Isekai Rohan


Two pieces of rope remained, Ian's eyes had already gone dry from crying all the tears he had within him, his body uncontrollably shook and shivered as his nerves overwhelmed him with the fear of death. Although it was only within his imagination, he believed the rope around his neck to be tightening and squeezing the life out of him, whilst the rope below was increasingly weakening like loose straw.

From his point of view, he couldn't see Dolos as the rear-side of the picture-frame was entirely blank, he also wasn't privy to their conversations and exchanges, leaving him in a state of unease and helplessness, as he continued to question the choices he had made in life.




"Tick tock~ Tick Tock~ I have all day, all week~ All year for this." Dolos revealed his fangs once more, as he gently wiped the tears of joy from his lens. "The same can't be said for those two though!" The two portraits above that depicted Asai de Trichia and Victor Del Lagos shook and shifted, as their 5 second long clips updated to reveal them becoming deathly pale and weakening.


I come in many shapes and sizes, within every kingdom you shall find me there.

No matter the species, human, elf, dhan or dekan, I am honest, and I am fair.

Feed me, cherish me, as I do not mind living upon the floor.

I hate baths and showers, try to wash me and I shall leave, forevermore.



"Do you think it's a cat?" Robin frowned as her train of thought was ruined by Istvan's suggestion. "I mean... Cats come in many shapes and sizes, just like people, they can be found everywhere that has food. They don't care about our species or race, as long as we feed them, and they do dislike being bathed... I know this, as the templar order's garrison has a few cats living there to eliminate any mice."


"I don't think it would be that easy, but you're free to find it, just remember that your knight only has two pieces of rope keeping him alive.

Rather than cats, I was going to say people..." "People come in many shapes and sizes, in every kingdom..." Entertaining any line of thought that popped into her mind, slowly crossing them out as they failed to satisfy all conditions, she couldn't help but recall her days living upon the cold hard streets of Einhoren. And if someone did in fact feed and cherish her, she had no doubt within her mind that she wouldn't even mind sleeping on their floor, as it was still better than sleeping on the streets in the alleyways. "But people aren't always honest and fair to all."


A further dozen minutes later, and Dolos was becoming increasingly impatient, sporadically hitting the ground with his cane and making it harder to think clearly.


"Religion?" "Found in every kingdom, no matter the species, we all worship and are governed over by a god or goddess..."




"Crops hate baths and showers?" The half-elf appreciated his enthusiasm to throw and bounce ideas of each other, but she would appreciate it more if he would think things through better before distracting her.


Close to suggesting flowers and plants, he prevented himself from speaking as he instantly realized the fallacy in his random guesses.


"Dolos, the answer is cats. Right?"


The man in the top hut, seated upon a wooden stool, holding a crooked walking-stick and wear a monocle that failed to hide the evil within his red eyes filled with energy as his skin returned to youth.




Instantly, the third rope tore leaving only a single piece remaining as Ian's legs flailed around in search of it, his hands caught onto the rope around his neck as he tried to alleviate the pressure around his neck, gasping as oxygen failed to entire his lungs.


The colour faded from Istvan Deuce's face, as he once again failed to answer correctly. Feeling desperately frustrated, and losing all confidence in himself to perform, he could only pray to the living-saintess that she would do better than he had. Down upon his knees, he literally prayed to the half-elf devoutly, whilst fighting away the injustice that a man trained in combat and warfare was forced to test himself like a scholar would, through logic and wit.


Although she couldn't read his mind, Robin empathetically understood him, as she too had focused entirely upon combat-ability, strategy and tactics, over reading books and solving-puzzles. After all, might is right, no?


Dolos, who had full access to their thoughts, continued to enjoy the rising nerves and the rising stakes, as their emotions and thoughts continued to spin and churn. The two conflicting desires clashing as the pressure continued to pound upon the half-elf's shoulders, the desire to reach Asai as soon as possible, but also the desire to answer correctly as to not lose another human being, who was considered to be an ally.





