Isekai Rohan


"Would you like to quench your thirst?"



Hebi gazed into the human's eyes with her mint green eyes, which had dilated more than a human's would as oxytocin and dopamine entered her brain; chemicals usually associated with sexual/romantic attraction, also referred to as love hormones.


"I'm capable of producing milk throughout the entire year. If you find yourself hungry or thirsty, let me know~"

The man made a mental note, before thrusting his attention and concentration back on his mission.


Whilst it was business as usual for Asai de Trichia, as his current situation and environment was no different from his usual dungeon-dives, albeit having no safety-net to fall back to if fortune were to turn her back upon him, and eternal-slumber were to come. Hebi, had been racking her brains and trying to recall every rumour and gossip in which she had gathered that concerned the humanoids and their mating-strategies. Having lived the majority of her life as a snake in captivity, surrounded by dragonkin that lived and served solely for their kingdom and religion. She failed to incite and seduce the human who had literally swooped in out of nowhere, saved her from her eternal prison, and was now princess-carrying her.

As stories naturally existed within all cultures, species and races. Naturally, the nagas also had their own variations of a prince-charming, a knight in shining armour. Whilst the human wasn't capable of breathing golden-fire, had no handsome-tail to grope her and to intertwine with her own tail, the human was the most handsome, strong, stoic and masculine of all the men she had seen thus far. Traits her culture highly valued when searching for a breeding partner, to fertilize her eggs. When compared to the dekan-men she had been imprisoned by, who were demonic in appearance, powerful but aggressive, stoic only due to their lack of personality, and their complete lack of aspiration, as they had no dreams of their own, no goals but to serve and listen to orders.

Hebi found herself desiring the man more and more, especially when his heartbeat filled her with warmth, his touch gentle and caring, filling a void within her, and the husk that was sweetly-delicious.


"Would the human prefer drinking the liquid from down below instead? Is that what humans are into?"


Without such knowledge, or any clue at all to her stirring emotions, Asai had entirely ignored her as he had his priorities correctly in place, focusing upon the other end of the tunnels, the gates, the twists and turns, and the rising sounds of water passing by. Listening and analysing every sound source, ensuring that no dekan warrior could sneak up on him, and to better prepare himself if there would be any further dekans simply standing-guard, like statues.


"Hebi... Could you stop that? It's quite distracting..."


Hebi closed her mouth and swallowed the saliva she had pooled up, pouting as yet another one of her people's mating calls failed. "He doesn't find my tongue attractive?" Following the man's line of sight, she began to notice an occurring pattern repeat itself several times over. When finally manages to follow his gaze, it landed upon her chest that was swaying and bouncing, as she only had rags upon her body, naturally she was without any piece of underwear. Close to figuring out how to seduce and to excite the man with a weapon that could sway even the most stubborn of men, she found herself plot back upon the ground.


"Hebi, you're sure this is where they took a human prince?"


Taking her eyes away from his ass, she gazed upon the swirling portal that was dominantly black with hints of blue. "Yes, I'm sure. The other tunnels only lead to nests, loops, baths and toilets."


"Do you know what's inside?" 


Hebi found herself pleased, with every question he asked, and every question she was capable of answering, she believed herself useful and thus was more likely to be treasured and cared for in return. "I do! It's one of their farms. It's probably filled with goblins and beasts, since that's what I see enter and exit most of the time."


Asai inspected the current hall they were in, and found that it made sense, as they were surrounded by wooden plates, bowls and straw-pillows. Items that indicated their location to be a canteen of sorts. 


"Will there be dekans inside?"


"The farmers and butchers will be inside."


Not knowing exactly why, Asai stroked her green hair as thanks, leaving one last note before entering.


"I didn't come here alone by the way, Robin Sol, an elf might pass by here, if she does, do update her for me alright?" Seeing as Robin Sol would literally be one in a million, being the only person with her distinctive features in the kingdom of dekans, he didn't feel the need to describer her traits.

Throwing himself into the portal before the naga had a chance to stall him, as she was far too relaxed when concerning the danger and risky position they currently were in, Asai instinctively felt the impartial gaze of a divine-being.


With cold shivers jolting through his spine, he threw himself behind a stone pillar. With bated breath and muscles prepared to throw him back out again, he waited for any indication or challenges that might be thrown his way. However, even after wasting a few minutes within the shadow, it seemed whatever guardian deity that governed this realm was entirely uncaring of his presence.


"Holy crap..."


The hall he found himself in was dwarven, the literature, the scriptures, the art inscribed upon the walls, the pillars, the ceilings and even the iron statue that looked just like Caronia made it abundantly clear.


"Caronia, bro?"


Trying his luck, it appeared the debuff from the ritual still inflicted him, as his call to the dwarven king Caronia was left unanswered.




Quick shout out to the highly cultured gentleman that decided to send support for Isekai Rohan. Do hit up my inbox if you want a guest appearance as a character.

Thank you!

[Noah T:]



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