Isekai Rohan

545 Faith

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Robin Sol greatly annoyed by the time it was taking to reach the prince, and having found no clues or breadcrumbs to indicate Asai's current status, almost started to wonder whether Istvan was a turn-coat or not, and was in actuality wasting time.

"Yes, I'm certain Lady Sol. We're nearly there, I can feel it!" Istvan planted his right fist upon his heart, excitement and longing guided him like a compass to north pole.

Seeing as the other two templar knights were equally as excited as their captain, the half-elf decided to trust in their faith for a little while more. Although, perhaps it was time to rest their weary legs, as soreness, dehydration and hunger were beginning to sap their strength and speed. And whilst they were all trained and disciplined to degrees that would break the legs of a typical man, the inefficiency in their march due to the mist, crooked indent upon the ground, and general dimness of the tunnels dampened their efforts greatly.


Upon rounding around the corner, and turning through a set of doorways more, the group found themselves facing a black and grey portal that silently vibrated within the middle of the room.


"Istvan, are you certain?" Being privy to Asai's thoughts, analyzations and information-digests, Robin was naturally wary of dungeon portals. Specifically when she would be dungeon-diving without Asai.

Having no system to call upon, she wondered whether or not she should sit this one out, as her level


[Robin Sol: Lvl 95]
[HP: 100 MP:200]
[Title: Saintess]


Was apparently close to reaching the peak. And if she were to enter alongside them, their deaths would be on her hands due to the dungeon's tendency to regulate the threats within, according to its intruders.


"Yes, one hundred percent, no doubt at all." Istvan looked on over towards his two knights, who were equally in agreement, nodding their heads in excitement. 

"I-Is that what I look like to others, whenever I think and talk about Asai... ?" "Fine. But, I think I should remain outside, and guard the portal."


Their excitement and joy towards reuniting with their prince crumbled, as if they were betrayed, or rejected by a love-interest.

"Saintess Sol! As you should know, we templar knights become stronger with greater faith and belief. If we were to be bestowed with the glory of fighting alongside you, I'm certain we wouldn't fail to defeat any foe or beast that may come our way." The two templars nodded in agreement, as their eyes almost shapeshifted into a puppy's as they pleaded for her to join them.

"Lady Sol, please. Whilst I'm confident in our strength and ability to perform, it would be an honour and reassurance to have you watch our flanks." Added Istvan, who desperately wanted to redeem himself from his prior actions, when he had succumbed to his lust.


Close to rebuking them, and clarifying that she was no Saintess, she recalled the moment of surprise and shock that filled Asai's face, back when he had first informed her of her ascension and climb towards divinity. Apparently, she was seen as a symbol of hope throughout Trichia and the counties that surrounded it. Having received a thorough explanation on why hope and moral was detrimental to a nation's military might and prosperity, Robin kept her thoughts to herself and gave in, agreeing to enter alongside them.


Having dived through and cleared more than a handful of dungeons without Asai, as a captain who led her own platoons who were certainly less capable when compared to the templars, she reassured herself that it simply couldn't be as bad as fighting dragons and Asai.




Performing their last minute checks, whilst also resting their sore feet prior to entering, Robin habitually performed maintenance on her mithril daggers by scraping it against a miniature honing steel. As for the templars, they were familiarizing themselves with the daggers Robin had lent them, ensuring they were comfortable with their weight distribution and effective range.




Although they were still sore from the long march, their prince and lord was awaiting their rescue, and as such, they swiftly entered the portal in response. Leaving Robin Sol to be the last one to enter, as she exhaled a deep breath, hoping in doing so would calm the nerves and rising BPM of her heart.










A magnificent cathedral, pillars decorated with glorious depictions of the angels and deities. A hundred rows of red oak benches decorated the large hall, without a single speck of dust, nor were there any signs of wear and tear.

Candles that illuminated the wide space alongside crystals as large as doors that left the ceiling appearing like a galaxy of stars. At the very far end stood a pristine podium, where a priest or a cleric would usually perform his sermons and ceremonies.


Although entering a hall eerily familiar to the templars, the group slowly inched down the mid-section path, observing the corners, the benches, the shadows behind the pillars and banners for enemies. And yet, they appeared to be entirely alone.

"Istvan, lead the way." The half-elf urged the templar into advancing, as he was supposedly the most devout and loyal to the prince, and had been leading the majority of their march to begin with.

Nodding, accepting his orders, he began to ramp up his speed as his knights followed closely along.




Even after reaching the end of the hallway, it was only then did the group realize that there were no doors, no gates, no windows, and no dungeon portal behind them to leave.

Further annoyed that she was somewhat stuck with these three men, rather than Asai de Trichia, Robin's golden eyes fell upon the single piece of parchment that was laid upon the podium stand.



"The test of faith?"


The cathedral dimmed, as the candles suddenly died out. Four golden rays of light fell from the ceiling and landed upon four seats, four benches that were located far from each other.


"Lady Sol, it's just a hunch of mine... But I think the heavens wants us to seat ourselves."


"Istvan, do me a favour and remind me of faith. What advice do you have for me? Someone who spends more time fighting, than she does within a chapel..."


Pondering for a few seconds, Istvan and the two templars came to an agreement.


"Faith can be thought of as confidence or trust in a person, thing, concept, or in a god or goddess."




"Yes, Lady Sol. Trust in Loha."


"I see..."


Robin marched off, taking the seat closest to the front for herself, leaving Istvan to take the second, and the templars the rear-two. With over a hundred rows of benches, the four were now separated by distances greater than they would've liked.

Awaiting something to begin, a sound, a bell, or anything. A realization popped into Istvan's mind.


"Lady Sol! You must pray! Close your eyes and pray, believe, trust in Goddess Loha. Oh, and put your weapons away, being unarmed is paramount!"


Seeing as her rings were still dead, she shoved the two mithril daggers into the empty leather pouches that were much too small for them, penetrating through the bottom, whilst the latch kept them secured. The templars had already positioned their weapons upon the floors, and assumed positions of prayer.

Knees closely together, heads down, eyes shut and hands together and upon their lips, as they began to mumble scriptures, doctrine that was specific to their order.


As for Robin, whilst she copied their positions, she hadn't a single clue as to how a prayer was supposed to start and flow. Merely listening to the quiet-mumblings of the others, her long ears started to pick up noises as she head heavy-handed doors creak open, and hundreds upon hundreds of footstep shuffle along the stone floor.

Without opening her eyes, she knew full well as to what was happening. The late arrivals were seating themselves upon the benches, filling them out as they noisily bumped into one and another, bumping into the wooden-benches and causing them to screech and scrape like nails upon a blackboard. Goosebumps filled the backs of the templars who were suddenly surrounded by unknown entities, but they remained steadfast in prayer, as they were yet to finish.


Believe in Loha.

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