're using Equivalent exchange on me? Really? Your wife?" }]

[{ "You don't like it? Well, we don't have to do it that way then-" }]

[{ "Who said I didn't like it!" }]

Well, of course you would like it. After what happened just now, all the last bit of fun you wanted to have has crumbled down so of course, you would take this deal. Sweet girl…

[{ "Haaa… I'm going to beat you up." }]

[{ "Yeah, sure. We can do that after we are done with everything here, over a glass of warm coffee preferably." }]

[{ "Tsk. Bastard." }]

Rein, my dear Rein. She was pretty easy to manipulate with these little things… she still has a long way to go with these negotiation things.


She accepted the deal and shook my hand, so the deal was in place.

I would provide an appropriate reward based on the quality of the information I was getting, and since I was asking for everything she had, I had no choice but to give her the 'best' reward I could. Which I will of course.

She knows that well.

[{ "So… it all started when I appeared in that pretty looking dark place and those eyes, those eyes that I cannot mistake for any other creature, the eyes of a dragon recorded in the books you gave me, appeared before me. And as soon as they appeared…" }]

She was starting her story of what happened to her when she was gone from this place to whatever world she had been in. At the same time, the group and Princess Luna were finished with their bonding processes.

The next big name will be Quin perhaps, but that still had a little time left.

We can focus on this story that…

[{ "They started cussing at me." }]

Was certainly going to be interesting.

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