Isekai Rohan

510 Par’Talucca

Bethel, who had mostly forgotten about her role within the world, who had been treating the whole experience like it was a long-vacation. Continued to indulge in the soft-sweets and multi-coloured dangos as she strolled through the city adorning a kimono as if she were born there. 

As everyone had clearly seen the woman and her vibrant candy-pink hair riding along with their monarch, they all knew better than to bother her unless approached first. Although, the children refused to adhere to such unspoken-rules and would constantly challenge her to children's game to win and obtain the sweet-delicacies that she was always seen carrying.


Chloe Bedevere and Violet, just as they had done so back in Thrud Castle, they had swiftly picked up the mantle of instructor and began sharing their insight on battles and stratagems to the newly gathered and close to battle-ready dhans. Whilst they weren't exactly freshly recruited, as they had been undergoing training under Akira Kaka's clan of warriors and instructors. Nothing beat having actual live-combat training to strengthen their nerves as they performed military-combat exercises that pitted them against skeletons and highly mobile undead cavalry-knights.

Under the policies that Asai had enforced upon the soldiers, trainees and people who were more than eager to sign up and pledge themselves to house Trichia, back in Del Lagos. Chloe had benched over 7,000 young dhans who by humanity's standards were considered to be underage and not yet of adulthood. As such, Par'Talucca only had 4,000 warriors who were considered battle ready, and 7,000+ to be left behind as a last resort if all else failed.

Such statistics was inevitable, as the majority of adult-men were conscripted into Xian Par'Talucca's forces and thus lay dead, whilst the lesser minority were exiles who were fighting for survival all across woodlands, caves and corners within the deadlands until clan Kaka started to gather them, the moment the usurper was confirmed dead. Truly, the kingdom of dhans was a land filled with more women than men, to the point that they know shared their responsibilities as a larger percentage of them started to learn masonry, engineering and building in addition to their prior farm duties. All which were highly prioritized as the city they loved and called home was continuing its repair efforts.


Chloe, who was more observing to the struggles of society, had zero doubts within her mind that once the war ended, humans from Del Lagos or even elves from Aevraury would soon be sent here to aid in their efforts.







Mel, who had finally accepted herself and her chosen future, had no linger regrets as she joined Bethel in her spiritual journey of finding herself. Finding the atmosphere and aesthetics of the city to be soothing, she began to wonder whether the grand duke would grant her next desire, to be positioned within the city of sakura-trees, either as a knight or vassal, to protect his interests here rather than back in Del Lagos.

With such thoughts swimming throughout her mind day after day, since the man's departure to Etton, she glanced up and met the gaze of her drinking-buddy. Who in comparison didn't reflect upon the spiritual mind or soul, but only focused upon his body and ability to live within the current present-time.

Clam chugged down another glass of plum soju that was mixed with saki, the two both burnt and smothered his throat with warmth that flushed throughout his system as he licked his lips in delight. 

"Clam... Are you trying to become an alcoholic by chance?" Sipping upon her glass, as she snacked upon little chicken-skewers marinated with honey.

"Hey, you've heard what they say haven't you? A man who can hold his wine, is a fine gentleman indeed."


Washing down her snack, she smirked before countering the lad who was younger than her in age, but appeared much older and taller.

"When they say that, what they're referring to is actually a gentlemen's ability to enjoy the fine-wine, not the amount in which he fills himself with."

Clam shrugged before gesturing to the cute waitress who was dressed in a simple yukata, but had wrapped an apron around herself, that hugged her gentle-curves tightly. Something Clam kept his eyes lingering upon as she turned towards the kitchen, swinging her cute-ass around. "I don't see any difference?"


"Of course you don't, your eyes are glued to the girls here."  Looking around herself, they were surrounded by young-beauties, exotic-ladies and even curvaceous-milfs, all that were eyeing up the only man in the tavern. And if it wasn't her imagination playing tricks upon her, she could've sworn that the majority of their yukatas and attires were ridiculously loose and revealing.

Seeing as the man had failed to respond, as his eyes were increasingly slowing and sticking to objects that appeared deliciously round and soft, Mel could only sigh as she face-palmed. "Clam, are you planning on starting a harem of your own?"

Whilst Clam wanted to brain-wash himself with duty, obligation to society and kingdom and what not, as reasons recognised for why men should be taking multiple-wives amidst the deaths of so many men. He remembered the promise he had made with his wife Ash, the red headed knight who was waiting for him back in Duchy de Lumix.

As such, he sighed before responding.

"No, I promised Ashe that I was satisfied entirely with her and her alone." As a man of his word, he would endeavour to keep it, unless of course his lord and grand duke ordered otherwise.

The young-waitress returned, deliberately rounding the table to perch over Clam's broad shoulders as her chest pushed into him, before placing the new drinks as well as snacks upon his side of the table. "If there's anything else you'd need, or like~ Please let me know!"



Mel swiped both a drink and a plate from his tray, helping herself as she ignored his protests. "No complaints kiddo, whilst I'm still but a vassal of Trichia, you've already been offered a second name, nobility that comes with riches no?"

"Yeah but-"

"-If you don't like me swiping your food, I'll take my company elsewhere?"


Hearing such a threat, the women who were seated upon adjacent tables all perked up their ears, as the one woman who was cock-blocking them was potentially leaving.

Finding the sudden silence that befall the tavern to be quite horrifying, as if he were swimming among sharks, Clam pushed on over a few more of his food in defeat.

"Do it for Ash!"


"Oops~" A busty-beauty that had her cleavage on full-show as well as her milky-white thighs, accidentally dropped her napkin. As such, she slowly bent over by the waist rather than the knees to pick it up, allowing her breasts to hang like heavenly-mountains as she was revealed to be entirely naked under her skimpy-yukata.













Whilst the handsome man prevailed against thoughts of lust and debauchery, his little brother down below was struggling to break free against the constraints of his underwear. It simply failed to understand why the brain above refused to spread its seed, and in turn ensure his bloodline survived.

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