Isekai Rohan


Hours had passed since the start of the siege.

And yet, not a single evolved dekan had moved an inch. In fact, they appeared to be feasting, cooking and eating the bodies of humans, elves, lycans and even the corpses of their own. Rosemi bit her bottom lip in frustration as she watched a further few dozen human corpses dragged away through the chaos of skeletons, humans, beasts and dekans. 

At this very moment, she wished her closest companions, Christine Doltz, Karen and Ash were there with her, to shoulder and lighten the responsibility and weight she felt ruthlessly crush her shoulders. Alas, this was a duty granted to her and her alone.

Marvin, in his moment of glory as he parried and scythed life after life from the relentless beasts that fought with axe, sword and teeth. Could only empower his willpower and conviction to survive as thoughts of a busty village-girl he had been dating lingered within his mind, ensuring he didn't give up not gave-in no matter how many thoughts shuffled into his mind that desired rest, food, sex and sleep.

Having travelled the lands far and wide, becoming vassals to a lord who managed to rise to the peerage of a count, and having been utilized as mercenaries for Aevraury's war against the dhans and necromancers. Lucas and his small party were equipped with steel-plated armour that gave them optimal protection as their old leather-gears covered their gaps.





Lucas, Lucy, Marvin and Mimi, the four adventurers who once sought glory and adventure, hailing from the same small village in the middle of Del Lagos. Counted their stars and blessings as they kept a close formation in regards to each other, watching each other's backs as hob-goblins and lycans repeatedly fell to their innate-desire to rape the two women.

And whilst Lucas wanted to drag his sister out of such a warzone, the young-blonde refused to abandon their oaths as their lords had ordered them to hold the position. Count Timson along with Count Sam were equally killing all that had managed to slip past the first stonewall, as barons Shoto and Ford and their knights held their defence atop the stone-walls. 

Perhaps it was their blessing and fortune to having travelled and partied with the grand duke of war, or maybe it was simply to their decisions and courage to enlist themselves to battle across lands.

[Mimi: Lvl 45->55] [Lucas: Lvl 47->58] [Lucy: Lvl 46->54] [Marvin: Lvl 47->59]

The four, ever since their showing at the celebrations, within the colosseum. Had been on a steady rise of growth, as people who had seen what could be considered the peak of humanity. No matter how strong they became, how fast or adept they grew with their swordsmanship, and how much they managed to improve their weapons and armours. They couldn't help but feel inadequate whenever they recalled the prowess of Asai de Trichia, specifically, how the man was punching monsters to death whilst they relied upon weapons. With such aspirations, such lofty-goals that eternally remained out of reach, they burnt the midnight-fuel and continued to take on dangerous work.

Although having lived in luxury, and enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh, as well as the rush of gambling and drinking. They never lost that certain aspect within them, the adventurer within that desired to become heroes.



This very same party of four happened to be at the fore, battling beasts and monsters when the great-gates of Thrud castle finally gave in and broke. Barging through the splinters and broken-timbre, ogres that towered over them.

With adrenaline fuelling his body, and instincts to control the muscles, Lucas's body charged in as he roared atop of his lungs. Targeting the gaps between the dozens of steel-shields that covered the monsters, his party quickly charged in to assist their leader.



Rosemi, whilst continuing to bate her breath and stay her sword, watched as the four familiar faces that had once escorted her and Asai into Via Marea courageously charged forth to battle monsters of mass. However, as brave as they were, as skilled as they were, they were only capable of beheading a single ogre before its companions charged in and swatted them across the air like bugs.

With the drumming and trumpets continuing its rhythm, synchronizing the beating of everyone's hearts, Rosemi failed to hear the words Lucy shouted, as she too was equally batted away by the clubs and fists the ogres wielded.


Fireballs, arrows and large-swaths of stone kept flying over their heads, and smashing into the sea of blue. As Rosemi turned to gaze upon the thousands who were waiting for her orders. The knights of Trichia, and Lumix, men she considered to be friends and vassals under her protection as it was only a matter of time before the two duchies joined and intertwined their bloodlines.

These were her people, people she knew, people she cared for. Knights she had splashed her own years of pocket money upon to equip and to ensure their weapons were of the best-standards.


Gazing upon them, as she tightly squeezed the sword that once belonged to Erica. She flew the flags of Trichia and Lumix, signalling their orders to them as the gates below opened up.


[Oliver: Lvl 80] [Gary: Lvl 75]


Gary, nervously gulped down his fears as he no longer had any saliva to swallow, urged forwards by the knights he and Clam had spent years training with, he marched along with the beating of the drums as the gates continued to open before them, and men parted for them.

The echoes, the screams, shouting and roars increased in volume as they traversed the multi-walled keep, before Oliver started to ramp up speed, turning their fast-march into a jog, before entering a literal dash into the fray as the last gate opened up to reveal ogres who were equally charging at them. Albeit, slipping and falling as they failed to notice the gates opening.


"FOR TRICHIAAAAA!!" Shouted Oliver, as his [Courageous Aura] filled the humans around him with the ability to ignore their innate instincts, that were screaming for them to turn-tail and run.

""FOR TRICHIA!"" Gary and the lads he had spent training, sweating, crying and bleeding with roared in unison. Steeling their hearts, as the rancid smell of blood, gore, death, urine and shit assaulted their noses.


"FOR THE ROSE!!" The knights, who were wholeheartedly loyal to Rosemi screamed, as they prepared their heart and soul for battle.

""FOR THE ROSE!!"" Echoed loyal-knights, as the split and flanked the ogres before them, only to find thousands of blue-skinned dekans wielding spears and lances equally charging in shouting and roaring their battle-cries.






The sudden reinforcement breathed new life into the battlegrounds as the tired and weary were dragged out to be tended to. Many knights, soldiers, volunteers and mercenaries were dragged back to the rear before the gates once again closed. Sealing the men under her command to their fates, until further notice.


Rosemi glanced towards her flanks, seeking the warmth and confidence her father was known to show. However, to her confusion, her father alongside his most loyal of knights had left her side.

Rather than stir up confusion, and possibly lowering morale, as she believed in her father's heart and loyalty to the kingdom. She had no doubts that the duke regarded as humanity's shield simply had matters of importance, and would no sooner return to the vantage point.

Tearing her gaze away from the rear, in which hundreds of dark-elves were already running on fumes, whilst their stores of MP potions were already running lows. Forcing them to chew upon the unrefined herbs instead, even for the smallest regen, to cast their spells of fire and ice. Rosemi resumed her careful watch of the battlefront, as the hob-goblins, lycans and ogres were annihilated.

"Just another 40,000 dekans to go... Nearly there."


Deep down, she missed the gentle-aroma of almonds, of rice and of vanilla.

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