Isekai Rohan

522 Raccoon

Having left the elves to their own devices, Asai dipped into [Hide] and left behind the dhan who had been diligently guarding her king, Sora. Ignoring her pleading gaze and desire to sate the itch down below, Asai made his way down the flight of stairs before reaching the large art-piece that greeted all that entered the palace.


[Sakura No Par'Talucca: Lvl 99]


The deity casually sipped upon her green-tea, her soft cherry-blossom pink hair flowed and sprawled across the soft tatami mat whilst sakura-blossoms continued to fall from the skies above.

Uda Par'Talucca was no where to be seen, as Sakura continued to ignore her visitor's intrusion up until he seated himself before her, as a ceramic cup appeared before him, already filled with the herbal-tea.

"Good work young man, you've given my bloodline another member. For that, you have my gratitude in addition to your actions in Draftt. Whilst I had to endure quite the moaning and complaining, due to the little gift your half-elf left behind, I'm satisfied enough that you didn't kill anyone. Mochi? Cookies?"


A small selection of mochis appeared upon the table as Sakura helped herself to one.



Curious as to whether the sweets would also grant him a small boon, just as the herbal-tea would lighten the pressure upon his shoulders, Asai plucked and threw a random piece into his mouth. Pleased to find a surge of heat spread throughout his body.


[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 98]
[HP: 180 MP:164->174]
[Title: Monster]
[Skills unlocked:]

[Sakura's Gift]
+10 MP


"No, you can't take any out with you, as they simply wouldn't be able to exist outside this realm. And no, eating another won't grant you more, as it's just a one-time thing~ However, eat as many as you'd like, if you enjoy their incredible chewy-texture and flavour~"

Washing down the chewy and sticky treat with tea, he showered the deity with appreciation and thanks within his mind as her snow-like cheeks slightly turned pink from the reverence.

Perhaps reading a tad too deeply into his desires and wants, she raised an eyebrow as she was greatly confused as to why the man would desire [Kami's Breastmilk] over something more practical like [Tanuki's Leaf] or [Pegasus Feed]

Shaking her head and removing the information from her mind, she decided to hear it from the man himself.


"As I have fulfilled the conditions to retrieve another item from your vault, please give me the [Tanuki's Leaf]"

"Are you certain young man?"

"Well. Can I give the [Enchanted Edwin Armour] to Robin?"


Sakura closed her eyes, and merely shook her head, regretfully informing him of its restrictions.


[Summon Tanuki]

The little trash panda crawled out of Asai's shadow, as it climbed upon the table, helping itself to the sugary-sweets. Sakura pulled a plain looking leaf out from her bosom before pushing it towards the raccoon, who immediately shoved it down its throat. In a series of glowing lights that radiated from its body, Tanuki faltered and staggered before falling into Asai's lap, where it fell into a deep slumber.

Peering down at the raccoon that occasionally twitched its nose and ears, the man looked up to question the celestial-being.


"She's merely resting, she absorbed a power much too great for her young-body, and is now forcefully undergoing growth to ensure her vessel is capable of holding and utilizing the new strength."

"I see... Thank you."

"I recommend you to store her away, let her rest and absorb as much mana as she requires from you."

"Got it." Deactivating the skill, the little trash panda faded into little glittery-dusts before returning to his mana-heart.


"Sakura, before I leave, I just want to confirm with you that the dekan pretending to be an ice-dragon, living under Etton in the kingdom of giants is indeed under your protection? From the deal or favour you owe to the sovereign-deity of that land."

The celestial-being sipped upon her tea as she pondered over exactly how much information was appropriate to share.

"Yes, and no. Whilst I do have a non-aggression pact with their guardian-deity, if they do ever attack us in any capacity... Consider yourself free to uproot their entire kingdom, with my blessing of course. However, just ensure that you and your vassals aren't the ones throwing the first punch."

"What happens if one of my lads accidentally strikes first? Humans are emotional after all, and I can't expect them all to be perfect."


Her hands paused, just hovering over another piece of mochi.

"Their frozen domain will stretch and incorporate Par'Talucca into another frozen wasteland... That's what."


Having heard the warning, Asai couldn't help but think up ways to utilize such a power, recalling how the dekans were apparently weaker in cold-temperatures due to their cold-blooded bodies. Azul being the only exception he had seen and heard of thus far, as he had apparently adapted and evolved through genetic-mutation to resist such icy-temperatures.


"Human, perhaps you haven't heard much of me... If perchance, Par'Talucca was to cease to exist, my anger, my wrath, will befall all else as I descend upon the world, bringing alongside me a calamity. One that will bring the entire world into ruination.

Simply put, if there is no Par'Talucca, thus there shall be no world. Do I make myself clear young-man?"

Asai nodded twice, before shoving any thought of deliberately causing such snow to fall upon the island of Bahran, in an attempt to defeat the dekans. As he simply considered evacuating the people into Aevraury or Morrisen. However, receiving such a clear threat from the deity, he couldn't help but wonder what the costs of her actions would be.

Surprisingly, Sakura indulged in his curiosity.

"As the world-ender, I too would cease to exist. Of course, I worked so hard during my life-time to reach such heights. Without a doubt, I do not desire such a untimely-end to my success and lineage...

And if you're wondering why I wouldn't personally prevent their snow from reaching my kingdom... I'm honestly forbidden from informing you of the finer-details, so just think of it as justification. The more justification one has, the more of their power and authority they are permitted to exert upon the lands below. If I do forcefully descend and abuse my abilities over the lesser, naturally I will be punished. However, if one is justified, Craut will turn a blind eye, even if you destroy the kingdom of giants."




Thinking about it to himself, it appeared the celestial-beings were also following their own protocols and procedures, almost like the noble houses of Del Lagos. Having to first find justification before being permitted to attack another house. Perhaps this explained why the kingdoms so often would make grand declarations of war upon others, as it was a means to obtain permission from their sovereign-deities. Permission of sorts, in the form of blessings.


"T-thank you for enlightening me." 

Imagining the world-ending, just because one of his men accidentally took a giant's life, perhaps by stray-arrow. Asai shuddered as cold-sweat slid upon his back.




To those wondering,




Also, time to vote again lads.


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