Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 664 Little twins

Chapter 664 Little twins

[Eon's POV: ]

Sir Maverick looked at me with a gaze that was unlike anything the others had in this room.

It was full of curiosity, acceptance, admiration, envy, and a bunch of other things.

It was pretty strange but, considering where the two of us stood at the moment, him openly showing his interest in us was not something the nobles present in the room could possibly ignore.

"The two of you certainly look much better together than I had thought. The aura of oneness around the two of you, the unique tranquillity, the understanding the two of you have of each other, to the way you handle each other… when Zahavi said the two would be better than even them, both of us had laughed, but, as you can see, even this lady of mine is surprised to actually see the two of you.

You definitely possess something precious that most of the couple of current day doesn't usually have. Especially those eyes… both of you have a gorgeous pair of them."

It wasn't in his nature to speak so highly of someone else like this, especially when it came to relationships, but the fact that he was speaking highly of us meant he was going to help me with the matter that I was here for, even if that help is just a little from his side.

"Huhu, you two still have countless things to go through together. It will be challenging for you, but I think you will do just fine." Lady Carolina laughled lightly while adding to his words and then, looked at Rein straight into the eyes.

"But tell me Lady Reinelle. What is it that you love about Master Axion? No one practically knows how the two of you met each other or how you got so close in just a few years, but, the kind of relationship you have right now must have started with something unique, right? 

If you don't mind telling me, what is it that you love the most about him?"

She asked her a proper question with a smile on her face and not only Lady Charlotte and the kids hiding behind her but also the other ladies and some men who were secretly listening to our conversation eagerly looked at Rein to hear the answer to a question that I already knew the answer to.

"Ah I don't mind at all, of course, lady Carolina. And that is a simple question that you don't have to ask that politely. 

What I love about him the most… is his pretty Soul. It's something brighter than a spirit cluster, something more special than any wondrous sight in this world, and something that soothes my own Soul every time I gaze at it.

It's just, too pretty. And his eyes of course. They are adorable.

Hehe, as you said, we have many things we keep to ourselves and we like it that way, but, certainly, the first time we met… well, it was special. And fun as well, of course."

Our first meeting in that forest where she just jumped at me and started attacking me with her powerful scythe even though I had done nothing to her. 

She was crazy back then, always ready to jump into dangerous situations especially when it involved things or people that seemed fun to her, and though almost the same as back then, she is a little better than what she used to be in the past.

'She still loved fighting strong people though, and she still didn't like it when people knew more than necessary things about her.'

Just this morning when we came to the capital city and were done preparing for this gathering, she was going to ask the head butler for a spar before we left the place… and since he was the perfect butler that had no reason to refuse a fun chance like that, he would definitely have accepted her request had I not forcefully dragged her out of the place.

'She was angry about that even now but, well, I managed to convince her that we had time and that she can do that sparring later when we have the chance.

We had more pressing matters to look after, and, it involved a bunch of demon worshipers, the competition that was about to end the preparations, and the rulers of this land who held special positions in this world.

"His soul, hun? Honey, that's quite a surprising answer coming from someone who has not even been with their partner for a few years."

The impressed look on her face was more than enough for the public to know just how much she liked the answer she had received from Rein, and, after that, the way she put her hand on her hair around her ear and gently brushed it behind her ear, was a gesture famous in the Principality.

The meaning behind it varied depending on the context and who was doing it to whose, but in this context, in this setting, and this place before these specific people, the only meaning behind this gesture was that she was inviting her, inviting us, to join them personally.

It was an open invitation that only a few ladies and their partners had ever received from her since the time they had not even been in this nation, but, Rein received an invitation with an absurd answer that practically didn't make much sense to the people present in this hall.

They were surprised, but, I can tell their surprise was nothing compared to the surprise Rein herself had at the moment.

[[ "Woah damn… I was going to lose my balance for a moment there. She is dangerous dude. The air around her… chilly!" ]]

[[ "No worries darling. I would have caught you had you lost your balance, I would have supported you if the need ever had raised, and, I would have shared those chills alongside you-" ]]

[[ "Yeah, darling. Sorry to interrupt your love poetry, it was bad as always, but, this isn't the right time to do that, right?" ]]

[[ "Every moment is the right time to express love, darling. At least with simple finite words." ]]

[[ "I… think you have lost your mind for some reason so I will stop here but, if you really mean what you said about every moment being the right moment-" ]]

[[ "Yeah, no. I take my words back. I said nothing, you heard nothing. Oh, and look, she is looking at you weirdly now." ]]

She was becoming bolder these days so she definitely would have dragged me into some corner somewhere here to kiss me, or to seduce me into kissing her even with everyone watching.

