Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 632 About alchemy competition

Chapter 632 About alchemy competition

[Eon's POV: ]

Everyone was feeling a weird mix of emotions since the last house winning first place in not one competition but all three years was a big thing all in itself from their perspective. 

My words certainly sparked a light in their hearts but there were still few people who did not have that much confidence in themselves to accept everything that I said.

'It wasn't even like they did not believe in the potential of the house of me, but, they just weren't sure about this whole thing individually since the public opinions have conditioned their mindset over the years.'

Our house was bad-mouthed on a very, very large scale for realistically no reason. 

It wasn't like we were some trash or defective pieces that were thrown into some certain trash bean. This very house used to dominate the entirety of the island back in the day.

Yes perhaps it was cursed, yes perhaps there were reasons that the house did not win all the years or there were some outer elements that hindered the group from getting that top spot, or helped the other groups get better scores so that they could one side this single house.

There was certainly some power in play that wanted the Wisdom pheonix to never, even get even the second last place, that much was a fact that even the headmaster knew about, however, this power must be something that possessed a great power that even he, someone that could not stand anything hindering the academy, could take any kind of legal actions against.

There was most certainly a reason for all of this but, all of it went to buy some milk.

It did not matter to me what this power was or just why all of this had been happening over the hundreds or thousands of years.

All that mattered to me was the first places, and I would get them, they could do what they wanted ever they wanted.

'I will most certainly meet them, it's certain. Perhaps somewhere around or after our midterms were over and the houses had gathered a substantial score to predict the year-end standings of the houses based on a good enough analysis.'

Perhaps it will be difficult and dangerous but, as the vice-captain of the house, it is my duty and a greedy desire to win in all the competitions that we will participate in.

And, this whole plan of winning will start in three weeks.

"Annual alchemy competition of Principality of Lakmer. We will get the top spot in that competition as the establishment of a winning streak that the academy must have never seen."

Alchemy is a subject extensively studied in all parts of the world.

And, by the world, I mean all the planets and all the other realms that exist in this nature.

Alchemy is the process of transformation, creation, or combination. An art that, technically, has existed since the beginning of existence when everything came into existence from something that existed even before the beginning.

There are things about this unique process that are special from the usual chemistry we know about. Many more things are involved in the processes of the creation, transmutation, and combination of something than just some liquids and solid matter objects.

Alchemy, properly all in itself, is a unique process that involves a wide range of processes, materials, rituals, luck, and, most important of them all, proficiency.

"A saying by Richard Flemming, one of the greatest grandmasters of the field of alchemy comes to mind when I think about alchemy as a whole which went something like this if I remember correctly:

"The Genesis was the beginning of creation, the present is the transmutation of the true energy everything originates from, and, the upcoming future, my dear comrades, will be the combination of all the efforts we put in today."

He passed away two hundred and four years ago, however, if he had been present in this day and time, he would still have persisted with his last work, the creation of the mystical Philosopher's stone, something he was called crazy to even think of as reality back in his days.

However, that person chased his dream of that mystical creation, and, in the process, created countless world-renowned items that the world knows him for. 

The world knows him as <Creator of Elementary synthesis process>, the world knows him as <The Founder of Elizeum>, the world knows him as the <Fool who chased after a fairytale>, however, the world sometimes forgets to talk about some of his first and fundamental creations, the general creation method for (Advanced healing potion) that is present in today's markets.

He was much more than a crazy person, and, just like him, there will be people calling us crazy for something that might not sound more than a fantasy, however, Wisdom phoenix has been the dominator of rankings in ancient times, so, I don't have a single reason to believe why we could not reach that position once again."

The topic was diverted from the alchemy competition to this house motivation thing again, however, this was intentional, and aimed perfectly at the people that I wanted to take part in this alchemy competition. 

People that might soon become renowned throughout the world for their unique abilities.

'But, they all were the people with the most doubt in themselves, or some kind of external pressure, or some restrictions that they did not know how to deal with.'

They were needed to get this first place since I would not be participating myself. And, without them, Mia will have a hell of a difficult time going against all the masters, grandmasters, or the national treasure rank personals in that competition.

"I do not know how many of you have been to this competition in the principality however, I and some of my companions were there last year.

It's certainly not easy to win against people who have a life's worth of experience even if we have the backing and full support of the academy so, I understand how unbelievable it might sound.

However, the Principality is transparent and fair in its judgment. 

They do not judge just by the end results however, with all the fundamental properties of their work, their experience in the field, the methods, the performance, the acceptance of the crowd that watches them, and also their true hearts when creating the alchemical products.

I would have never even entertained the possibility of us winning had it been some simple competition, however, thanks to the presence of one of the three judges of Meyat, the <Creator of law>, Elder Theodore, the winner is the one that deserves it the most.

Yes, the elder masters have been the winners most of the time, however, a twelve-year-old had also won this competition once, a young lady of this very academy in her second year, and, according to the records, the youngest to ever win the competition, was a six-year-old, who 'accidentally' invented the cure for (Yellow cough) disease."

This competition is a fun thing, I would have certainly attended it this year as well if I could, however, I had to attend it as not Lucifer but as Axion, since I got an invitation from Lord Jameous Openrian Lakmer, the current lord of that place, and, Rein and I have decided to make our first official appearance in that place as a couple. 

'It's a bit of a political move, the emperor knows about it as well, but, Mom and grandma reassured me making a connection with the principality would be far better than going to some other nation or the holy kingdom for the background political power I needed.'

It's some personal stuff so we would use the holiday to finish up those side stuff and take a little break from the school.

However, ultimately, I will not be with them, and, if I'm not with them, they at least had to be so prepared that they bring our first victory home.

"It is a tough competition, and, even after a week, I have only received twelve applications, three of which I will reject with my authority as the vice-captain."

I looked over the crowd of the students present before me and my eyes met three certain shaking eyes at the right middle side of the room.

"You three know it is not for you, the ones pushing you know it as well, and, I would have accepted the applications even if they were out of the pure intention of observation, however, I don't wish to waste time of you three talented ones with something like this.

I know how much you love the (Wizard's goal). I am amazed every time I see you three play as one. 

You will be our house's center in the game, I announce that right now, so, stop wasting your talent and energy following some bunch of bullies who have been nice enough to treat you well in the past.

Remember, circumstances change people. And so does the time."

They were triplets, three brothers who were becoming famous in the sports sections thanks to their amazing synergy and impeccable trust in one another.

They were brothers, not from some great noble family but, also not from the lower class.

They were from a subordinate viscounty of a dukedom of a mid-size kingdom of the north. 

They were talented as well. However, the son of the duke, who was also coincidentally in the same house, as well as some of his friends did not leave these three alone.

The three were stronger than them, they were talented enough that two of them were (tier-2) mages and one other was a [Rank-2] knight.

They were famous thanks to their playstyle, and, there was absolutely no need for them to be in the alchemy competition. They should go play what they like instead.

"Just try saying some curse words and punching the other party.

This is the academy, they cannot do shit to you here anyway.

And, if you are worried about your family, well, as my dear fiancée says, just beat them up enough that they know what would become of them if anything happens to their people.

Try it, and make it so that I don't have to bring this up ever again in a sitting like this. 

The meeting should be concluded at this point however, I would like Miss Mia, those who want to join the alchemy competition, and those who have already registered to discuss the details."

This was a little distraction but, the three of them will take care of the things on their own end. 

And if they cannot, well, they were the keys to a few wins. 

I won't just sit back and watch their performance fall from the point it used to be a day before.

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