Isekai Rohan

535 Deadlands

With 4,000 dhans marching behind her, alongside Clam who diligently remained by her side as a living-moving shield, and with Chloe Bedevere and Violet guarding the rear, Bethel whilst nervous and suffering from self-doubt continued to maintain her position at the vanguard. Having so much time to think and filter her wants, needs and desires, as there was simply no beast or monster dumb enough to attack such a large military force who were visually armed to the teeth with katanas, katars and their demon-masks that hid their emotions.

Bethel wondered if this was indeed her destiny, her calling, her role as a [Hero]

To lead and command the deciding factor of the war between species. Honestly, whilst the majority of her decisions and choices in this new life thus far had all been made under the assumption that she was a [Hero] and thus had a fate to fulfil, and whilst having the heart to go through with her actions, deep-down, the young woman within her just wanted to enjoy life along the side-lines. With worries and undecided thoughts to her future, she wondered whether she was capable enough to also gather a party or group strong enough to shoulder her burden. As it was becoming increasingly clear to her that the grand duke had a path of his own, and wouldn't always be there to guide her.




Perhaps even having such leisure to worry about the far future over their current situation was a luxury in itself, as her army was now in between borders, between Liom that connected to the Bahran Island, and Varvylon, the lands that bordered Del Lagos, and Thrud's mighty walls.


"Beasts sighted!"

The dhans with greater eyesight noticed rising tides of dust, clearly whatever beast was charging towards them was built for speed. Bethel's ears perked up as she instantly gazed over to the man who was pointing eastwards, to Dharvegawan.




"Form ranks! Form ranks facing east!" With mana empowering her vocal-cords, her voice echoed to those behind her. Whilst the dhans at the far back weren't in range to hear her command, the repeated echoing of the commands that was passed through the lines from the front to the rear like Chinese-whispers alerted them.

As the dust clouds continued to rise, Bethel was the first to clearly make out the guests from the east. People she had hoped to never see or meet again...

"Giants from Draftt! 300- 5- no, 1,000! 1,000 of them riding upon beasts! Prepare to engage!" 


Taking no chances, as she clearly didn't trust them, believing them to having only hostile intentions, she ushered the men into positions, forming a defensive line whilst the cargo-wagons were positioned in the relatively safe rear. Defended by Chloe and Violet, who would act autonomously as they remained upon the roofs as a vantage point.

With her mithril bow in hand, and a [Kael's Arrow] in the other, Chloe was already ready to claim first-blood.

Violet tightly clutched her mithril staff against her chest as a large swath of mana swirled in preparation, awaiting their call to action.


"Clam with me, everyone else, hold the line."


Bethel began to ride her skeletal horse towards the mid-point, or at the very least as close as she could get to it before turning and heading out towards the giants who were riding upon beasts she had recognised as white-coated sabre-tooth tigers.  Something she had plenty of experience hunting and killing as they were considered to be one of Draftt's main sources of calories and proteins.


Riding out with only Clam a few steps behind her, she approached the 1,000 strong mounted army of giants who towered over both the humans, allowing them to naturally look down on them as their haughty gazes fell over their high-noses first.


"Bethel, knight of Trichia." Announced the [Hero] who's voice clearly resonated out to all. With no weapons in hand, she simply remained upon her skeletal horse, as her [Mirror Blade] would answer her call within a second anyway.

"Clam, loyal knight to grand duke Trichia!" Roared Clam, a kite shield protected his left whilst his mace gently rested against his right leg.



A single giant rode out from the mass of muscle from both beasts and giants.

Dressed exactly how she remembered them, albeit adoring a fur-cloak that was decorated with prayers for battle, the man's mixture of fur and leather clothing hardly covered his body.


"Human! I remember you! I watched you blaze through the ceremony back at our glorious arena!" Logan Travarre, the red headed prince couldn't help but fill with excitement and bloodlust, not even bothering to hold his emotions back as he grinned dastardly, revealing his teeth. His heart thumped and pounded as he would finally be fighting against someone worthy, someone who wasn't just a nobody and would only offer greater merits due to her previous success at beating the giants.

Rather than their usual dual-axes, battle-axes or polearms, the fiery prince had upon his lap a Glaive that sported a blade bigger than a human's torso, perfect for decapitation.

"Say, how about it? Let us have a duel! If you win, I'll listen to a single demand of yours, and if I win, I get to claim you as my slave, my personal bed-warmer, and the puny little army you've gathered will become mine!"


Clam was close to telling the giant that put even his prior bodybuilder-muscles to shame, but Bethel rose her hand to silence him.


"Prince of the giants, does that mean that if I were to win, I could also demand that you, your warriors and your beasts will have to swear fealty to me? And listen to every demand and order I give?"

Logan howled as his laughter rumbled and echoed across the deadlands, a tear formed within one of his red eyes as he believed the human to be joking. His warriors roared, cheered and laughed, echoing the emotions of their prince, whilst the others pulled out their bone-horns and blew in rhythm. Blood lust, killing intent and the sheer desire to fight filled them, as their excitement only increased. The only thing holding them back from running wild now, was the lone fact that their prince wanted to enjoy the limelight further, to destroy the commander of the army before their very eyes in a one versus one.


"Human girl, you are a funny one. I like you. For that, I will allow you to receive my royal seed on a daily basis! No matter how many offspring you desire, you shall have it!"


The prince rode out further from his army, before facing the pink headed human who had already ordered Clam back to the lines.


"I didn't desire your father, what makes you think you'll be any different?"


"Because I know women like you, you desire someone who is clearly more dominant, someone who has bested you in both battle and in bed. Don't worry, as my 20th wife, I'll be gentle."


Mostly ignoring his taunts, whether he meant them or not, Bethel called forth her enchanted sword. Once again, she was faced with another area of expertise she had failed to consider, and to train in. 

With both fighters on their own mounts, wielding weapons that granted great reach, Bethel made a mental note to practice jousting at the next opportunity she could afford.



[Bethel: Lvl 81]
[HP: 160 MP:130]
[Title: Hero]
[Skills unlocked:]



[Clam: Lvl 75]
[HP:125 MP:100]
[Skills unlocked:]




Mount in game:


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