I come in many shapes and sizes, within every kingdom you shall find me there.

No matter the species, human, elf, dhan or dekan, I am honest, and I am fair.

Feed me, cherish me, as I do not mind living upon the floor.

I hate baths and showers, try to wash me and I shall leave, forevermore.



"Sunlight? Shapes and sizes, every kingdom, no matter the species, lives upon the floor regardless, cherish as in prayers and appreciation? Water reflects light, sends it away no? But it returns when the rain showers dry up..." 

Robin bit her bottom lip, as she ignored the templar who was literally praying to her as if she were a blessed-statue. Feeling a head ache assault her, she shoved the feather-pen and parchment off the podium and sat upon it like a seat. Rapidly blinking in an attempt to freshen her brilliantly golden eyes, uncaring of the man in the top hat in the portrait who was clearly enjoying her distress.




The man in the top hat in the portrait in a three-piece suit patiently sitting upon a wooden stool perked up.


"I'm parched, we're your guests correct?" Without even needing to finish her point, Dolos nodded as he realized how lacking he was as a host. Two quick gentle claps and a pot of tea appeared before the half-elf and human, levitating around as it poured two hot cup of teas before floating away and hovering over a gentle fire that ignited from the parchment Robin had thrown.


Quenching their throats, as it had been quite some time since they last ate or drank, their nerves somewhat calmed down as the soothing heat spread throughout their bodies.

Without them asking, plates of little biscuits and custard tarts appeared before them, just a little something to sate their rising hunger.



Whilst Istvan thanked the man, who was clearly antagonistic to their cause, he couldn't help but admire the aura that naturally radiated from the man, an aura eerily similar to when the heavens intervened in the war against the elves. Hoping the templar wouldn't vocally ask him for his true-identity, Dolos' fine china cup that was in fragments clanked and clinked against the little plate he held it upon.





Ignoring the two men, Robin chugged her cup's contents down, as she was aware of the need for water and nutrition to efficiently fight and perform. Her gaze lingering upon the pot as it hovered over the flames, reminding her of the times she had taken classes under Rosemi, on how to make tea and coffee for others. "Tea? Coffee?"


"Fire..." "Comes in many shapes and sizes, found in every kingdom where their are people, no matter the species it is honest and fair as it only follows the law of the world. Feed? Cherish? Fuel and attention to keep it alight with more firewood... Baths and showers would naturally extinguish it, forevermore." "The answer is fire."


Dolos dropped his cup, allowing it to break and shatter, he rose from his wooden stool as horns tore out the sides of his head. Emerging, rising and growing into a demon, his suit quickly followed the fate of the shattered cup as it tore like paper. His fists angered and raged as he began to punch the artwork, determined to escape the golden frame that appeared to be his prison, rocking it, shaking it as the golden corners began to crack.


Robin and Istvan were quick to their feet as the templar tried to position himself in front of the girl, desiring to protect her. Seeing the nervous expressions upon the two, the large golden frame suddenly fell face down as it shattered like glass. Emerging out from the back as if reborn, Dolos finally greeted his guests in person, back to his prior appearance of a dainty gentleman.


"Congratulations, took you a while, but you're indeed correct madame~ It is a fire indeed~"


The gallows vanished as Ian was forfeited to gravity, falling upon his ass as he screamed in fright, believing them to have failed.

Robin and Istvan maintained their guard, adorning their daggers but remaining still, scrutinizing the wild-card who was all smiles and joy.


"Relax~ I am no threat. And as promised, here's my end of the deal~"


The two portraits that had been looming above them also fell face down, crashing and breaking like glass. Emerging out the backs of the frames were two men, equally unconscious as their bodies tore through the cardboard.


Istvan was first to embrace his lord and prince, checking his pulse and sighing in relief that he was fine and alive, before also checking the duke's state, giving the half-elf a thumbs up.

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