'She's trying to do bolder things but, she should also know this wasn't the place for things like that. At least, not this shitty place filled with shitty people. 

We could change back into some other clothes and go down into the common stadium somewhere in the corner and do whatever she wanted with hundreds and thousands of people around us.

That will be better, I would say.

"You are fun Lady Reinelle. How would you like to join me and Lady Charlotte and greet a few people present here?"

"Hmmm? I…"

She looked at me after reciting this sudden question from her and, since this was Lady Carolina we were talking about here, there was no way I had the mental strength required to stop her from taking my fiancée away from me.

"I don't mind, of course. It would be my honor."

"No no Lady Reinelle. The honor is all mine."

She was playing at something, I didn't know her angle yet but she was definitely doing this with some certain hidden intentions.

"Then looks like you will be joining us, Master Axion."

"Looks like it, Sir Maverick. I will be in your care then."

It was about going around with them to greet the others, which simply meant they were going to help us make connections directly, and this was an opportunity we couldn't possibly ignore.

"Ah, right! Before that… Lady Charl? Would you like to introduce the young lord and lady to our special couple?" 

We all were almost about to leave when Lady Carolina spoke up again and looked at the twins handing behind the dress of their mother with a shy expression.

They were smart kinds, but, in a place full of people that they perceived as something scary, the kids couldn't help their instincts to hide at the safest place they could feel at the moment, which was behind the skirts of their mom, but, well, it was actually the safest place.

"Oh of course! I would love that! As a matter of fact, both of them have already asked me about the two of you four times. 

Huhu, Nathan, Nat. Come forward. Greet the big brother and big sister.

You remember I told you about the amazing big brother who created the milkshake and the ice cream you love so much and the big sister who distributes the tea and coffee we all love? 

This is them, the amazing Owner of (Eon's New World) and the pretty, and cool Lady of Atraxia. Come, greet them~."

The kids, the twins had inherited their mother's unique silver hair and their father's pretty blue eyes so they were obviously small cuties, but, that aside, they had also incarnated the ability to see the true nature of Mana that one possessed, something that came from the line of their great grandmother who is one of the special Elder council members of today.

She was a unique character however, just like her ability to perceive the true nature of someone, these two young ones could also tell one's true nature by the unique characteristics of Mana that they saw with their eyes.


"H-helaw big bruther! Helaw big suster!"

"You are pewtty!"

"Char! We gere goin to sway dat tugether!"

"Ah! Soweeey!"

They were adorable.

And cute.

And pretty.

And pure… haaaa… 

'Yup. I have decided.'

They should be Anna's friends. They would love having her, I know it for certain now.

"What did you say, sweeties? They are pretty?"

"Yeeeeeee! Bruther and swistur are pretttttttty!"

The Enders knew that pretty the two of them meant we were surrounded by a positive aura that they found sparkly and attractive compared to the other people in this place.

They knew the two perceived us as what they usually referred to as the 'real amazing pure ones' or Pewtty as the young girl had said. 

Mana hardly ever lied, so, it was a credible proof of our pure inner thoughts and soul. 

They confirmed we could be trusted, and, the words of these innocent children were the words of pure angels to the adults who knew of their powers.

"Hello to you too kiddos."

"And you are pretty as well… just as pretty as this!"

Rein took out a teddy bear I had made for her in the past and as soon as they saw him, their eyes lip up instantly.



It was a call made out of pure Mana threads and a unique cotton that was also mana-rich.

'It was one of the things she actually liked, that's why she had still kept it with her even though it was just a failed prototype for Mr. Rice.'

But, if she was giving it to them, then it certainly meant she liked these two cuties more than this doll.

And that cheerful expression the two of them had, especially on the face of the little brother, was something she found more precious than any connection she could make through their parents, uncle, and aunt.

They were precious, their smiles were, to her.

And, since the competition's first round would start soon, the smiles that would be covering this ginormous stadium, along with the smiles of her house members, would be something equally precious to her than all these fake bastards that considered themselves as nobles' combined efforts.

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