Isekai Rohan

517 Par’Talucca

"Your Majesty, I am pleased to see you in good health." Akira, the unofficial regent of Par'Talucca deeply bowed as he and his retinue of warriors greeted their king upon his return, as he was dipped low, his eyes glanced on over towards the side to examine the emotions and facial-expressions of his daughter's and her agents that had followed them to the kingdom of giants.

Seeing their not so enthusiastic expressions, he could near-accurately guess their results to be lacking, rather than ask for amazing results he kept his mouth shut and waited for Asai to divulge whatever information he was willing to instead.


However, as he raised his gaze, he noticed how the king's gaze was locked upon a certain area, following the line-of-sight, Akira only saw a few crates that stored spare oars and tools.



Hearing the man's domineering voice, and having his eyes connect directly with her own, the princess of Par'Talucca deactivated [Hide] and awkwardly waved to the man. "Hi. Long time no see?"

Recognising another member of the royal family, one who's blood actually carried the blessed bloodline of clan Par'Talucca, everyone but Robin and Asai bowed once more to greet her. Ignoring everyone around, she hopped off the crates and skipped on over towards the two. "Hi Robin, been good?-" The half-elf nodded as the edges of her lips rose into a warm-smile, from her memory of the dhan, the very first memories to surface were of her and Kozumi assisting her from her infliction and risky-position from Istvan's attempt at rape. After, it was only the emotions that grew as companions who both risked their lives to fight and protect the same man, which led them to experience and experience the same ordeals and trials.

"Asai~ I missed you. I hope you missed me too~"


"Mizumi, why are you here? Why aren't you besides Kozumi and Victoria?"

The silver-haired dhan pouted as she played around with her two long braided-tails that dangled over her bosom, her single crimson red eye glistened as it became wet from holding back a tear. Her other, still covered by an eyepatch that was designed black with golden ascents, as she equally wore Trichia's militant-uniform upon her body and tender-curves, rather than her usual yukata or kimono. 

"Y-you, you might not believe me but- I saw my great great great great- grandma, and she ordered me to return as you had something to give me? And by giving me something, you would also greatly benefit?"

Awkwardly fidgeting around with her hair, she honestly couldn't believe herself for following orders from a random dream of hers, one that only Kozumi believed in as she shyly met Asai's eyes. Praying that the man wouldn't see her as some crazy-bimbo. After all, having spent time being lectured by Victoria, and being besides the two pregnant ladies who's personalities had greatly softened with warmth and happiness. At levels only a mother could portray, Mizumi couldn't help but also desire the powerful and successful man, Asai de Trichia to allow her entry into his good-graces.


"Understood, don't leave my side until I say so."

She hadn't a clue as to what went through his mind, as he and Robin were always the type to not smile with their eyes, but only their mouths. But, she still felt her heartbeat stop in delight, as the words that left his handsome visage implied a closeness she desired. "W-what about when I need to go pick some flowers!? Or when we bathe!? W-"

Asai softly bonked her upon the head, snapping her out of her thoughts as her snow-like white skin reddened like asian-fever.


Walking past the princess, and equally pass Akira, he approached the horses and carriages that had been awaiting his return from Draftt, to return to the palace.

"Akira, update me."


Akira watched as his king ignored the royal-carriage and mounted a war-horse. Climbing upon his own, he rode besides his king as the others swiftly followed along.


"Your Majesty, your knights, vassals from Trichia had been awaiting your return for some weeks now. They mentioned having urgent-information and further orders for you, direct from Her Majesty, Victoria Del Lagos. Whilst I wasn't privy to such information, as they were intended for your eyes and ears only, I did manage to receive notice from my agents working in tandem with the knights of Lumix, who are still stationed within Aevraury.

Del Lagos' prince Victor is currently missing-in-action. And our enemies have advanced through the deadlands, and towards the border of humanity."


With glimpses towards his king, within the corner of his eyes, Akira noted the trembling of the man's fists as they gripped upon the reigns of the horse. And whilst his facial expressions remained stoic, never-faltering as he gazed forwards and scrutinized the path for any potential beasts or monsters. Asai de Trichia was struggling to calm his raging-heart as he equally blamed himself for wasting time sight-seeing, carving snowmen and ice-skating with Robin, whilst people he knew, fellow humans were dying and suffering from the horrors of warfare, and also the people of Etton.

His anger clouded his mind as his rage began to fill the frozen-wasteland and its people. Not taking into consideration if they were simply naively following orders, or actually were suffering supply-resource problems that halted their march and raising of banners. His annoyance, grievance and bloodlust flowed upon the entirety of Etton, as guilty-by-association took over his usual rationality.

It wasn't that he particularly cared for the prince, Victor Del Lagos. It was more because the prince was Victoria's sole-surviving family member. As someone who personally ended the life of her other brother, Arthur Del Lagos, and failed to prevent her father from dying, if he wasn't so weak, so inadequate, and perhaps if he hadn't wasted 6 months worth of time frolicking around the kingdom in search of his baby-crush Mel. Perhaps he would've been strong enough to even change the course and ending of the war, he thought.

At the very least, he didn't desire the woman to live through the death of another family-member, especially one in which she secretly greatly cared for. Even if the guy didn't deserve it, as the perverted sister-con he was. Who also willingly threw his kingdom and people into war, just to cement his name within the history books with glorified-battles and victories.




[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 98]
[HP: 180 MP:161]
[Title: Monster]
[Skills unlocked:]

[Active Skills:]



[Passive Skills:]




"At what heights do I have to reach, before all these mother fuckers learn to leave the people I care about alone!?"


















"If it's war they want, it's war they'll have."

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