Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 626 A World Where Beasts Reside

[OP: ]

[[ So, let's start with the basic stuff that all of you must already know: the realms. 

As you must have learned in school or read in books, the world is divided into many realms and there exist many faces of a single reality where many other kinds of beings exist while being in the same form of reality.

The concept of the World is divided into many plains of existence is simple to understand since you know there exists heaven where the gods and angels reside, hell where the demons live, and the spirit world where spirits come from. And just like you understand these realms, it should be easy to understand there exist different forms of the same reality where perhaps something different is happening from the same person or your version of that reality… actually, we don't need the reality bubble part so let's skip it. 

I know it will be a bouncer to those who do not know the reality store true or have no idea that the world actually functions on the Multidimensional Complex Hyperstructure System of Omioversal parallelism. 

So- ]]

"Wait wait, mister Ray. What do you mean by Multidi-"

[[ I said you wouldn't understand, didn't I? I was talking about you, the knight boy beside you, and also these two but they have seen more of the world than you and are pretty smart so they would at least understand what I am saying a little bit.

But, since you two have yet to see the world as a whole and come out of the limitations you have set for yourself, things related to the world outside of this one will be a little difficult for you to grasp.

I don't mean you won't be able to understand what I am trying to say, but you will take a while so why don't we continue with the simple ways sweetie? ]]

"…if you say to mister Ray." 

"Don't worry Quin~! It's nothing too difficult~! You will understand what he meant by that funny long name when you understand what might be happening inside of a soap bubble that contains a cluster of smaller bubbles where countless microorganisms are living."

[[ Yes. As Uriel said. You will understand roughly when you understand what she said… so, moving on- ]]

"Ah, no, wait, but-"

"It's alright Miss Quin. Don't think too deeply about that useless thing and focus on what mister Ray is saying." 

[[ Yes. Don't break my link and listen. If you have a question, wait until I pause for a little breather. ]]

"…alright Minister Ray."

She looked disheartened and confused but Rein patted her back and Eon reassured her he would help her understand these things later so she at least cheered up and they all focused back on Rayray.

[[ Alright so, back to the realms…

There are and have been many plains of existence in this world and their creation as well as destruction is a process that is respectively called [Realm creation] and [Extinction erase]. 

There exists a certain 'core' of a realm and as long as they exist, the realm will continue to exist even if the entirety of other element population in there is destroyed. This thing can be a person or a thing, or in some cases, a complex rule, a set of beliefs, a culture, or even something as complex as a certain abstract ritual.

All realms have this certain unique 'core' and we call these cores [[( Deto )]]. And, the realm we energy beasts, especially the origin beasts originate from is the same in this regard. ]]

He stopped for a moment and turned his wings to face Celes first and then Branwen. 

[[ I'm not saying that we are all born in that realm, not necessarily. However, our souls certainly originate from that realm, and when we later find the masters we were meant to be with, or the people our soul frequencies match the most, our origins are then aligned with our masters. 

The process sounds simple and all but, we aren't talking about that at the moment.

The [Everlight] plains, the world of the energy beasts, the world where beasts reside, is a unique plain of existence among the other plains. 

Not only is it a place where the energy beasts are the only kind of beings present without being close to any other species like humans, elves, witches, or others, but that place is also a unique one all in itself.

There are intelligent beasts that like the humans do in this realm, beasts of lower intelligence that are treated as equally important beings. It's a place where liberty flourishes and even though the influence of equality for all beings is appreciated, the parts this realm is decided in have their own unique laws and ways.

Just like this world, that world is also very unique when it comes to intelligent beasts and non-intelligent beasts. There is a certain social hierarchy there that's made of the royal family at the top, then three high aristocratic families, and eleven lower aristocratic families. But, the 'family' isn't something that's always blood-related.

It's just a structural thing where everyone who has the strength and abilities required for that position could obtain the position through normal means and have the chance to climb up the ranks equally.

For them, the start is always the same regardless of where you are born or who your creator is. The strength that they gather on their own, the conditions that they fulfill to climb the social ladders if they wish to, and the limitations of their own abilities, for most parts, are judged by the 'potential' that they possess innately. 

It's something one is born with, something that they have nurtured with all their life's experiences and knowledge, or something that was gifted to them by the 'fate' or the 'supreme' power.

Innate potential plays a great part in what they can achieve and estimate at least the average or basic things that that being is capable of and, our problem starts here… ]]

He paused once more and looked at the two of them once again, and then glanced at Beth on the other side behind us, and then at Alf, or more accurately, at Uto who was resting on his head in her iguana form. 

[[ Beth has pretty good potential but not good enough to be too high in the aristocratic ranks. Uto could become a pretty prominent person but she still does not possess good enough 'visible' potential to be at the level of a 'family head'. 

I can't say anything about the Oceanoid since they haven't been born yet but, Mister Branwen here has the most visually highest potential among everyone present. 

Depending on the circumstances, he could also become royalty in that realm, which is unprecedented over there since the members of the aristocracy change only every few hundred or thousands of years.

It's a very rare occasion and the last time I witnessed someone become a part of the royalty, was around two thousand years ago during some of the last visits to that place.

However… ]]

And now, he stopped once again, this time, for a little longer, and then, instead of looking at the other beasts, he looked at Eon.

[[ I can see the unique potential of even the royals so when I say Celes possesses a potential so great even I could not see it, what I'm talking about means a lot, lot more than me saying Celes is more special than anyone else.

In the nearly six thousand years of long lives, I had lived before meeting you all, I have only ever come across a few beings whose special potential I could not see at all and most of them were divine beasts. And even among them, Celes stands out as someone who is clear for me to understand and fathom, but, she possesses something so abnormal that it's more unique than even the boundless but limited potential of a divine beast.

It's the most unique kind of potential I have ever laid my eyes on. It's just… absurd. 

I don't know how it is possible but, one thing is for certain according to what I can see right now.

Celes, even without putting in any special efforts, will undoubtedly gain more than enough strength to become a 'crowned hair' and the ninth legitimate successor of the [[( Queen )]] in the near future, and, considering her master is also someone with just as absurd of a background, talents, skills, and fate, she might probably also have a shot at gaining the position that has been maintenance by a single entity for the last six thousand years… ]]

His words were serious. He had spoken them with even more seriousness so they seemed even more important than the others could possibly have comprehended.

However, they had yet to hear the real concerning thing.

[[ The world of Everlight plains is directly connected to all the planes of existence where any energy beasts reside.

The Queen has absolute authority over all the beasts under her and though she is quite a nice person from what I remember from our last kis- meeting, she was adamant on only passing her position to the actually qualified being. 

She would go to great lengths to find that certain perfect being for that important position and, her successors, the crowded hairs who know the system that is in place which not even the queen could go against, were adamant on doing whatever they could to eliminate the completion, increase their own potential, and indirectly take out any the threats they came across. That was how they did it… that was what they knew they could not do anything with their Celes. ]]

And, to eliminate the one whom they couldn't do much against in a more proper way, only a few actions like becoming stronger, having more influence than them to hold on to their freedoms, and things that involved natural superiority would become more important to have than any other thing.

Celes herself did not know about this all but even if she did not want to, things will get attracted towards her… as well as her master. 

It was something that would certainly happen one day, and, if he wanted to avoid a disadvantageous situation at that time, he had no choice but to face the things that would appear before them with his own body…

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